I'm back. I just came up with story one night while I was trying to get to sleep. Please don't forget to review. If you cannot think of anything to say about the story, then just say hi!

It's All A Nightmare…
Chapter I
A Perfect Day…

All had been a peaceful day at Emerald Coast. Amy was sunbathing, Knuckles, Tails, Rouge & Shadow were playing Beach Volleyball, Cream & Cheese were building sandcastles, Sonic was surfing, Big was fishing, and Team Chaotix had just shown up…

"Alright boys! Here we are!" Vector announced.

"Yay! The beach! The beach!" Charmy happily cried.

"You took us here? On our day off!" questioned Espio.

"Sure! It's the beach! It's not like we have many other places to go. Besides, we don't get much business anyway."

"Yay! Beach!"

"Hey Charmy, there's Cream building a sandcastle. You want to help her?"


"Well, now what?"

"Whatever you want, Espio." Sonic came in on the beach and ran up to Espio.

"Hey, Espio, Vector! Haven't seen you two in a while! Where's Charmy?"

"He's over there building a sandcastle with Cream. What are YOU up to?"

"Just surfin'. Wanna join? Grab a board and let's go!"

"Didn't give me much of a choice…" Espio soon followed Sonic out into the water. "Alright, how do you use these things?"

"Hah. You've mastered the art of ninjitsu, yet you don't know how to surf? Ok, let me show ya."

"Hahaha! That's the 3rd time in a row we've beaten you!" Rouge gloated.

"Well that's because you've got Shadow on your team. Neither of us can run as fast as him."

"Go another round?" Shadow grinned.

"You bet!"

"Knuckles! We've already lost 60 dollars!"

"Don't worry, I can win it back." The next wave came in, Sonic and Espio riding it.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it!" yelled Espio over the roar of the wave.

"See? It's not that hard once you learn how to ride!" Espio came sliding into the beach.

"That was pretty fun. Wanna go again?" Espio looked around him and Sonic was nowhere to be found. "Hm. Sonic?"

"What's wrong?" Amy had asked.

"It's Sonic. I can't find him. He must've fell off his board."

"Sonic! Sonic, where are you! Sonic!" Amy screamed.

"What's the matter Amy?" Tails and Knuckles ran up to Amy.

"It's Sonic! He must've fell off his board!"

"Don't worry Amy, I'll look for him!" Tails flew out above the water, searching for Sonic.

"Don't worry about Sonic, I'm sure he's just fine." A wave had washed Sonic's board onto the beach. "Oh shit…"

"AAAAAHH! SONIC!" Amy screamed.

"Ah! I'm deaf!" Knuckles whined. Amy got frantic. She ran into the water, bound to determine to find him.

Short chapter, I know, but I'm trying to build the suspense. Please review. If you don't have anything to say about the story (not even a flame), at least say hi! Flames are accepted, but that doesn't mean you can flame me just for the hell of it.