
Rejoice. Y'all can be done with my review hungry ways for good now. Klashfor, HouseCat, Paige Fan, Dru, Nikelodean, Chouse (lurve your name btw), elmthesmartypants, Holbytan, Yamiyugistalker, Ataea, Elbereth Gilthoniel and Chromo26 you can either get personal replies, or this chapter. You'll have to choose. I've already messaged you all anyway, and I'm posting on the run here, so sorry...

As always- Darkangel38 gave me the original idea, The Mad Beta gave me the key to join the dots and finish it off, and LIZ BETA'ED IT.

House and Wilson stood together, mimicking each other's poses as they leaned thoughtfully on the low balcony wall, looking out to the entrance of the hospital. The sun was just setting behind them, bathing the scene in bloody colours.

'Fitting really,' murmured Wilson.

'Hmm?' asked House, watching the entrance of the hospital below them, waiting for someone.

'The red light. Like a metaphor for a battle.'

House glanced over at him. 'Your consumption of romantic poetry worries me sometimes.'

Wilson gave a small laugh and didn't reply as they both returned to their vigil on the hospital's front entrance. They'd already seen Chase come and go, furtively, if you had to put a word to it. Cameron had left nearly an hour before the pair took up their station, merely looking quite puzzled and slightly embarrassed.

'Heads,' House crowed quietly as the door opened. Wilson watched in anticipation, a very unkind grin on his face.

Expression rivalling thunderclouds, Foreman stalked out of the building, shoulders stiff and with a scowl that would scare even quite big children. He paused for a moment like he could feel the duo's amused gazes burning into him, then shook his head and continued to stalk forward. The occasional feather dropped off and stuck to the trail of shaving cream he left behind him.

When he was out of sight, Wilson sighed like one heartily satisfied, shaking his head at House's cruelty.

'You know you love it,' House chided him.

'All that, just because Chase came up with the idea of locking you in a padded cell for a day?'

House pursed his lips thoughtfully, squinting like he was contemplating 42. 'Yes,' he said finally, evil smirk firmly in place. 'And maybe a little bit because Chase used his feminine wiles to get that key off the psych nurses.'

Wilson laughed out loud.

The end.