A/N This is it the last part of Bed. It's been on my computer forever and a day. I'm not sure it feels finished but I give up. So here it is. Enjoy. Reviews good and bad welcomed. Peace

Bed 12

Sam snuggled down under the thick comforter. The room was brittle cold. A hard wind had blow in a few hours after sunset it had yet to let up. The wind whipped at the trees sending the branches crashing against the second story window. The small house trembles under the assault. He shifts just a bit trying to get comfortable with out jarring his leg. He winced as sharp pain worked it's way from ankle to hip. He'd been awake for all of 10 minutes and was already trying to figure out the best way to go about getting up. A glances at the clock told him it was 20 after midnight. Dean had been gone for over 5 hours. The glass of water he left on the nightstand next to the pile of Sam's books was finished. The room was cold and Sam was worried. His cell phone had fallen to the floor while he slept. He should have remembered to move it to the nightstand before falling asleep. The cell phone light blinked, winking up at Sam for it's position on the floor. If he could just twist his top half off the bed with out jarring his leg he might be able to reach it.

The bedroom door opened, Dean stood silhouette in the doorway backlit by the dim hall light. He reached out flipped on the bedroom light. Sam got a good look at him he was dirty but whole. He gave Sam a tired smile.

"You okay there princess."

"I'm fine Dean. Go take a shower I can smell your stink from here."

Dean gave him a smile, "as you wish princess."

Sam snorted, Dean tossed his bag into the room he yanked his shirt over his head tossed it on the floor, starting in on his jeans he turned on his heels and headed down the hall to the bathroom. The last few years had been good to Dean. The lines around his eyes were deeper the look in his gaze more hunted but he was still strong, still quick enough, fit enough to get a job done on his own. Sam tried to lift himself into a sitting position the pull in his leg stopped him he gave up after the second shot of pain and lay back against the pillow, breathing listening to the hum of the shower, He sent up a pray to a God he still sometimes believed in for bringing Dean back in one function piece. He tried to stretch and failed he lay still and listened to he creak of the old wood floors as Dean made his way back to the room. Dean came to stand just inside the room, a knife in his hand a towel around his waist. He ran his hands over his arms. "It's fucking freezing in this place."

"The heater gave out a while go. Put on some clothes and come to bed"

Dean gave an absent nod dropped the knife on the dresser, he dug around for pj bottoms and a t-shirt. He shut and locked the bedroom door flipped off the light. He made his way in the dark across the crowded room with out bumping into anything. Having a familiar place to call home had it benefits. He lean down picked up Sam's phone and dropped it next to the empty water glass. Dean slide under the covers giving his pillow a firm yank in his direction, lying down, stretching he ran a cold foot against Sam's shin. Sam yelped a sound he would deny making and smacked Dean's stomach. Dean laughed batting Sam's hands away he rolled onto his side, closer to Sam, he rested one long leg over Sam's legs, tossed an arm across Sam's chest. Sam shifted just that bit, rested his head in the spot under Dean's chin. The was a dull ache in his leg.

"How's your leg." Dean's voice sounded ruff and tired."

"It's fine how was the hunt."

"I won."

Sam laughed, blowing a warm breath of air against Dean's neck. "I can see that."

Dean kissed the top of his head. Sam felt himself drifting back to sleep. He hates this the blurred feeling of sleepiness the pain killer brought. The foggy awareness is better then the sharp constant pain. He missed Dean hadn't talked to him in what feels like days. Too busy sleeping to do anything more than grunt short answers in his general direction. He hears Dean's laughter low and calming in his ear and realized he'd been speaking out loud. "I'm right here Sammy go on to sleep we'll talk for hours in the morning."

Sam sniffled tucked his nose against Dean's neck. Dean shifted away. "Your nose is fucking cold."

Sammy wiggled a bit closer tucked his nose in the hallow of warm skin. "Your feet are shit ass cold."

Dean laughed and rubbed his foot against Sam's shin. Sam smiled against Dean's clean smelling skin and drifted.