Hey this is my first story at a FFCC! I hope you all enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I don't own FFCC (except in my dreams)

This story has the following: tragedy, romance, action, adventure, and humor

I'll tell you what everyone's tribe, age, job (fisherman, etc.) and what their favorite food is at the end of the chapter


Chapter 1: Tipa's New Caravan

"Patrick! Get up all ready! You're going to miss the caravan!" Patrick got up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Okay okay! Just wait a moment!"

Patrick has gold eyes and brown hair that is just below his eyes. (think natural but an inch longer) He quickly threw on his red shorts and a black shirt. When he exited his room to say goodbye to his family, his younger sister tackled him to the ground and gave him a hug. "Big brother! Promise me that you will come and visit me sometime!" Patrick laughed and replied "Of course I will! Just don't ever tackle me to the ground again or I wont bring you back anything!"

He eventually escaped his sister and went to say goodbye to his mom and dad. "Patrick, you're an adult now. I wanted to give these to you. They were once your grandfathers so don't you go losing them now okay?" His dad said sternly. He gave Patrick two swords (I know that clavats have a sword and shield but I want him to have two swords) and told him his mother was waiting for him.

When he met his mother she had all of his favorite food and stuff pulled together. She was proud of him and what he has become. "You're all grown up now so take care and remember that if you ever see a cow at a fair price, please get it for us." He then received a bag of gil and set off to the edge of town.


Justin finished doing his daily pushups and decided to go fishing for breakfast. After he ate, he ran inside to get dressed properly (he was in his training clothes).Justin had blue eyes and liked to look at birds. He spends an hour looking at them everyday. He then hastily put on his red shirt and orange pants.

Justin was an orphan. Someone or something in Leuda had killed his parents so he doesn't trust selkies. He vowed that he will avenge his parents death one way or another.

He ran downstairs, grabbed his pack, spring water and lance off of the table and ran outside to meet up with his fellow caravanners.


Allison woke up because her little sister was jumping on her bed screaming "WAKEY WAKEY ALLISON!". "Gerrof my bed!" Allison said gruffly. "Fine be that way, but don't expect me to always help you out again."

Besides, you have to get ready for your caravan today." Allison blinked a few times and asked "Wait, I'm on a caravan?" "Yes you are! How could you forget something like that?" her sister asked.

Allison yelled at her sister, "Get out of my room! I need to get ready for the caravan!"

She quickly put on her jeans and a purple shirt. Allison had green eyes and long blonde hair. She ran downstairs quickly so her brother wouldn't see her. She was already late and didn't want to miss the caravan.

Her parents were waiting for her by the front door. When Allison stepped out of the house, her mother gave her a hug. "Cant…. Breath…. Mom! Please…Let…..Go!" Her mom started crying and said "Everyday we will be thinking about you. Please come home safely!" She then gave Allison a pack with food.

Her father came to her next and said, "You're all grown up now. Take care of yourself and the others in your caravan." He then gave her a sword, a shield, and a bag of gil.

Allison gave her family her thanks and ran off to the caravan.


Kelsey awoke slowly, savoring the smell of cooked meat that her parents were making for breakfast.

Kelsey then dressed herself in the lilties traditional clothes (I didn't know what to dress her in so I stuck with the traditional clothes). Kelsey had brown eyes and a nice, quiet attitude.

She ran downstairs to have breakfast. She quickly ate and went to say goodbye to her family.

Her older brother came and gave her a hug. "I'm so proud of my little sister! If I had a chance to go on a caravan, I would be hopping up and down! You are so lucky!" "So, I might die out there! You wouldn't want that to happen would you?" "Maybe…." Kelsey gasped. "Just kidding! Jeez, don't take everything serious! Oh and also, heres some gil that I have been saving up, but I figured you would need it more."

Kelsey then ran outside to meet her parents. Her mom and dad came up to her. Her mom gave her some food and said "send us some materials home once in a while and we will make you something good!"

Kelsey then made her way over to her dad. Her dad had something behind his back. "What are you hiding dad?" Kelsey asked. Her dad then took out a lance and said "I know that your going to run into monsters, so I wanted you to have some protection."

Kelsey then thanked her parents and ran off to meet her fellow caravanners.


"Alright, everyone. Your quest for myrrh is about to begin. Remember, the fate of the village is with you. Oh and stay safe and all that." (obviously Roland)

The caravanners shook hands and introduced theirselves. "Hi everyone! My name is Patrick, and I hope our hunt for myrrh is successful."

Kelsey went next. "Hello. My name is Kelsey. I hope we can all be friends."

Justin stood up and said "Im Justin."

Allison then introduced herself. "My name is Allison, but you can refer to me as Allie."

They put all of their belongings in their caravan and set off with Kelsey at the reins, Patrick walking on the left side of the caravan, Justin also walking, on the right side of it, and Allie sitting in the back, waving to her family.

End Chapter

A/N: I might add more characters to the caravan, it depends. Yes, I know that Justin didn't get gil, but hes an orphan that survives off of his own food. My next chapter should be longer and ill try to post it in a few days, so stay tuned! Also I need a beta-reader, so if anyone out there wants to be my beta, please say so in an email or review.

Patrick: clavat, 14, rancher, striped apples

Justin: lilty, 15 fisherman, fish

Allison: clavat, 14, tailor, cherry cluster

Kelsey: lilty, 15 blacksmith, meat

If there's even a single review, I'll continue