A/N: Yes, it has been a very long time, and for that I apologize. Lately I've been working really hard at all my stories because I am tired of disappointing myself and everyone else. I really hated leaving this story just open like it was, so I decided to finish everything and quit leaving everyone hanging. I tried to basically sum everything up in one chapter. Hope its good enough!

Oh, and please do me a favor and stop by Unwritten Words, the sequel to Dear Diary. Thank you everybody for reading!

Chapter Sixteen

A Good Change

Hermione, Draco, Aly, and of course all their friends went to bed that night, glad that the day was finally over. No more witches, no more trials, and everything seemed to be perfect.

Feeling like the worst was finally over Draco stepped out of the shower completely refreshed. He dried himself off slowly, reveling in the feeling of comfort from the warm water and the soft fabric of the towel. After slipping on a pair of the most comfortable cotton boxers, he took a good look in the mirror and was glad to be honest with himself in knowing that the past would never be back to haunt him, ever again.

When Draco had stepped back into the bedroom, the first thing his eyes settled on was the perfect vision of beauty. Hermione laid on the right side of the bed, clad in only a silver silk robe, with her perfectly wet curls strewn on the pillow in a halo.

Lying down next to her, Draco caressed her face wondering how he could have been so lucky to have her back in his life. And having her still there by his side meant more to him than anything.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Hermione's eyes opened up, as if it were a strange statement.

"Thank you for what?" Even though she had a feeling of what he meant, she loved to see his faces when thoughts swam endlessly in his mind.

He didn't answer right away, thinking of how to give the right words. "For staying by my side. You never gave up on me, even when I was broken down when Aly was gone. Even after what happened with Candice, you never left."

Her smile was more than enough of a reply for him. But she still said, "I will never leave you again," before leaning up to kiss him with all her meaning behind it.

"I love you, Hermione. I truly mean that."

"I love you, Draco."

"Can you believe we actually won that case?" his facial features were packed full of happiness, but also surprise.

"Yes, I can. We had everything against her, there was no way she could have ever gotten away with any of it. Alyson is finally safe and you both never have to worry about it. She's all yours."

"Even though Candice is gone, I still feel like Aly needs a mother in her life. There are going to be things she'd rather want to talk to a woman about other than her insensible father."

"You are not insensible," she argued. "You are a great father and you have done a great job on that little one, so don't ever think otherwise. Plus, she adores Pansy, and I'm not planning on going anywhere."

Draco ran his fingers through her hair, but never taking them out of the halo they were in around Hermione's pillow. He could never say it enough, but he loved the woman in front of him more than anything, other than his baby girl.

But he soon realized that his baby, was growing up, and before he could blink she would finally be going to Hogwarts and need other people in her life.

"Hermione…" he said apprehensively.


He turned his body even more to lie on his side, and gently pushed his loved one closer to him so that their eyes connected. He never wanted them to tear apart because he loved those wonderful, all-knowing brown eyes.

"You know that I want you in my life forever."

"Yes, I know." She had no idea what he was getting at, but she never got tired of the sweet side he liked to show to her.

"I had lost you once before, and I practically let it happen, and for that I will never forgive myself. And now that I have a second chance I will do whatever it takes to keep you by my side."

She chuckled lightly. At what she didn't know, but she loved it when he talked so serious like that to her.

"I love that way you laugh and I even love the way you cry. I can't help but love the way you love everything and always see the best in everyone. You never once gave up on me, and now I plan to spend the rest of my life never giving up on you."

She giggled yet again and said, "Is this some kind of proposal?"

He even smiled. "What if it is?"

"Draco Malfoy, are you asking me to marry you?"

"I want you to." He turned over on the bed and reached into the top drawer of the stand by his bedside. He turned back around with a small black box. Sitting up to face her the best he could, he opened it to reveal a gorgeous ring embedded into it.

"Oh my gosh," she whispered, trying her hardest to sit up against the pillows.

"Hermione, I want you more than ever, and I hope you feel the same. I want to be your husband and you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

"Is this for real?" She was so shocked, and it shown on her face. When he nodded, she burst out, "YES!"

She reached over and embraced him with all the warmth she had in herself, and felt them both radiating.

Draco took her tiny hand in his, and treating her like fragile porcelain, he slid the engagement ring on her left ring finger.

"This has been one hell of a day!" Hermione exclaimed, looking intently at the ring on her hand, barely believing what was happening.

"I think we just have one more thing to take care of…"


It was a warm day outside, nearing the end of August, and Draco along with Hermione and Alyson were enjoying the whether. The father had taken his two best girls out to the park for a picnic and to let Aly enjoy the playground with other children her age.

Almost three weeks had gone by since Draco had proposed to the love of his life and Hermione accepted. They had told all of their friends and Ginny had planned a surprise engagement party for the couple the following two days later. At the party, Draco had pulled Harry aside and asked for one last favor involving the Ministry.

And that was the main reason Draco brought them all to the park. Hermione had known of course, but only after the papers were complete. She was shocked, probably even more so than the proposal, but it was all in Draco's good nature to restore his life.

The two love birds were sitting on a large green checkered blanket in the shade, watching Alyson play in the distance. She was spinning around on the colorful merry-go-round with three other beautiful young girls.

Draco couldn't help but radiating from the inside when he heard laughter drifting his way that had come from his daughter. He still couldn't believe he had someone so amazing in his life, and he would do anything to keep his little girl happy and still laughing.

He felt Hermione's hand rest on top of his, and he looked over to her.

She had a look of worry, and he couldn't help but smile at how she always got nervous.

"It'll be fine, love," he said rubbing her hand soothingly.

"I'm just worried she won't want to do it."

"Well, I guess it's time to find out."

Aly was skipping towards them, he beautiful hair blowing behind her. She plopped down on the blanket, looking tired but ecstatic at the same time.

"Did you see me, Daddy?"

"Yes, sweetheart, you looked so happy!"

"I got dizzy, but it was fun."

The little girl threw a couple grapes in her mouth, and Draco was getting worried now, too, but he made the move.

"Sweetie, there's something Hermione and I need to talk to you about." He gave a gentle squeeze on Hermione's hand, and she squeezed her approval back.

"Okay, Daddy."

"We know it hasn't been very long since everything's happened, but Daddy has talked to Uncle Harry. Everything is set up, but all we need is for you to say you want it."

"You got me a present?"

"We sure did," Hermione replied, more anxious than ever.

"What is it?"

Draco took a deep breath before replying, "A new mommy."

"A mommy?" Alyson asked questionably.

"Yes, Hermione wants to be your new mommy, since I'm going to marry her, sweetie. I want us to be a happy family, and you need a real mother."

The little girl did nothing in reply other than just think it over in head, and then spread a huge smile on her face.

She stood up and gave her new mother a huge hug, with Gumpfrey of course in hand.