If by chance you all have read this on the aff website, then there's nothing new. If you haven't, however, then enjoy! I think this is my first EyesAyumu fic, so let me know if you like it!


Ayumu had lost it, he was now certain of this. Shaking his head, he tried to make sense of it, "I'm going crazy." he thought, "That's the only logical explanation for it." What else could explain how he was feeling? He'd expected these feelings; after all, he was a teenage boy. Of course he should expect this kind of thing, but not for another boy. Certianly not for this boy.

Ayumu sighed and leaned back in his seat. He had been waiting for Madoka to come home for a while now, maybe she would have something to talk about. At least bitch to him about 'keeping out of police business'. Well, that was all over with, at least for now. The Blade Children no longer needed or wanted his help. He was actually a little sad to see them go. Well, most of them anyway; he could do without Kousuke. Still, the majority of them he would miss, and it was kind of fun to have something to do. It definitely kept his mind busy, and he liked that. Though, he hadn't found his brother, which was what he had set out to do.

Of course, the only person that could even possibly tell him where Kiyotaka was would be Kanone, and there was no way he was talking to him if he could help it. One encounter with him had been enough to hold Ayumu over for more than this lifetime. Even though, that could be a good excuse to see him. The one that had plauged his thoughts every day since he last saw him. It wasn't even the boy himself that had finally attracted Ayumu, it was that one lone tear. It had shown Ayumu more about Eyes Rutherford than any magazine article or TV news reporter ever could. It had shown him that Eyes had actual emotion, and that he was willing to share that emotion. If even the coldest person on this earth, the most distant, could feel emotion and cry, then so could Ayumu.

Ayumu didn't want to cry, though, he only wanted to see Eyes. Sure, he could turn on the TV and see him in concert, or open up a magazine and see his cold, distant gaze, but that wasn't the Eyes that Ayumu wanted to see. He wanted to see the Eyes that he had seen after Kanzaka died; the Eyes that he had fallen for. Then, a thought occured to him, Madoka wasn't coming home. She had called earlier saying that she was leaving for her trip today. Ayumu sighed, and looked over at all the extra food he had made. What to do with that? Well, he knew one person that would eat it, but he didn't feel like talking to Hiyono right now. She would see that he was thinking about other things, and ask him what was wrong. Then, she'd either get mad or hurt when he brushed her off by saying nothing was wrong because he didn't really want her to know.

He knew that Hiyono loved him, any fool could see that. It was only logical that he should feel the same way, but something inside him told him that he didn't. Something told him that he loved Eyes, and only Eyes. Of course, the chance that the pianist felt the same way was laughable. Even if he did have the same perferences, that was only half the battle. If Eyes Rutherford was gay, what in the world would make him choose Ayumu over everyone else? The odds would literally be one in a million. Who in their right mind would even try to go against those odds? Of course, Ayumu wasn't certain that he was in his right mind. No, in fact he was certain he was crazy.

Sitting here, though, was doing him no good. Perhaps a walk would help some, there were always plenty of things to distract him outside. Grabbing his coat, he turned out his lights and headed outside into the cold night air.

Delicate fingers danced across black and white keys. Piercing, blue eyes opened as the song ended, and he heard clapping. It wasn't from thousands of adoring fans, though, only one. He glanced over at the smiling girl, "Eyes, that was wonderful!" Rio exclaimed.

Eyes said nothing, only looked from Rio to the piano, "Wonderful?" he thought, "That was no where near wonderful." He wouldn't have said it was wonderful. Then again, he wasn't here, now was he? It had been three months since Eyes had heard anything about him, and it was starting to affect him. In the old days, Eyes would have composed a masterpiece on the spot for him. The melody he just played was barely considered a piece. Ever since that day three months ago, Eyes' thoughts had been completely centered around that one boy. How someone could captivate him so much was beyond his understanding, but Eyes had never tried to understand Kanone. Tonight was no different, and Eyes hated the routine that he had become stuck in.

Every night Rio would come over, sometimes with Ryoko and Kousuke if they weren't busy. That wasn't very often, though, since they were mostly out on dates or doing other things of which Eyes did not want to linger on. He would play his piano for the small girl, and give her a melon if he happened across one. The entire time, his thoughts would be surrounded by Kanone, and when he went to sleep. The older one would be his last conscious and first unconscious thought. Eyes had always believed that it was completely useless to dwell on things that you had no power over, and Kanone was one of those things.

He turned to Rio once more, standing from his seat at the piano, "I'm going out for a while." he informed her, grabbing his coat, "If you leave, lock the door." Without giving Rio time to object, which he knew she would, Eyes opened the door, walked out, and was gone. Eyes had known that Rio wanted more than just his friendship for a while now, but never had the heart to tell her no. Depite what many may think, Eyes cares deeply for his friends, and didn't want to hurt Rio. It seemed that she had reached this conclusion on her own, which Eyes wouldn't put past her, but still held onto the hope that he would wake up one day and change his mind.

Before he could even make it down the hallway, Rio came running out of his room, "Eyes, wait!" she yelled. Eyes sighed to himself, and turned to see what excuse Rio would make up to try and keep him here tonight. Instead, she just handed him an umbrella, "The forecast said it was going to rain soon." she explained at his confused look. She knew that Eyes had expected her to ask him to stay, and of course she wanted to. She had realized that he didn't feel like she did a while ago, though, but she still enjoyed his company. Even if they were only ever friends, Rio would still count herself lucky, and wouldn't do anything to ruin that.

Eyes smiled just the tiniest bit, "Thank you." he said, then watched as she ran back to his room, closing the door. He smirked to himself, it was amazing what made that girl happy. Venturing outside, Eyes braced himself against a cold gust of air. Walking along the nearly deserted streets, Eyes was glad to finally have some peace and quiet. Even his mind seemed to quiet down considerably, and he was finally free of the thoughts that had plauged him for months. Of course, the rain started to fall then, and memories came rushing back.

He remembered Kanone telling him that it was okay to cry, and that he should do it or else he wouldn't be able to at all. He hadn't believed him then, or perhaps he just didn't care. He had honestly believed that cutting himself off from all emotion was the best thing to do, and perhaps it had been. He still couldn't help but wonder, though, what if he had listened to Kanone all of those times, "Would we be together now if I had told him how I felt earlier?" Eyes wondered. He shook his head, that didn't matter. What's in the past can't be changed, but he could still do something about what was happening right now. He could dwell on Kanone now, or he could move on. That's when he saw Ayumu.


Sorry for the shortness, but the next chappy will be up soon if you review!