Desensitized: Chapter 1: Desensitized

Clenching my teeth tight

My head is like a sponge

Give it to me free

I wanna get ripped off

And drown in the airwaves

Another fatal wreck

On the information highway

"Damn you to hell!"

"Shut your mouth now pup!"

"Make me!"

"I will!"

WHAM! The sound of glass breaking, yet another end to one of he and his brother's fights. Inuyasha limped up to his room. He stopped in the bathroom to clean his face. Slowly he wiped the blood from his nose and lip. He put a bandage on the gash just below his cheek. 'Damn you Sesshomaru, why did you leave me like this mom? Why?' Inuyasha thought to himself as he lay down on his so-called bed. Really his room was nothing more than four walls and a roof. Three of the walls had no paint or wallpaper adorning their wooden surface. The other was splattered with a reddish-brown substance long dried there. 'Well guess what everyone! I wont be treated like this forever! I'll break free of this broken home…it's just a matter of when…please god send me an angel' the sound of the gentle rain falling from the sky lulled him to sleep. The gods had indeed heard Inuyasha's plea. His prayers would go unanswered not much longer.

Inuyasha woke the next morning to the voice of his brother shouting to him from the living room. Although he couldn't understand what his brother had said he knew what he would answer.

"Shut your ass Sesshomaru! I'm getting up!" So as he said to his brother he got up. He put on a red muscle shirt and some baggy black jeans. Slowly he sleepily made his way down the hall and to the bathroom. He gazed in the mirror and removed the bandage from earlier. The cut had healed to all but noticeable. He grabbed some hair gel and spiked his short silver hair. He put his safety-pin earring back through the tiny hole in his left doggy ear. He walked right passed his brother ho surprisingly help the door for him.

"Thanks Sess-ahhhh!" he was cut off when his brother grabbed him by the neck and lifted from the ground. He threw Inuyasha about 8 feet then slammed the door and locked it. 'Fuck you! Bastard!' Inuyasha thought to himself as he stood rubbing his throat.

So go ahead and kill yourselves

It all amuses me

For I'll be damned to spend my life in hell

Another wise ingrate

He arrived at school and went to the ISS hall. He sat in his personal seat and began starring at the clock. 'Hmm wonder what I'll have for lunch? That little nerd always brings the same thing…getting tired of it over and over again. Yet I would hate to take away his pride, he always looks forward to me taking his lunch. Ha, the little freak sells tickets to other freshmen to "come see the great hanyou". Can't do that to the poor kid…' Inuyasha pondered the subject for a while more when he heard the door open. He supposed that it was just kid he always saw here. His nose caught an unfamiliar scent, a delicious and feminine scent. He glanced to the open door, there stood the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She wore the school uniform yet it looked gorgeous on her. He scanned his eyes over her curves when she spoke.

"Umm… excuse me?"

"Yes young lady?"

"I am here to serve my in school suspension?"

"Yes… take a seat…" the teacher looked her over a bit shocked to see such a model student in ISS. Only one table was open. She walked over to Inuyasha's table and sat ext to him. She took out a notebook and began writing. She slid him the notebook for him to read her message:

What 'cha I for?

He looked at her quizzically; she was looking else where in the room. He picked up her pencil and wrote back:

Fight, you?

Being late more than 3 times.

Geez they give you ISS for that?



Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Your brave to walk in here I that you know.

Well you wouldn't do anything.

Oh hell I wouldn't!

You're just a softy pretending to be tough.

How the hell would you know? Inuyasha's temper was rising. How dare this girl! She walks in and sits at HIS table then thinks she can just talk shit about him? 'Well I'll show her. I will get my way!' He looked down to see what she had wrote back:

I know everything.

No you don't bitch!

You can't call me that!

I just did!

You're just a perverted jerk aren't you?

Yep. Inuyasha reached down and rubbed his hand up Kagome's thing and under her skirt. She jumped but remained silent. She kicked Inuyasha hard under the table and wrote:

Get your nasty hand out of my skirt! Now or I'll get you in a lot of trouble!

Go right on ahead, they'll just add it to my list. Inuyasha wrote and snapped her panties. Now Kagome screamed she stood and slapped Inuyasha on the cheek.

"Inuyasha!" the teacher yelled, "Out!" he yelled as her pointed to the door. The classroom filled with OH's as he stood and stretched lazily. He slowly walked out the door and stood in the hall. Soon the teacher and Kagome joined Inuyasha outside.

"Well now Inuyasha what do you have to say to this young lady?"

"Stop wearing granny panties."

"Inuyasha you apologize right now or I will have to get the deputy to handcuff you again!"

"Does he have his taser today?"

"Yes, he has it everyday Inuyasha."

"Not last Wednesday!"

"Pardon me a second Inuyasha." The teacher walked over to Kagome and spoke softly to her, "Young Lady, Kagome as it? I have been having a lot of trouble with this one lately, just in the pass few months he has gotten so out of hand and his grades are slipping. Maybe you would be able to help calm him down some and give him some tutoring while you're at it?"


"I have tried everything, maybe he will listen to someone his own age."

"Okay… I'll give it a try." Kagome answered reluctantly.

"Thank you miss." he walked back over to Inuyasha who was leaning lazily against the wall, "Well now Inuyasha I had almost given up on you, But this kid young woman has agreed to tutor you."

"Oh hell! Why ME!"

"Because Inuy-"

"Don't even answer that! Your all just a bunch of ASSHOLE BASTARDS!" Inuyasha yelled violently and stormed off the campus.

Bring me blood and pain

Of a stranger's fate

Give it all away

Give it to me now

I'm desensitized

'Fuck Them all to hell, Why me god? Why me? What did I do to deserve this?' Inuyasha thought as he walked down the street. He tried desperately to calm himself before he lost his temper. 'I need to relax, I can't let what happened to mom happen again…'

I wanna watch the bomb

Blow the masses high

'Why do the gods always ignore me? 'Cause they are to busy pampering everyone else that's why!' Inuyasha continued to walk down the street; he turned and entered the park. Little children were laughing and playing on the playground. Suddenly a little boy fell from the jungle gym Inuyasha watched him ht the ground and ran to help. Just as he reached down to pick up the small boy his mother jerked the child away.

"Stay away you monster!" she screamed holding her little boy to her chest. Inuyasha watched as all the other parents hurried to get their children into their cars. He couldn't take this much longer; he was almost to the point of breaking.

I wanna get ripped off

And drown in the airwaves

Another fatal wreck

On the information highway

Inuyasha walked slowly through the beautiful scenery. It was so contradicting of his mood, yet he still enjoyed it somewhat. He heard the sound of footsteps running towards him, he twitched his ear back to listen better. Then that wonderful smell hit his nose hard, she was coming. He growled loud enough for her to hear once she stopped running and stood behind him.

"Inuyasha, I know your not to happy about this whole tutor thing bu-" she was cut off when Inuyasha sent hi fist slamming into the tree right next to her. He was so close to hitting her she had felt the air stir around his hand as he punched the hole in the tree. She gasped, "You could have hit me instead of the tree you know!"

"Who said I was aiming for the tree?" he growled lowly. He walked off ignoring her following him closely and lecturing about being careful.

So go ahead and kill yourselves

It all amuses me

For I'll be damned to spend my life in hell

Another wise ingrate

After a few blocks Inuyasha turned on his heel. This caused Kagome to slam into his chest. He glared at her, " Watch where your going wench! How long are you going to follow me anyways?"

"Until we get to your house. We have a lot to work on and should go ahead and get started."

"You wanna go to my house?"


Inuyasha sighed and exasperated sigh, "Okay, just be warned, it aint like your house."

"That's fine!" Kagome chirped cheerfully.

"What ever you say bitch…"

"Hey you can't call me that!"

"Just did!"

And so Inuyasha and Kagome began to argue the whole way home. Kagome got so caught up in her argument that she hadn't noticed they were walking through the ghetto part of Tokyo. When Inuyasha turned and cut through his tiny yard and approached his front door Kagome gasped.

"Umm…Inuyasha? Where are we?"

"My house. Why? I told you it was different."

"Yeah…" Kagome was almost appalled at the sight of this neighborhood. If you could call it that as Inuyasha and Kagome were walking back to his room several gunshots were heard coming from the next house. "Eeeek, what was that? Should we go see if anyone's hurt?" Inuyasha laughed light heartedly.

"Naw, that's just the next door neighbors, they keep having kids so they have to get rid of a few now and then." Kagome was disgusted, and scared.

Bring me blood and pain

Of a stranger's fate

Give it all away

I wanna get ripped off

And drown in the airwaves

Another fatal wreck

On the information highway

Inuyasha opened the door to his room. Kagome stepped in first, tears filled her eyes. There was one lamp, a mattress with no sheets and a board set on two bricks for a table. The wall nearest to the mattress was cover in what she new was dried blood. "Inuyasha… I am so sorry…" she cried letting the tears flow freely from her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and cried for what seemed like forever to Inuyasha. He on the other hand just rolled his eyes and returned the young girls embrace. He was still confused as to why this girl, when so many others had shunned him, actually cared. He had only just met her, and he had been a total ass to her! 'What is with you Kagome? Don't you realize I'm a monster…' he sighed and rested his chin upon her head and let one silent tear fall down his cheek. Little did Inuyasha know, he was holding in his arms the answer to his prayers.

So go ahead and kill yourselves

It all amuses me

For I'll be damned to spend my life in hell

Another wise ingrate

Please Review! I need to know what you think! Flames Welcome!