1Wizard's Miko

Hello this my first fan-fic so I hope you enjoy. Im not afraid of flames so bring it on. Read please

Disclaimer-I don't own anything, there I said it sob are you happy now?


"Sit!"The cry of an angry young girl rang through the forest of feudal japan."I cant believe you called me Kikyo, you are such a SIT jerk." The girl then stormed out of sight.

The hanyou now sitting in a crater mumbled swear word under his breath. "Can you believe her" he looked up at the faces of his two closest friends. Looking down from the lip of the crater.

"She was right to sit you Inuyasha" said the demon slayer. Her arms crossed over her chest a frown plastered on her face "She loves you and you call her by that woman's name. You are such a jerk !"

The monk standing by the slayers side looked down at the ground sadly. "Not you too Miroku!" said Inuyasha in disbelief. Miroku reached up to scratch his head, still not looking at the hanyou.

"Inuyasha..."he sighed "I...I have to agree with Sango on this, Kagome puts up with so much from you. I think you've gone too far this time...you should go apologize to her."

"For all the good it'll do" mumbled Sango. In a leap Inuyasha was out of the hole. "What!" he bellowed.

"I'll nev-" but he was cut off as a large grayish snake like creature swooped over head. "Soul collectors" he breathed "...Kikyo." He jumped off in the direction off a thick forest after the creature. Coincidentally the same direction Kagome had stormed off in.

"This" called Sango after the figure with silver hair "Is the reason you are a JERK!"

"I can't believe him!" Kagome whispered sadly, rivers of tears running down her face. "He tells me he loves me and then calls me by her name..."

She walked through the forest aimlessly. Till she noticed a figure a head of her. Sitting in a tree surrounded by...soul collectors? Kikyo!

Kagome walked forward. She opened her mouth to say something, anything to kikyo to let her know how she felt and then, she closed her moth wiped away her tears and walked forward. They needed to talk. Not for her to yell, to cry to let see her at her weakest. Just to... talk."

Tree branch after tree branch whizzed by. Inuyasha seemed like a blur as he leaped from branch to branch. Kikyo was the only thing on his mind the only thing he would ever need.

Suddenly he stopped there were voices down below. He settled down to listen.

"Kikyo can I talk to you" came Kagomes voice.

Inuyasha's thoughts were now not only centered around Kikyo.

Only silence came as kagome's answer so she continued. "Inuyasha..." when she said his name her voice was filled with feelings. Feelings of hurt, sadness, betrayal and loneliness but what stood out most was the feeling of love.

Confusion filled the hanyou's head, he had never noticed that voice before.

"He...called me by your name" she continued. Kikyo smiled " Good, now you realize that you should leave."

Inuyasha looked down in surprise at Kikyo. He looked at the two people below him. A glance for one and a longing gaze for the other. The one he loves and the one that was just for show he decided.

"Inuyasha!"Kikyo called "time to take your pick, me or my incarnation!"

Kagome's tears fell again as she saw Inuyasha drop from the concealing branches of tree in between them and land at Kikyo's side. He wrapped an arm around her saying nothing, but then again he didn't have to, his eyes said it all.

She took a step backward and chocked back a sob "Well" she said trying to smile at the two "I hope your happy..."

After a quick good-bye filled with tears Kagome started toward the well. "Kagome!" called Shippo the small fox demon "Can I come?" "I don't know Shippo..."said Kagome uncertainly. "Take him with you" cut in Keade the old women who had always been right . "Do you-" but she was cut off again. "You never know how useful a young kistune might be", she said smiling.

After all the good-byes were said Kagome gathered Shippo in her arms, sat on the edge of the well, gave one last wave to everyone and then jumped for the last time down the well.

Hope you like it : )
