Title Chain Links
Author Uozumi
Pair Kakashi and Uzuki Yûgao, Hayate/Yûgao pairing
Overall Fic Genre General/Mild-Humor
Chapter Genre General
Overall Fic Rating PG
Chapter Rating PG
Disclaimer I do not own nor claim to own this. The characters, ect...contained within are not my property. This is an act of fandom and I do not make a profit from this endeavor.
Overall Summary A series of shorts centering on pairs of people, all connected person by person. Various genres, ratings, couplings, and non-couplings.
Short Tell
Note Uzuki Yûgao is indeed a real character. At the spoilerific funeral, she speaks with Kakashi if you want a reference to look her up.
WARNING SPOILERS for the Chûnin Exam arc.

Chain Links

Kakashi didn't know why he always took this job. Sometimes he wondered if it was a masochistic tendency or if he was a sadist. Yet, when he reached the house, apartment, or whatever's door, he put up a mask and pushed those thoughts aside. He knew Yûgao relatively well. She had been under him on many Anbu missions, and he knew she was not one to fling herself at him and cry like some of the people he spoke to did. Knocking on the door, he mildly considered the hour. It early enough that most shinobi would be out, but it was also the hour that some took to sleep in. He didn't know Yûgao well enough to know if she was a sleeper or not.

Hearing the door to the apartment unlatch, Kakashi knew the words he would say. He didn't rehearse words, but he always made sure not to repeat himself. There had to be a happy medium between the two to satisfy grieving parties.

"Kakashi-sempai," a surprised voice came before the door was fully opened, "what are you doing here?" Yûgao was a pretty woman with longish hair and a face that wasn't gorgeous but wasn't plain either.

"It won't take too long," he said. Usually he tried to get a feel on a person before telling them. He didn't take too long with the news, but it helped make up his mind on how to approach it.

Yûgao frowned slightly. "What is it?"

"This morning, they found Hayate's body. They think someone murdered him." Kakashi knew he could come right out and say it to her. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Yûgao stared at him a long time and then she lowered her gaze, her expression unreadable. "Thank you, Kakashi-sempai. I'll talk to his parents."

Kakashi nodded. "Alright."

She closed the door without a word and he left the area.

The End