Oh, guys, I am so sorry this took so long... I've just been busy, I guess...

It might be a while before I start the third book. I've got some other projects I'd really like to tackle first.


It started faintly, and lightly. Nothing too abnormal. Just a bit of uneasiness down in the pit of her stomach. Over the course of twenty minutes, though, it grew and grew, until it was full-blown nausea. It actually took Jo by complete surprise when the feeling spread around her stomach, and she felt her throat starting to burn.

She quickly dashed her way into the bathroom, where she gave up her lunch to the toilet. After it was through, she slumped back against the wall, breathing heavily as her throat still burned.

After a moment, her sister's head popped into the bathroom. "Jo?" she asked tentatively. "Are you okay?"

Giving a sigh, she nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Doesn't really hurt anymore."

A little warily, Lou walked her way across the small bathroom and knelt beside her sister, draping an arm around her shoulders. "You didn't eat anything that might've made you sick, did you?"

Jo only hesitated a moment before replying, "No, I didn't."

For a moment, Lou looked around elsewhere and licked her lips. Finally, she spoke. "Jo, do you think it might be…?" she trailed off suggestively, knowing her sister would catch the drift.

Her eyes snapped up and widened immediately upon realizing what it was that Lou was suggesting. Her jaw worked up and down for a long moment before she forced out, "Certainly not yet. I mean, it's too soon for that, isn't it?"

"I would think so, but…" Lou shrugged. "I've heard of it happening before."

Sighing, Jo leaned her head back against the wall. "You've seriously heard of women getting pregnant again just seven months after having a baby?"

"I really have, Jo," Lou answered, offering a light smile. "You really think you might be pregnant again?"

Swallowing against the sudden, unexplained lump in her throat, Jo shrugged. "I really don't know, Lou. I mean, I never expected it to happen this fast… Maybe it is too soon to be thinking about that. Maybe I just caught a bug or ate something that didn't sit well."

"Well, there's only one way to find out."


A bit anxiously, Lou awaited her sister's emergence from the bathroom, waiting to hear whatever news she would bring. She was ready to rejoice with her sister whether Jo was pregnant or not.

When Jo finally came out of the bathroom, pregnancy test in hand, she looked up to Lou and smiled. "I'm pregnant."

"Eeeh!" Lou launched herself at her sister, hugging her tightly. "You're pregnant! You're gonna have another baby!"

"LOU!" Jo gasped. "I need to breathe!"

Immediately, Lou loosened her grip and settled for smiling at her sister for a long moment before a thought occurred to her, causing her to frown. "So…" she said slowly. "How're you gonna tell Luke?"


When the men came home from work—they'd been working on finishing the inside of Jo and Luke's house recently—Jo was sitting on the front porch, waiting. Uncle Jesse and Bo proceeded inside while Luke stopped to drop a light kiss on his wife's cheek. When he leaned back from the kiss, Jo offered him a light smile, which he immediately returned.

"How much did you get done today?" she asked.

"Well, we're still working on really finishing up all of the walls," Luke answered. "Insulation and all of that."

"Oh," Jo said, not knowing what else to say. After all, she had something pretty big on her mind. As Luke curled a finger under her chin and tilted her face towards him, Jo realized that her eyes had dropped to the ground.

"Something wrong, honey?" he asked lightly.

She paused. "Well, nothing's wrong," she answered slowly. "But I do have something to tell you."

When she didn't go on, Luke raised an eyebrow.

After taking a deep breath, Jo pushed herself onward and forced the words out of her mouth. "I'm… pregnant, Luke." His jaw dropped open, and all Jo could think was, Please don't faint like you did last time…

Finally, Luke managed to close his mouth and then sputtered out, "This soon?"

Jo nodded. "This soon. I couldn't believe it either, but…" She shrugged. "We're gonna have another baby, Luke."

"We're gonna have another baby," Luke repeated slowly, a note of disbelief lingering in his tone. A grin slowly spread across his face, erasing the doubt as he said it again. "We're gonna have another baby!" He took both of his wife's hands in his own. "Jo, we're gonna have another baby!"

She laughed, a hand covering her still flat stomach. "I know, Luke. I know."


When Bo passed into the house, Lou immediately grabbed a hold of his arm and drew him towards her. She smiled and he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Guess what?" she said.

"What?" he asked slowly, with a "do I want to know?" undertone in the words.

An excited shout came from outside, and Lou glanced at the door. A grin immediately spread across her face and it only made Bo look at her stranger.

"Is there something going on?" he asked.

"Yep," Lou answered shortly, purposely not elaborating.

Bo waited expectantly a moment before he took Lou by the shoulders. "Something I need to know about?" he asked slowly.


"Lou—" he started, frustrated.

She laughed at her husband a moment, causing him to give her a harsh stare. "Okay, okay," she conceded, lifting her hands in defeat. "Jo's pregnant!"

Bo just blinked for a moment. "Again?" he asked.

"Again!" Lou confirmed.

A faint smile touched Bo's face, then he hesitated a long moment before saying, "Does this change your perspective on having more kids anytime soon?"

With a slightly apologetic smile on her face, Lou shook her head. "No, it doesn't. I do want a bigger family, Bo, but I really do want to wait for a little while before we start working on that."

"Waiting." Bo smiled at his wife happily. "I think I can do that."


Just 'cauz this is the last chapter doesn't mean you're excused from reviewing...