First of all I don't own Love Hina, if I did I would be spamming the world with sequals and omakes :P
I didn't stop writing Black and White and will probably update this week if I can find the time.

This takes place 4 years after Keitaro stumbled into the Hinata Sou and 2 years after getting into Todai.Keitaro is 24 years old now, Mutsumi 25, Kitsune 23, Naru 21, Motoko 19, Su 17 and Shinobu also 17.
Sarah is tied up in a corner and never heard from again. Did I say that out loud:( .
She's visiting friends somewhere far away and probably won't make it for this story .
Not really manga or anime verse.
If you consider the manga it would be kind of AU.
In this story Keitaro has confessed to Naru after getting into Todai but got no reply so nothing changed for the next 2 years.

Keitaro Urashima finally had enough after being launched for the 6th time that day.
He silently walked back in the house and went straight up to his room, ignoring a startled Shinobu and Kitsune.
He made it without being harassed by one of the girls and once inside his room he broke out in tears and huddled in a corner unable to keep up the mask he had been wearing for over 4 years now.
"4 years I gave it my all and even made it into Todai, and nothing has ever changed." he thought dejected.
"I confessed to Naru only to be ignored and when I tried again they launched me into outer space."
Suddenly he jumped up and said out loud:
"I've had it with all the abuse, I'm leaving tonight."
Within seconds the hole in his ceiling opened up and Naru's head popped out.
"Keep it quiet Baka, I'm trying to study." and she slammed the board down again without waiting for a reply.
Keitaro burst out in tears again.
"I wonder what I ever saw in her"
And still sobbing he started to pack his meager belongings in his suitcase.

Meanwhile Su had followed the whole incident from her own room.
She was trying out her new Mecha Tama Surveillance Camera, Version 3.1 Mark 4 ® and decided to test it on Keitaro.
After searching for over an hour around the inn she finally send it to his room where she found him crying cuddled up in a corner.
Nothing could have prepared her for seeing him, the always friendly and happy ex-ronin looking so down and even crying.
She had trouble keeping from crying herself seeing her "Onii-San" unhappy.
Then she heard him say "I've had it with all the abuse, I'm leaving tonight"
and the following incident with Naru and this time she couldn't keep her eyes dry.
"Onii-San is leaving?" she said to herself in between sobs.
New emotions came welling up from deep inside her.
She felt guilty for treating him so badly over the years and felt he was leaving because of her
A stronger emotion also came, she wanted to protect him just like he did when she changed under the red moon all those years ago.
Not knowing what to do with these new emotions she silently stared at the screen till Shinobu called for dinner.

Keitaro was thinking about what he should do after he left."Maybe I should call Seta and see if he has a job for me." he mumbled.
Just then he was shaken out of his thoughts by Shinobu calling:
"Sempai, dinner is ready."
and he felt a pang of guilt for leaving her but he reasoned within his mind:
"She doesn't need me, she's probably better of without me being here."
and he called out "I'm sorry Shinobu-Chan I'm not feeling very hungry at the moment."
"Okay Sempai I'll leave something to warm up for you."
and Keitaro continued to sit in the corner thinking about his past life and the new future ahead of him.

All the girls except Su where sitting down already and looking uncomfortable at each other.
"Su not being the first down?. That's new" Kitsune started.
"I hope she's alright" Shinobu added a bit worried about Su and of course Keitaro.
Naru started to say something to comfort the shy little girl but stiffened in her seat when she saw Su coming down with red eyes and looking very down.
Immediately she and Motoko jumped up.
"What did that hentai do to you?" Motoko screamed in anger.
"Nothing" Su managed to get out after swallowing a few times.
She added in her happy childish tone:
"My experiment didn't work so good and I got some in my eyes." and she raced of towards the table with a happy smile.
They first wanted to know more about what happened but seeing Su happy again and racing towards the table they shrugged it off.
Dinner went as usual except a little quieter because of a certain male missing.
Shinobu kept stealing glances at an eating Su and saw that she hardly ate before jumping up and racing off again.
Shinobu gasped; where those tears she saw in Su's eyes?
Looking around she saw that she was the only one who noticed it and decide to go talk to her later.

After dinner was finished Motoko got up and suddenly stiffened a bit.
"Is that Urashima I'm feeling?" she closed her eyes and then followed his Ki as he snuck out and made his way to the teashop.
"Thank you for the meal Shinobu-chan" she hastily left the room and went outside to follow him.
"If the pervert is doing something dishonorable I'll make him pay"

Keitaro made his way to the teashop without noticing he was being followed and quickly went to his aunt."Can we talk aunt Haruka?"
She wanted to hit him but then she saw how he looked and withdrew her hand at the last moment
"Sure, Mutsumi could you take over the shop for a minute while I talk to Keitaro"
Mutsumi popped out of nowhere.
"Sure Haruka-san" and then looked at Keitaro
"Are you okay Kei-kun, you look a little down."
Keitaro nodded because he couldn't trust his voice anymore, another nice girl who he is going to leave behind.
Haruka seeing the fact that he hd trouble at the moment took his arm and pulled him into the kitchen seoonds before Motoko entered .
Mutsumi seeing her looking around walked up to her.
"Are you looking for Kei-kun?"
"No why?" Motoko quickly replied in a defensive manner
"Because he came here, looking down. He's talking to Haruka right now."
"You don't know what's wrong with him?" Mutsumi added after a short silence.
"Why would I have any interest with that pervert."
"You didn't come here looking for him?" Mutsuni asked a little surprised
"I wanted to talk to Haruka-san about sparring sometimes." and then she turned around and left Mutsumi thinking about what Motoko just said.

Haruka was shocked, she knew Keitaro wasn't as happy as he claimed to be but seeing him bursting out in tears was the last thing she expected.Quickly holding him in her arms she tried to comfort him for several minutes and after a while he finally calmed down.
They now just sat staring at each other and had been doing that for 5 minutes.
Keitaro cleared his throat and finally started speaking up:
"I'm leaving tonight."
This came as the second shock he had given her today.
Barely speaking out her words she said "Why?"
"I've had it with all the abuse and exploiting the manager around there. If it wasn't for Shinobu, Mutsumi and you I would have left a long time ago."
"And Naru don't you love her anymore?" she carefully asked.
"No" he almost spat out "How could I love someone who doesn't love me back and keeps hitting me all the time."
Haruka started to speak but was quickly interrupted by Keitaro who was becoming angrier and angrier.
"It's her and Motoko I'm most disappointed with, after all we've been through they still keep beating me up and calling me pervert."
"And the other girls?"
"Kitsune keeps abusing me and extorting me, like she would ever change."
and then his voice changed and became softer again."
Su, I've forgiven her. She doesn't know any better, she just acts that way because she is lonely but I can't take it anymore from none of them."
He fell silent
"What about Shinobu and Mutsumi?"
"I'll leave a letter for Shinobu saying that it's not her fault and she is better off without me." a slight pause "and for Mutsumi, It's best if I leave her a letter too."
Haruka thought to herself "He's still dense about not needing him but I can't stop him and the girls, they've had enough chances."
"Are you sure about this?"
"It's hard"
and tears welled up in his eyes again
"but I have to do this."
"What are you going to do now?"
"I'm calling Seta to see if he has a job for me somewhere far away and I'll work something out with Todai."
Relieved that he had some sort of plan before leaving she said:
"You can call him here."
She hugged him again and started to leave but turned around on the doorstep and said with a low growl
"If I find you gone tomorrow I'm going to give the girls a little talking too they wont forget"

Keitaro shrugged and went for the phone
He wasn't surprised to see Seta's number on the fast dial button and so he called.
"Moshi Moshi Seta here."
"It's me Keitaro."
"Heya part timer how are you doing?"
"Not so good, do you have a job opening for me?"
Missing Keitaro serious voice he excitedly started to talk.
"Well we're going to work on Parakelse in a week time again."
Keitaro quickly interrupted him.
"Can I come with you? I need to get away from here."
Finally getting that something was wrong with Keitaro he added :
"Need a place to stay?"
"I'll manage by myself. I'll come by your office in a couple of days."
"See you then part timer take care of yourself you hear."
It was the first time Keitaro ever heard Seta talk seriously and he was bit relieved that he wasn't joking about it."
"Will do."
and they both hung up.

He left the teashop in too much thought to even acknowledge Mutsumi who was waving him to come over.
A little confused she turned to Haruka.
"Is something wrong with Kei-kun, Haruka-san?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow, now back to work." but the rest of the night they both had their minds elsewhere.

He encountered Motoko in the hallway"Urashima what where you doing out?" She demanded
"Family business."
he mumbled before walking past her and straight to his room, leaving a grumbling Motoko behind him.
When he got there he wrote letters to Shinobu and Mutsumi before going to bed early to try and leave so early everybody would still be a sleep.

In her own room Su couldn't think about anything else then Keitaro leaving and how she could stop him without hurting him even further.
She even ignored Shinobu when she came asking what was wrong and when Tama came looking by she didn't even try to catch her (or him don't really know).
It was almost midnight before she finally gave up and just wanted to be with him for the last time, so she went to his room and cuddled up besides him.
And instead of her normal death grip she gently but strongly put her arms around him and fell a sleep with an angelic smile on her face.
Keitaro awoke at 3 o'clock and wanted to get up but something was holding him back.
Flicking on his reading light he saw Su holding on to him and surprisingly not with her normal death grip but now gently and caring.
He tried to get loose from her but stopped as he heard her mumble:
"Don't leave Onii-san."
Thinking she had another nightmare he tried again but know he heard something else:
"Don't leave Kei-kun."
He gave up his attempts to get away from her and instead focused at her angelic face
"She's really cute when she's asleep"
he thought while watching her.and soon he fell back into sleep again, his last conscious thoughts where
"I'm in a lot of trouble tomorrow."

A/N I'm sorry about the lack of the other girls but I'm trying to focus on Keitaro and Su here.
I would also like to apologize for any OOC-ness there might be in this story and for Kanako-fans she'll probably make an entrance somewhere.

If you like Kei/Su I would recommend Child of the Crimson Moon and For Love and Honor by M. Blade they simply rock :)

That's all folks please r and r and don't flame because you don't like the pairing.
Flames will be used to light cigarettes so don't kill me please :P