HEY PEOPLE! I'd like to thank everyone for reviewing and not being mean about my spelling!
Akino blossoms
Wolf Demoness of the Shadow
Sakura turned to smile at her crying friends. Even Sasuke had tears in his eyes. "Please Sakura I beg of you. Dont do anything like that." Kakashi mumbled.
Sakura got to her feet and gave Aya a scroll. "Use your chalkra to activate this." she whispered ignoring Kakashi's words. "It'll protect you." she smiled and felt the warmth of Aya's caring heart.
Chapter 3
Fights Part 2
"Sure sis. I will." Aya whispered as her chalkra opened the scroll. A chalkra barrier was around Aya in a second. "Whats going to happen to you?" she asked through the chalkra barrier.
Sakura smirked. She walked forward closer to the ememy, "Itachi if you want me come and get me!" she snapped. A man in a black cloack and red clouds was infront of Sakura in a second.
"Oh my cherry blossom. You've grown since last I saw you." he stopped and he quickly smirked, "You have no happyness in your eyes. I guess you realized you cant live without anger."
"Shut up," she whispered. "I told you the last time that I'm not going with you. I have a promise to keep." she mummbled as her eyes went to his.
She didnt drop down from the sharingan but something else happened, "I see you've mastered Ao-Manako jutsue. No wonder you arent dead yet." Itachi's gazed truned to Aya as he smirked, "Lets see. The girl next?" he questioned.
Sakura's eyes widened as she moved infront of Aya. "You will have to kill me to get to her. Then you'll lose," Sakura smirked and said, "And I know any Uchiha hates to lose."
This was true for every Uchiha expesially Itachi. "Stupid Bitch. You will come with me dead or alive!" he snarled. He lunged at Sakura with all his force.
She used one hand her kunai to block him and she used the other hand to do some hand signs, I'll get him this time. I'll never let him do that again. She quickly did Horse- Tiger- Dragon - Snake - Rat. Fireballs flue everywhere.
She can do that jutsue with one hand? Sasuke and Naruto thought in shock. Naruto looked over to Aya and saw how scared she was. "Aya come here!" he snapped. Aya turned around and ran over to him.
She was shaking but the chalkra alowed Naruto to touch her. He picked her up and held her like she was his child. "Mr. Naruto. I'm scared, last time Itachi-san came he took sissy away." she cried into his shirt.
"I remember that," Naruto whispered holding Aya close and told the short version of the story to Sasuke, "Itachi took Sakura out of the village and we didnt see her for months. She came back hurt and broken. Her eyes were brighter blue then mine. I never saw Sakura the same. But then again that was after she healed Aya." Naruto was sad and Aya could tell.
"I'm sorry Naruto. I didnt mean to hurt sissy like that. But the Ao-Manako jutsue is called the blue eye jutsue for a reason. As sharingan is red the oposite is blue. To deflect sharingan you must use the Ao-Manako eye jutsue." Aya cuddled closer to Naruto as she felt his pain. "She can fight Itachi-san. I know she can."
"Wake up my little blossom!" Itachi said as his pale hand touched her face. She turned around and round-housed kicked him in the head.
"Dont touch me ever!" she snapped kicking his face into the dirt. Itachi grabbed her leg and pulled her to the ground.
He smirked at her as she glared streight at his eyes, "You've gotton stronger I see. That just makes it more injoyable to take you away from here." He grabbed her neck and held her off the ground. "Your so beautiful when your fighting for your life." he smirked.
Suddenly in a poof of smoke Sakura was gone. "Yo! Dumbass! First rule, NEVER forget the basics," Sakura snapped with a smile. Itachi just gaped at her.
Any proud ninja wouldnt use a basic thing like that. This means this woman has learned not to care what others think of her. He smirked at her as he got to his feet. "Come on little blossom. Remember your training. I though you werent alwoed to hit your sensei?" Itachi questioned hoping it would work.
"Wrong!" Sakura yelled as she violently punched him in the jaw. "You aren't and never were my sensei! Iruka-sensei, Kakashi-sensei and Tsunade-sama are my senseis. You could never compare to them!" she said as she cracked her already white knuckles.
Itachi smiled as he whiped the blood from his mouth. He let out a smug laugh. "You think those weaklings compare to me?" he asked. He was punched again but this time in the stomach and a thousand times harder.
"Never call Kakashi weak!" she snapped as she kicked him to his knees. Her eyes were sharper then any katana. "If you ever say anything about him like that again. I'll kill you where you stand." she whispered in his ear as he fell to the ground.
As Itachi clung to his side he fell unconshious whispering, "Damn her." over and over again.
Sakura took a deep breath and started to walk over to her friends. "Kakashi..." Sakura fell to her knees. Sasuke was the first at her side. She was still talking but she had fainted, "I'm so sorry." her voice was weak as she snuggled closer to Sasuke.
Kakashi whisled and a large wolf came out of no where. The black wolf barked qickly as a girl jumped off it's back. "What do you want Kakashi. I'm busy." the girl snapped.
"Ookami. Where's Kiba?" Kakashi snapped. Ookami looked around and saw Sakura and Itachi on the ground.
She shock her hair and said, "Hurry up and get her up. If Kaiya knows that she's hurt I'll be dead." Ookami sighed. "Kiba!" she snapped.
"What the hell do you want?" a voice snapped. A brown haired man walked out of the woods with a huge dog at his side. "OH SHIT! WHAT THE HELL DID SAKURA FUCKING DO?" He screamed as loud as he could.
"Shut up Kiba. If we can get her to Kaiya's house she wont die." Ookami snapped. She put her hand out and used her mental powers to lift Sakura up onto her wolf. "Can you guys keep up?" she asked.
"Yeah we can but can you take Aya," Naruto said handing the still barriered covered Aya over to Kaiya's genin student. They all quickly ran to the bath house that Kaiya and Kakashi owned.