Disclaimer: I don't even own me! My parents do...
Loving him wasn't something she should do. She had learned it a long time ago.But she coudn't stop doing it. Specially since Ty had been born , three years ago.
Tyler was his replica. The curly dark brown hair, the cute dimples, the non-stop rambling, the puppy dog eyes, it was all there, as if Ty was a younger Seth. But Ty had her eyes, big brown eyes and her confidence. He was also funny and witty, things that he also must had inherited from his dad.
She remembered him every day. Every day, she would wake up with the tiny little hope that he would be beside her in the bed, or just making breakfast, like so many times, years ago.
She missed him deeply. Everytime Ty laughed at her showing his dimples or when he showed her the new Chuck Taylors at the mall while saying: "Look mommy!The new chuck tayls! Wicked...". Wicked was such a Cohen word. But Summer had bought them to Ty. She coudn't resist the temptation, she knew that it was what Seth would do.
Sometimes Tyler asked her if he didn't had a father like the other kids at the park. Everyone had a mommy and a daddy. How come he just had half of the pack? For one side she was proud of her three year old that could make so complex questions ,but at the same time she didn't know what to answer. She coudn't tell him the whole story, he wouldn't understand. How would she tell him that his father was a famous drawer, owner and creator of a comic book with her as one of the main characters?
Summer had secretly bought every issue of Atomic County just to see how Little Miss Vixen, the Ironist, Cosmo Girl and Kid Chino were doing. It was a way to find out what was happening to the real people, Seth, Marissa and Ryan, 'cause she knew that Cohen transposed what happened in the real life into the comic. She knew it because when they broke apart, and she ran away, the Ironist and Little Miss Vixen ended a relationship of many many issues, and three years ago, Little Miss Vixen had been kidnapped by the water polo demons and no one knew where she was, and, even if the Ironist had tried to find her, after a pair of issues he had convinced himself that she had left him. Now, everytime Cosmo Girl or Kid Chino asked him if he still remembered her, Ironist answered: "Sometimes". But when they turned around he always muttered to himself sadly: "Try everyday...".
But Summer didn't know if Seth meant it or if it was just part of story. Did he miss her like she did? Did he still love her? She couldn't ask him that...
They were now 24. Summer had left when she found out she was pregnant, and at that time they were 20. She had fought with Cohen a few days before she found out she was pregnant, for a stupid reason, and when she was about to tell him, her dad found a pregnancy test on the bathroon sink, and told her horrible things. He told her she wouldn't be considered his daughter anymore, that she was a shame for him, that her life would be ruined. She could take all of these things. Her father had never been present anyways. But then, her father started to say that she was going to ruin Seth's live too, and that he was too good to dump her so he would be with her just out of pitty.
For Summer that was the most painfull thing she had heard in years. Would Seth be with her for pitty? Would she ruin his life?
So, Summer just took off. She basically ran away, leaving Seth a letter, a note. Exactly like he had done in High School...
She moved to San Francisco. She wanted to be far from Newport Beach, but not too far away, so she could stay in California. While she was pregnant she got a job as a secretary, and at night she went to college. She managed to finish her third year. But when Ty was born she had to quit college for a while.
Now, she owned a little house, and had graduated sucessfully. She had majored in journalism, but still worked as a secretary, because she was too afraid of quitting. This job gave her security.
She lived well. They hadn't a lot of things, but they were fine. Summer's money paid the bills, the food, the rent, and it was always left a little amount that she saved for a necessity. She had grown a lot. She hadn't expensive shoes or clothes anymore. In fact, even Ty's Chuck Taylors had been an exception, and the money had been taken from her saves.
Everyday she had a kinf of a routine. She woke up, she got ready, she did the same to Ty, and went to work. On her way to work, she dropped Ty at the nanny, Rose,and she stopped by a magazine shop. She didn't usually bought magazines, because they were expensive (she only bought Atomic County), but that day, Teen People caught her attencion. In the cover, was no other than Seth Cohen, and above it, it could be read: "Seth Cohen: The hottest geek from all times! Take a look.". She quickly picked the magazine and paid for it. She went to her office and started reading it:
"There are geeks in every school, right?
Well, not like this one. He is rich, he is funny, he is the creator of the famous comic book "Atomic County", he is single, he was a geek in High School and he is hot! Look at that smile!"
Above, there was a picture of Seth smiling, showing his cute dimples, with his head lightly tilted down. For Summer, he looked exactly the same. He was her Cohen. But now he was considered "hot" by Teen People.
TP: Seth, is it true that " Atomic County" is autobiographical?
SC:Yes, it is! Every caracther is based in someone important in my life, and The Ironist, is a caracther based in myself...
TP: So, the Ironist had a girlfriend... Little Miss Vixen, wasn't it? What happened to her? And what happened to the real one?
SC:Little Miss Vixen was kidnapped, and the real Vixen... I really don't know.
TP: But the Ironist hasn'tdated anyone since her...Is still in love with her? Now I'm really talking about the caracther...
SC:AllI can say, and it's not really anew thing for readers, is that the Ironist misses her. He misses everything about her: her smile, her sarcasm; So he hasn't really moved on, because she was kidnapped and he is still hoping to find her someday...
TP: Very romantic! So you were an outcast in High School weren't you?
And the interview continuedfor more two pages. But Summer didn't need to read more, 'cause she was already crying... She never hadgone back home because she was afraid of Seth's reaction.She was afraid he wouldn't forgive her for keepinghis child from him. He wouldn't understand what she had been through, how scared she was at the time.
But she couldn't keep Ty from his father anymore. If she was not doing it for herself she would do itfor her son
Thank you for reading! I hope it's good, and I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in it, but I'm not English or American so please understand...
I'll update soon, but review!