A/N: Yes everybody, we are back. P1 and P2 are back in action! This fic is going to be darker then most of our other stuff (our other stuff was just, 'well mannered frivolity'). We felt we needed a fic with an actual storyline – not just an excuse for smut. Although, we aren't saying that this fic won't have any…
Anyway, we hope you enjoy reading as much as we did writing.
P1 and P2
Ps. This will have many profanities. So, please don't be offended.

The Walrus' present to you…

Malfoy's Complaint
Chapter One: Dear Diary, Hermione.

Dear Diary,
I would put the date, except I have no idea what it is. I have no idea how long I have been cooped up in this shit-hole know as St. Mungos Wizarding Hospital. Its not that I'm mentally injured, they say I have physiological issues. They say I'm psychotic. They say I have multiple personalities, and they say I talk about her in my sleep.

My head phycologist stuck me in this room with this book, and he told me that I wouldn't be let out until I wrote one liable entry. To tell you the truth, I don't give a fuck about this book. I don't give a fuck about what the phycologists' with their Froid mumbo-jumbo and their diploma's and doctors certificates. If you ask me, it's just a whole lot of bullshit. Just because they have a photo of them with a degree, doesn't mean that they can tell me what is wrong with me.

I can see all the nurses' looking at me. I hear them talking, "What is a handsome boy like Draco Malfoy doing in this horrid place?" "How did he get here?" "He shouldn't be here, he should be out getting laid and living like a normal 23 year old" well, that's how old I think I am at least.

They all say that they know my story. They all say they know who put me in this hell-hole. They think they do at least. They know nothing. They don't know anything about her. They don't know squat about Hermione. My dear, sweet Hermione. My Hermione who betrayed me. That bitch. That whore. That piece of ignorant fuck. She told me I wasn't who I thought I was. She told me I was two, three different people. So she goes and sleeps with Zambini. Well that's what he told me. She told me that she would never betray me like that. She told me she would love me forever.

I hit her.
And when they found out that I did, the on with the straight-jacket. On with the spells, the doctors, the enchantments, the drugs, the potions. The silence yet, the loud droning that is inside my ears.

How I hate that cunt.
But how I loved hers.

How I remember those passion and lust filled nights.
Hermione Granger, the Gryffindor princess with Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin prince. Impossible right? That's what everybody else thought. That's what I thought. That's what she thought.

I was in love with her. No, I wasn't. I hated her. I hated her and her sweet eyes, her long full hair. Her strawberry kisses. How can this be so? Fuck this shit.

I just realised, that there is a spell on this book not letting me rip its pages or it up. Damn. DAMN IT ALL TO HELL. Somebody kill me please. I can't live with this.

I hate her.
I hate you, Hermione.

A/N: Ok, there you go. Trust us, there is more to come! Is he psychotic enough? Ok, you know the drill, tell us what you think!