Well, this is really weird chapter so dont hate me!...

Rains POV

From that point on, my first day of school. March 11th 2006 I was known as Zacks Girlfriend.

Not the title I wanted. But at that moment I was more worried about what I did. What would he

say? What would I say? What would Shine say? I couldn't believe that I kissed Zack Martin.

Shines POV

Dang. That was what I thought when I saw it. That and "I hope theres pizza for lunch today!"

Codys POV

Opps. That was bad. On the one hand Zack did like Rain. But on the other hand every time

something like this happens he disses the person and walks away. he didn't like to be

embarrassed. I knew Rain was about to get hurt.

Zacks POV

OK. So I didn't really like to be embarrassed. My mind was racing and going over all the

possibilities. I hated this, and at the same time I loved it. I finally figured out what to say but I

was scared to. Finally I sucked up the courage. "So...guess your my girlfriend."

I hope you liked that. My other one was better but I forgot it. Later!