Disclaimer: Don't own anything, never will.

A/N: Hey there people I know this was suppose to be a one-shot but for some strange reason an idea came to mind and I started writing! So I hope you like it!

Chapter 2

Alex and Bobby went back to her SUV, still smiling from the kiss she received from her partner. She looked at Bobby to see the far away shadow in his eyes as he looked at the haunting place of where Nicole Wallace was once. A shiver crept up her spine as she remembered Nicole, a ruthless, vicious woman that loved attacking Bobby's weaknesses mentally and emotionally.

"Like I said before Bobby you're not alone in this," she told him, making him look back at her. He smiled softly and nodded.

"I know you meant it," he replied. "I could have killed you," he yelled suddenly, making her jump by the sudden outburst. Alex studied him carefully; he still had the guilt locked inside of his head. The head that was sensitive and compassionate to everyone, and everything, even if the person intended to get under his skin.

"I don't really care about it," she snapped. "All I care about is you; you did the right thing in doing what you did. If he shot at me, when he would have, he could have killed me," she said angrily. "But you stopped him, Bobby. You stopped him from doing that by going by your gut instinct," she told softly. She went over to him and looked at him in the eye. "I would have done exactly the same thing if I was in that position," she assured him.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course I would have," she told him. Bobby smiled at her again. She went on her tip-toes and kissed him softly on the lips. She went back to her height, a little embarrassed by decided not to show it. "We should go back to work, before Deakins sends a search party," she grinned at him. Bobby smiled after his partner and got in the SUV.

When they arrived back at One Police Plaza, Deakins was pissed off, especially at Bobby.

"Can I see you both in my office," he called, from his door as they both entered and walking towards their desks. Alex and Bobby glanced at each other with an 'uh oh' look. Deakins when they went in his office, Bobby closed the door behind him. Alex noticed he was silent and hadn't said a word to them.

"Where were you?" he asked, angry at Bobby.

"I went for a walk," Bobby answered, weakly.

"You've been gone for hours!" he yelled suddenly, making the detectives jump in surprise.

"Sorry," Bobby snapped back.

"Captain, we know how badly we screwed up the case, we don't need reminders," Alex interrupted, furiously, giving Deakins a glare. Alex was surprised herself by speaking to Deakins that way. She usually wasn't the sort of detective to yell and interrupt her boss, especially when the boss was really pissed off.

"We?" he smirked. "It was Goren who ran away not you," he told her, firmly.

"Yes, I know that Captain," she quickly said, not letting him interrupt her. "You know how sensitive Bobby is about getting thingsā€¦ invalid, especially if it accidentally gets someone into dangerous positions," she finally said, hoping to not lose her job then and there.

"Alex, I think I need to speak to Bobby alone," Deakins told her, firmly, continuing. "I thought you would have agreed with me on this subject since you were the one almost getting killed by his mistake," Deakins finished with waving her away. Alex looked at Bobby, giving him a 'good luck' look and slammed the door behind her.

"Sit down Bobby," Deakins commanded.

"I'll rather stand up," he answered, softly.

"No, I insist, sit down," Deakins ordered to him, again, this time firmly. Bobby obeyed and sat down at his favourite chair in the Captain's office. Deakins stared at him at first the leant forward, studying him.

"Sorry Bobby, about embarrassing you in front of your partner," he apologized, smiling at him. Bobby narrowed his eyes at him.


"But I am concerned about your state of mind right now," he told him. Bobby only stared at him in reply. "And," he continued. "You should be getting home," he added, smiling at him. Bobby gave him a confused look.

"I thought I was in trouble?" he asked, getting suspicious.

"Sorry, but I had to get it off my chest before I could let you go. The Chief of D's would have grilled me if I knew you didn't mean to get Alex into a dangerous situation. To tell you the truth I tried to convince her to not follow you but as stubborn as she is, she wanted to find you, seeing that I thought you were only interviewing witnesses not suspects. If I stopped her, you would've been killed," he smiled. "Thanks Alex for being her stubborn self for it," he said, standing up, holding at his hand. Bobby stood up and shook his boss's hand.

"Like I said, go home," Deakins told him again.

"Thank you," Bobby replied and went out of his office, closing the door behind him. He went over to their desks, with Alex looking bored with her head down.

"What did the Captain say?" she asked, when he sat down.

"Go home," he replied, "And to thank you for coming after me," he grinned at her. She looked up, smiled and laughed at his grin.

"Is that really what he said?" she laughed.

"Yeah, I'm not lying," he told her, laughing along with her.

"Okay, mister. Is that it?"


"Let's get out of here," Alex suggested and putting her paperwork neatly on her desk. Bobby nodded. They both grabbed their coats and went into the elevator. Alex pressed the garage button, while Bobby was fixing up his folder.

"Sorry," she said breaking the silence. Bobby looked, startled and wondering why she suddenly apologized.

"For what?" he asked.

"For kissing you before," she said, "That was very unprofessionally of me," she continued.

"I'm not," Bobby answered, smiling. "I always wanted you to do that," he confessed to her. Alex smiled at him, and poked her tongue at him. "Very professional, Alex," he teased her and then leaned down to her height and kissed her again. After a moment she broke away and smiled.

"Very professional, Bobby," she teased back.

A/N: Please forgive me how cheesy the ending is, I couldn't think of anything else. If I think of anything else I'll update which may take a while since I took so long for this to come in my head. Remember to review!