The End?

The resulting explosion from the hurriedly shouted spell threw both wizards sprawling onto their backs and sent a cloud of graying green dust up into the air over them, slowly settling and leaving both wizards temporarily in a shadowed world.

Trembling, he sat up from where he had been knocked from the force of the spell. Blinking wildly, he looked at the pale face of his enemy who looked momentarily disoriented before the unfocused eyes suddenly focused on him with almost startling clarity. Looking fearfully into those eyes, he saw himself reflected and realized with dawning horror that they both had matching scars now. The other wizard tremulously raised his wand arm, jerkily pointing the wand at his face. "No," he breathed, voice raspy, and looked down at the wand in his hand, wondering when, exactly, it had broken.

A dark form moved quickly in between them, looking first at one then the other, brow furrowed, black robes swirling powerfully around the lean tall form, striking an imposing figure when he suddenly directed his wand to his face.

"This is the end," Snape murmured, lifting his wand slightly to point between his eyes, prepared to cast the lethal spell.

"S-Snape, no! Wait!" he cried, before a wave of green light filled his vision and swallowed him and he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Snape paused, frowning at the prone body, slightly put off by the strange cry, before turning to the figure he had jumped in front of.

"Mister Potter, are you well?" he muttered at the boy still sitting on the ground, staring dazedly at the fallen body of the dark wizard. At his nod, Snape pulled the boy to his feet, the smaller figure staggering into his body for a moment before straightening up.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, thanks," vivid green eyes blinked wildly up at the older man from behind those round glasses. "I didn't expect you to be the one to come…"

"Well, the others were detained. Come along; I'm sure the Order would like to be filled in on the happenings," Snape stated and turned to walk away.

"Yes, right," he agreed, before glancing back at the body. He smirked, his eyes flashing red for a moment as he looked back with a positively serpentine sneer.

'So, my spell worked after all…' Lord Voldemort gloated, turning to follow the spy who betrayed him, carefully brushing his bangs over his scar.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of J.K. Rowling

Did I scare anyone? Good. That was the idea.

Actually, this popped into my head late one night and wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it down. I was going to delete part of the last sentence "carefully brushing his bangs over his scar," but then I thought it was fitting, since Madame Rowling has mentioned that she has already written the last chapter of the 7th, and final, book and that the last word would be "scar." Positively delicious, isn't it? It leaves the ending open to so many possibilities – I've thought of hundreds of ways, myself, that it could turn out. I do hope Harry survives, though it doesn't seem likely, and I want Snape to be redeemed. I staunchly refuse to believe that Snape is evil. So what if he's a cantankerous ol' codger? So was Grumpy, but I love him the most of all the dwarves. XP

So, in case anyone didn't realize – Harry and Voldemort switched bodies. Harry died. Voldemort was surprised to see Snape, and more surprised to see Snape kill what Snape believed to be Voldemort. Poor Snape… What happens next is, well, to be left up to the imagination.

Oops... I uploaded this in the incorrect place - made it look like two chapters when I was just trying to add a note. Sorry about that.