His Worth

Character: Kazuma Kuwabara (no pairings)


So I updated this. I was going back through some of my stories. I like re-reading some of them. The reason you ask? Well, I figure if I can re-read my own stories, then other people will enjoy re-reading them. So as I was re-reading this and it made me cringe. The spelling mistakes, grammar, and the wording of certain sentences. *shivers* I couldn't even finish reading it. So I decided to fix it up. So I hope you guys like the fix ups!


I do not own YYH or the character; I do own Sarah and if you want to borrow her, you may; just ask first…I am also not making a profit from this story; only trying to show from the guys' perspective of how they need and respect Kuwabara .


Spoilers, maybe out of characterness, original character, cursing (mostly Yusuke), and some violence.


He couldn't move. No matter how many times the nurses and doctors told him visiting hours were over. He just wouldn't move from his best friend's side.

Yusuke Urameshi sat in a chair next to the hospital bed. In the bed was his best friend Kazuma Kuwabara.

"Damn it…damn you and your stupid honor code…why didn't you fight back…who cares if she was a girl…you shouldn't have let her beat you up like this…" Yusuke said.

He held Kuwabara's limp hand in his own, resting his head on top of them; his eyes closed.


Yusuke sighed as he heard Kurama enter the room, concern in his voice.

"Did they find her?" Yusuke asked, not moving from his position.

"Yes. Koenma has her in the Underworld's interrogation room." Kurama said.

"Heh…figures Koenma would have a room like that…" Yusuke snorted, opening his eyes but not moving from his spot.

"Come on. Hiei's waiting for us. He seems to be affected by this too…" Kurama said.

He looked over at the unconscious carrot top.

'Oh Kuwabara-kun…' Kurama thought as he looked at the IV that was sticking out of Kuwabara's left arm.

Kuwabara had three broken ribs, a concussion, his left leg broken in three spots, and his right arm was in a cast.

"She really did a number on him, huh?" Yusuke asked, his head now up, though his focus was on his best friend's bandaged face.

His hands still held onto Kuwabara's hand.

Kurama nodded.

"It appears so."

"Why?...That's all I want to know….why…why Kuwabara? What did he do to her?" Yusuke asked, turning his chocolate brown eyes to Kurama's emerald green.

Kurama sighed and walked up to Yusuke, resting his hand on his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm not sure Yusuke…but maybe you should ask her those questions." Kurama said, looking at Yusuke with a slight smile.

Yusuke sighed and nodded.

He gave one last look to his slumbering friend. He gently squeezed his hand.

"Don't worry buddy…we'll figure out this mess…I promise you…" Yusuke said, before standing up and walking out of the room.

~~~~~~~~~~In the Underworld~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Where's that bitch!" Yusuke shouted as soon as he came into Koenma's office.

"I'm gonna kill her! And don't tell me I can't cause she's human or some stupid shit like that! What she did to Kuwabara is unforgivable! I don't care what her excuse is! She didn't have to do that to him!" Yusuke growled.

"Calm down. You spazzing out is not going to help Kuwabara." Koenma said with a sigh as he walked towards Yusuke.

Koenma was in a bad mood himself. He didn't like having one of his detectives in the hospital. Yes, Kuwabara was one of his detectives. He was part of the famous Team Urameshi after all. The situation was so serious that he was not in his baby form. He was in his teenage form.

Yusuke was about to protest.

"We're getting nowhere just standing here. Let's find out what this wench's motive was and then deal with her." Hiei said, his face calm, though his eyes showed his feelings.

Hiei wanted to slice the woman into a million pieces. She had no right to do what she did to Kuwabara. He had said time and again how much he loathed the 'oaf'. However, he held some respect for the human. He found the human's honor and bravery had surpassed many human's he had met in his lifetime.

Yusuke looked at Hiei and realized Kurama was correct. What happened to Kuwabara had affected the little fire demon. Yusuke sighed and ran his fingers through his slicked back raven hair.

"Alright, I'm calm now…so where is she?" Yusuke asked, turning a serious look to Koenma.

Koenma took out a remote and pushed a blue button.

"She's right in that room." He said.

The three turned to the one-way mirror. It was like the kind they used in the police station or in cop shows.

On the other side was a girl who appeared to be around seventeen years old. She was a little shorter than Yusuke, possibly two inches. She had brown hair and eyes. Her hair was long and tied up in a high ponytail. She was pretty but nothing to write home about. She was lean but looked like a fighter. She wore dark navy hip hugger jeans. Her black sleeveless shirt was tight on her body, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.

"Are we going in?" Kurama asked.

He hadn't taken his eyes off the woman. She had hurt one of his dearest friends. Yet here she was, looking as if she hadn't a care in the world. What was worse was that day dream like look on her face. He had seen that look on many girls back in high school.

"No. I think we should watch her for a bit. She might give us a clue to why she did what she did." Koenma said.

He walked up to the window and flipped a switch.

"What's taking them so long..." she could be heard from inside the room.

"It's a speaker. We can hear her, but she can't hear us." Koenma explained before looking back through the glass.

The three guys stood next to Koenma. They stared at the girl who hurt one of their deepest friend.

~~~~~~~~~~In the Room~~~~~~~~~~~

She rested her elbows on top of the table with her head on top of her hands. She looked dreamily out into space. She let out another sigh.

"I can't wait to see Team Urameshi, minus Kuwabaka. He shouldn't even been part of the team. He's not as sexy as them. He's ugly." she said with a scowl.

"He's stupid, weak, clumsy, and just not worthy to work with those perfect guys. I mean the fact he couldn't beat a girl half his size, well how can he be part of the famous Team Urameshi?"

She leaned back in her chair, placing her hands behind her head. She put her black boots onto the table, still leaning back in the chair.

"Yup…he's too weak to be on the team…they should get rid of him. He only slows them down. Besides, they don't like him anyway. They probably keep him cause they pity him. Or just keep him for a good laugh. He does make a good comedy relief, I'll give him that much." The girl sighed and closed her eyes.

She yawned and stretched.

"Where are they?" she sighed as she opened her eyes.

"Oh well. I guess I'll just take a nap or something…mmmm…another Kurama dream with Youko…." She purred.

She removed her feet from the table and sat in the chair straight. She folded her arms and laid her head in them, closing her eyes as if she was going to take a nap.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Outside the Room~~~~~~~~~~

"That bitch! I'm gonna kill her! How could she say that about Kuwabara! How could she even think that!" Yusuke growled.

"Hmph. She's just a bitch. All those reasons she listed are not good enough excuses attacking him." Hiei snorted.

"It doesn't make sense. None of those are good reasons to attack him. The only reason I can think about is if Kuwabara-kun had involuntarily hurt her in some way." Kurama said, deep in thought.

However, he knew that couldn't have been the case. Kuwabara's honor code forbid him from hurting a woman. So then what made her attack him? There had to be more to the situation than what they heard, right?

"Kurama, you know damn well that Kuwabara couldn't even involuntarily hurt a fly! It's gotta be something else…I mean, who would beat someone up just cause they think the person is ugly and stupid? I mean come on, it's just ridiculous, ya know?" Yusuke said.

"You're right however, she could truly feel like that. Some girls can act...'catty' about these kind of things." Kurama said with a shiver.

He could think of a couple of times back in high school as examples.

"It still doesn't make it right." Yusuke growled.

Kurama nodded, completely agreeing with the leader of the team.

"Let's say we get in there and give her a lesson in humanity?" Yusuke said, pounding his fists together.

He had fire in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Hn." Hiei said, though he had a look that was ready to kill.

"Indeed." Kurama said, his features matching those of his comrades.

All four men were ready to face the monstrosity that had hurt their own; as Yusuke would have put it.

~~~~~~~~~In the Hospital~~~~~~~~~

A groan reached the ears of one Shizuru Kuwabara. She had been sitting in a chair next to Kazuma's bed. She was reading one of those hospital magazines that were dated like five years ago. She peeked over the edge of the magazine. A faint smile crossed her lips as her brother appeared to be waking up.

"So you're up. I thought you'd be out for another week with what that bitch did." Shizuru said, turning her attention back to the magazine, flipping the page.

A groan and something that sounded like 'fuck off' came from the carrot top. He was slowly sitting up, his hand going to his bandaged head.

"Relax, before you hurt yourself more."

"What…what happened?" Kuwabara said, holding his head and blinking around at his surroundings.

"She must have gotten you pretty good. You were beat up by a bitch who is now in the Underworld. Most likely getting her ass beat by your friends." Shizuru said, setting the magazine aside.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.

"You're not allowed to smoke in here!" Kuwabara shouted.

However he yelped in pain. He could feel those three broken ribs and man did they hurt.

"It's not like you have a roommate…"Shizuru said, lighting up her cancer stick.

Kuwabara looked at his sister and shook his head. There was no way getting through to her. However, a thought accorded to him. She had mentioned something about that girl and his friends...

"Wait…what did you say about Urameshi and the guys being with that girl?" Kuwabara asked.

"After I walked into the house and found that bitch holding a bat; your little league bat by the way, she ran like the little whore she is and escaped. I called the ambulance. It just so happened that Yusuke was coming over to visit you when the paramedics arrived. He sat in the ambulance with you. He didn't leave your side once you were out of surgery. I told Kurama what happened, who told Koenma. So it seems they found her and are holding her in the Underworld. Once Yusuke heard that, well," she said taking a puff on her cancer stick, "he left with Kurama. That was about fifteen minutes ago." Shizuru said, pausing to see the bewildered look that crossed her brother's face.

"I bet right now Yusuke, Kurama, hell even Hiei are tearing that bitch apart." snickered Shizuru.

Kuwabara's eyes widened.

'I better stop them before they hurt her!' Kuwabara thought as he tried to get out of bed.

However he fell out of it, as he still had a broken leg. Not to mention the IV that was still in his arm. He grunted and groaned from his spot on the floor.

"Kazuma, get back into bed. You know she deserves whatever is coming to her. And I don't give a fuck if your honor code says you should protect a woman. If anything, that bitch isn't worth your time or energy." Shizuru said, picking up the magazine.

She didn't even spare a glance towards her groaning and growling brother.

Suddenly Shizuru heard something and was just able to see her brother find the strength to stand. He had already pulled out the IV and was already out of the room. Shizuru jumped out of her seat, a bit of fear coming over her. She couldn't believe how reckless her injured brother was being.

"Damn it Kazuma, get your ass back here!" she shouted as she headed towards the door, however, when she reached it she saw her brother turn around a corner.

She sighed.

Not too long afterwards, she heard what sounded like a squeaking of wheels that tried to stop. A crash mixed with a couple of curses and screams followed. However, she could clearly hear her brother apologize and say: "put it on my sister's bill."

"He thinks he can get away with this. Fine. He's getting a thousand lashes once he gets home." Shizuru said before taking another drag on her cigarette.

"Well, I better inform the troops…" she sighed, taking out her cell phone and dialing a number that she hadn't called for a while.

She waited until the one she wanted answered the phone.

"Hey Botan, it's me Shizuru, listen I wanted to call and warn you that you have a 6'5" mummy that will be running into the Underworld…yes…..yup he escaped…..uh huh….ok…..I don't care…..ok….tell me if he makes anymore trouble. Talk to you later Botan."

~~~~~~~~~Back in Underworld's Interrogation Room~~~~~~~~~~~

The girl heard the door to the room click. Her head instantly snapped up. She turned to look at the door. Her face brightened once she saw who came through that door.

"Yusuke Urameshi in the flesh!" she squealed.

Yusuke glared at her. He walked to the table, standing across from her. There were chairs but he didn't use it. He stood there glaring at her. Kurama was the next one to enter the room followed by Hiei and teenage form Koenma, who shut the door behind him.

The girl looked as if she was about to pass out as she saw the hotties of her dream. Koenma stood next to Yusuke's right, while Kurama stood to the raven haired demon's left. Hiei went to the far end and leaned up against the wall. Kurama was giving the girl a calculating look. Hiei looking indifferent but those red eyes looked a bit pissed. Koenma was in thought. But it Yusuke who glared daggers at the girl.

The girl began to fan herself, her face turning pink. The men of her dreams were in the same room as her. They were all looking at her! She didn't seem to notice the 'kind' of looks they were giving her. However, that was because she was too busy fangirling.

"I can't believe it! I'm actually standing in the same room with the famous Team Urameshi!" she said excitedly.

Koenma narrowed his eyes at her. Not too many people, especially humans, knew of his team. Koenma motioned for the boys to sit down. All but Hiei sat down.

"How do you even know of us, let alone the Underworld., Miss…?"

"Sarah. Sarah Zenobi." she said.

"Well Ms. Zenobi…" Kurama started but was interrupted.

"Sarah. Please call me Sarah Kura-chan." Sarah said.

Kurama held back the shiver at her look. It was the same look his fangirls would give him. He hated that look.

"That's Kurama, Ms. Sarah. I have some questions for you…" Kurama said, studying her closely.

"Yeah! For one thing, how do you know us and why did you attack Kuwabara!" Yusuke growled, clenching his fists.

Sarah looked at him a bit confused.

"Well I know of you guys because I'm not a normal human. I have spiritual gifts. Anyone who has powers has heard of the famous Underworld detective. And of course his two demon allies. I've worked with some other human's and even some demons. I usually take some random jobs and learned about you from doing that." Sarah said.

"So you were hired by a demon to kill Kuwabara?" Hiei asked.

Everyone looked at him with surprise. He never called the human by his name.

Sarah blinked at him, before smiling and shaking her head.

"No. But I can do it for free if you want me to?" she asked with a wink at him.

Hiei narrowed his eyes at her.

"If I wanted the fool dead, I would have done it myself." He growled.

Kurama gave a disapproving look towards Hiei who snorted and returned to his unreadable face.

"So why did you attack Kuwabara? If it wasn't for money and if you weren't hired, then why?" Yusuke asked, ignoring Hiei.

He knew Hiei truly cared for Kuwabara. Just the fact he was there, wanting to kill the girl proved that much.

Sarah frowned and looked at the Underworld detective. The look made Yusuke shutter. It was a look of pure hatred.

"Because he's a fool. He doesn't belong on such a famous team." Sarah said.

"He's a useless piece of shit…" she said.

Yusuke stood up and slammed his fist through the table, splitting it in half.

Sarah yelped at the pure power that seemed to radiate off of Yusuke.

"You bitch! Don't you EVER call Kuwabara a piece of shit! You are a piece of shit!" Yusuke growled, showing his canines as he did.

"Calm down Yusuke." Kurama said.

Yusuke looked over to Kurama and growled before sitting back into his chair, glaring at the girl. The table now gone made the tension thicker. Sarah became very uneasy. However, she was feeling very confused.

"I really don't see what the problem is. I was just trying to do you all a favor and take out the 'weakest link'." Sarah said.

"Weakest link?" Kurama said stiffly.

"He isn't weak." Hiei said.

Sarah looked at the fire demon with a confused look.

"Hiei is right. He isn't weak. He is strong and brave. He encourages us with his determination. He never gives up and continues even when it seems hopeless. Even if he has no chance of winning, he will continue to fight until he completes his goal." Kurama said.

"He's too stupid to know when he can't win! Then when he fails you have to help him and protect him. He's more in the way than helping! He can't pull his own weight and makes the rest of you pick up what he can't do!" Sarah said with an expression that showed that she still didn't understand.

"Stupid? He might be a little naïve, but stupid?" Koenma said, glaring at the girl.

"I think you're the one being stupid and maybe even ignorant. You only heard about my team from rumors, from demon's who had lived to face them. Maybe from bystanders. You haven't seen my team in action for yourself and yet, you're making judgments on how worthy they are to work for me?" Koenma said.

"All I'm saying is why him? I mean there are other psychics out there that you could have used. Those who are much stronger and brighter than him." Sarah said matter of factly.

"Like you?" Koenma said with a raised eyebrow.

Sarah smiled and blushed.

"Well, I don't want to brag, BUT my spirit awareness and my physical strength out rank his. What is he? A low D class? I am an upper B class according to the rank used for demons."

"First of all, Kuwabara started out in the middle D class before he joined the team. Secondly he is in a middle A class. According to our ranks used for demons. In a few years he could reach the same class as Hiei and Kurama, who are now upper A classes." Koenma said.

"Middle A class?" Sarah said in disbelief.

Koenma nodded.

Sarah snorted.

"Even as a middle A class he still ends up losing his fights and being easily defeated?" Sarah snickered.

"No." Yusuke growled.

"From what I hear, he loses every single fight he's in. So why keep a weak and stupid fighter who can't even live up to his own rank, let alone his own race?" Sarah said, her voice sounding aggravated.

Yusuke stood up again and picked her up by the collar. He brought her close to his face. Sarah trembled as she looked into those fierce eyes. They held fire and death.

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Kuwabara's won plenty of his bouts!" Yusuke growled.

"Yusuke…" Kurama started, standing up.

He had to try and calm down the raven haired demon. If Yusuke didn't calm down he might transform into his demon form.

"Don't say it Kurama! I know she's a human but I don't give a flying fuck! She had no REAL reason for doing what she did! And all I'm gettin' is that she wanted to get rid of him so she could take his place!" Yusuke growled.

His eyes never left those frightened brown eyes. His own chocolate brown filled with anger.

"B-but you don't need him. All he does is get in the way! He isn't worthy to be with you guys…" Sarah said.

Yusuke's eyes flared red as he narrowed them.

"He helps us outta more shit then you could EVER do. He's a HUGE part of this team and helps even though he doesn't have too. He's what holds us together. He's the glue that keeps us going." Yusuke growled, tightening his grip on her shirt to bring her closer.

"Kuwabara has more worth to this team…to ME! He's worth more than my OWN life. So don't you fucking tell me what his worth to this team is. You have no clue how much I—WE need him." Yusuke growled, pausing to correct himself to add the rest of the team.

Sarah shook at the pure power that was emitting from Yusuke. His body seemed to glow as his grip seemed to get tighter around her collar. He wasn't choking her, however, it was still uncomfortable.

The door slammed open, causing everyone to jump and turn towards the door. Yusuke's grip loosened as he stared at the out of breath and injured carrot top. He stood in the door frame looking like a complete mess.

"Kuwa—Kuwabara…" Yusuke said, dropping the girl and turning to his friend.

He looked ready to run to him and embrace him.

However the look on Kuwabara's face made him stop. His face was filled with fear and concern.

"Ura-Urameshi…" panted Kuwabara before grunted and steadied himself.

Yusuke took a step forward to help his friend.

"Kuwabara-kun, you should be in bed resting." Kurama said, also taking a step towards his comrade.

"I'm ok, really I am." Kuwabara said giving them a smile and finally catching his breath.

He stood up straight and limped forward towards the girl. His body was filled with pain. He wasn't even sure how he was even standing on his broken leg. However, he contributed it to his spiritual healing. Sure, it didn't work that fast, but was mostly likely helping him through the pain.

Sarah was on the floor, having fallen when Yusuke had let her go. She glared up at the carrot top with hate in those brown eyes.

Yusuke stood in front of him, before he could reach the girl.

"Kuwabara, you should get some rest. We're taking care of this bitch, so you don't have to worry." Yusuke said.

"That's what's got me worried." Kuwabara said.

The group looked at him confused. Kuwabara sighed.

"Listen, I know I'm naïve at times and all, but you're just as much naïve as me." Kuwabara said.

Yusuke growled.

"I am not!"

"So you did know that if you seriously hurt this girl or even killed her your ass would be hunted down by King Enma?" Kuwabara said, raising an eyebrow at him.

Yusuke faltered a bit and seemed to be thinking about what Kuwabara said.

"I take that as a no." Kuwabara said.

Yusuke sighed.

"You know me, Mr. Act Without Thinking…but it would have been worth it…" Yusuke said, turning his glare towards the girl.

Yusuke felt himself roughly grabbed by his collar and brought forward into Kuwabara's angry face; Kuwabara using his good arm.

"Nothing is worth gettin' yer ass hunted down for the rest of your life, not even me…" Kuwabara said, giving Yusuke a glare.

Yusuke looked back at his best friend, before getting out of his grip.

"Stop putting yourself down! You're starting to sound like this bitch!" Yusuke said, pointing at the girl who was still giving Kuwabara a disgusted look.

"Kuwabara-kun, you are important to us. You are my friend, more like a brother. You are more important to us than our own lives." Kurama said, standing next to Kuwabara and placing a hand on his shoulder to enforce his words.

"I agree with the detective and the fox, you're important...to them." Hiei said, giving Kuwabara a blank stare.

Kuwabara smiled at him.

"Oh so you can compliment me when I'm not around? Why can't you complement me to my face?" Kuwabara said, causing Hiei to falter a bit.

"Huh?" Yusuke said confused as to how Kuwabara knew Hiei had complimented him earlier.

"I found that room," Kuwabara said pointing to what looked to be a mirror, "and saw Koenma left the screen open. I found the switch to listen in on you guys. I saw Urameshi break the table and I heard what was said. I was surprised that what she said set you off." Kuwabara said, giving his best friend a smile.

Yusuke blinked at him and gave him a smile back.

"Well, no one messes with my best bud, but me." Yusuke joked.

Yusuke then realized something.

"Wait if you were here since I broke the table, why were you out of breath?" Yusuke asked.

Kuwabara blushed and scratched the back of his head with his good hand.

"Well about that, I was going to rush in when you first grabbed Ms. Sarah. But my bad leg decided to give out and caused me to fall. I knew I needed to get in here to stop you but it was hard to get up. It took me a while before I could get to the door. I felt like a turtle that got turned over on it's back." Kuwabara chuckled.

"And that's why you shouldn't have come. You are most likely making your injuries worse." Kurama said, shaking his head, yet a smile coming on his lips.

"Yeah, well, I can't let you guys get in trouble with King Enma again. Especially Mr. I Don't Think." Kuwabara said, pointing to Yusuke.

Yusuke grinned.

"Yeah, well, I can't help it if I don't think." Yusuke said.

"How? Even now…why him?"

The group looked down to see the girl glaring at Kuwabara with hatred.

"Why do you choose him? He couldn't even make it to the room without falling on his face, so why him? He's not like the rest of you. You're all perfect! You all fit with each other and complete each other in the group. He's just like an extra leg that isn't needed to help walk. He just hinders the rest. He's clumsy, stupid, and weak and he's…" Sarah said.

"Human." Kuwabara finished.

Sarah looked at him.

"Kurama is a human and he's perfect!" Sarah shouted, pointing at the red head.

Before Kurama could say anything Kuwabara beat him to it.

"Sure he looks human but he's not. His soul is basically a demon. He took over an unborn child in a pregnant woman and became her son. That doesn't make him human, though. His soul and everything else will always be a demon. Besides that, he's not perfect. He has his moments where he isn't perfect too." Kuwabara said.

Sarah looked up at him and growled.

"Well, Yusuke's half human and he isn't as flawed as you are! You give humans a bad name!" Sarah growled.

Yusuke growled and was ready to take action when Kuwabara beat him to it too.

"No he's not. He's a full demon. Sure, he used to be human until the Chapter Black case, but he's not human anymore. His demon blood was hidden and awoke, making him a full blooded demon." Kuwabara said, looking at the girl with pity.

Sarah's face flared up even more, not wanting to be pitied by the very guy she hated. She growled before standing up. She threw her right fist towards him to punch him. Kuwabara caught her by her wrist and gently but firmly held on to it. Everyone looked at him in shock. None of them expected Kuwabara to defend himself. They all thought he would let her hit him. Sarah looked up into his brown eyes with a shocked look. He looked down at her with a stern look.

"We're human. We'll never be perfect, but that doesn't mean that we can't try to do our best. All we can do is make ourselves better and be who we want to be." Kuwabara said.

Sarah looked at him with a thoughtful look. However she closed her eyes and shook her head.

"You're not supposed to be like this! You're an idiot! You are the worse fighter on the team! You put yourself in danger all the time and make your friend's suffer for it! You make the rest of us humans look weak!" Sarah shouted.

She started to cry, tears falling as she tried to pull away from the firm grip.

"Let go of me you oaf! Your honor code doesn't let you hurt girls!" Sarah shouted, glaring at Kuwabara, still trying to remove her hand from his grip.

"I'm not hurting you. Even if I don't hit a girl, it doesn't mean I won't defend myself. I won't attack, but I would keep away from getting beat up." Kuwabara said.

"You get beat up by your sister!" Sarah shouted.

"She's my sister. She can't do serious damage to me and I know that she won't really hurt me to the point of sending me to the hospital. So there's no point of defend myself from her." Kuwabara said.

Sarah stopped struggling and just stood there crying.

"You…you are just…you don't belong on this team…you…you just don't fit in…why can't you just disappear? Everything would be easier…" Sarah cried, lowering her head.

"Why?" Kuwabara asked.

Sarah sniffed.

"Because…you're…you're a disgrace to humans…you…you make us look bad…you shame us…"

"I think it's because you're like me." Kuwabara said, letting go of her hand.

Sarah gasped and stumbled backwards a bit, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Don't say that…! I'm not like you!" she cried out.

"I remind you of your self, all of the stuff that you don't want to be like. You only look at my faults and see yourself. But when you look at what I DO have right, you envy it and hate it. The one here that is disgracing humans is you, Ms. Sarah. Instead of learning from your mistakes and trying to improve yourself, you try to be what you think you're suppose to be. You are trying to live up to what others think you are. You are setting your goals too high for yourself. They aren't even goals anymore. They are more like what your goals are SUPPOSE to be. What other people's goals for you are." Kuwabara said.

Sarah stood there, tears running down her cheeks.

"No…no…you're wrong…I…I am perfect…I am perfect compared to you…" Sarah said softly, sinking to the floor.

"Ms. Sarah, you should stop trying to please everyone else. You gotta learn to do what makes you happy. Do what you wanna do. Set goals that you want for yourself and not what you think others want for you. If you do that, then you'll be happy. I know…I understand…You try so hard to please everyone, but if you keep doing that your heart and soul will fade away." Kuwabara said, leaning down in front of her, grunting at the pain in his leg.

However he ignore it as he looked into her sad brown eyes. He gave her a comforting smile as he gently touched her shoulder with his good arm. Her eyes filled with tears. Her face slowly turned into one of understanding.

"You're right…I did envy you…I hated you for being what I am and wasn't at the same time…" Sarah said.

Kuwabara smiled and stood up, offering his good hand to her.

She looked at it and looked away.

"I don't deserve your kindness…after what I did…" she said.

She gasped as she felt her hand be taken and she was pulled up into a one armed hug. She was in the embrace of the man who she hurt, even tried to kill. He grunted from the pain in his chest, but ignored it.

"The first step to improving yourself is to accept who you are. To start to believing in yourself and what you want out of life. Do what you want to do." Kuwabara said lightly hugging her.

Sarah stood there, shocked for a few minutes before she hugged him back. She started to sob into his chest, muffled sorrys being heard.

The group looked at the two in awe and with more respect towards their human teammate. He never ceased to amaze them or teach them something about themselves. The two stayed like that for a little while longer before Sarah let go of Kuwabara. She wiped away the tears with the back of her hand and gave Kuwabara a warm smile, who gave her an equally warm smile back.

She turned to the group and fidgeted.

"I'm sorry…I'm sorry for what I did to Kuwabara…I'm sorry I added baka to your name." Sarah said turning towards Kuwabara.

Kuwabara looked at her.

"Huh?" he said not understanding what she meant.

Sarah smiled and shook her head.

"I mean I called you Kuwabaka…and I'm sorry about that…" she said.

Kuwabara blinked at her and then thought about it and started to laugh.

"That's pretty clever, never heard that before. I'm surprised the shrimp hasn't used that one yet." Kuwabara said, grinning towards Hiei.

Hiei snorted but seemed to have a small smirk on his lips.

Sarah turned to Koenma and looked down.

"I'm ready to pay for what I did…" she said, closing her eyes.

Koenma looked at her.

"Hmmm…let me see…well you did seriously hurt one of my detectives and put him out for a while…and you did cause us a lot of stress to find you...not to mention I need a new table, since Yusuke broke this one...so…" he said.

"Oh come on Koenma! She apologized and Kuwabara accepted it! He's fine, give her a break!" Yusuke said.

"Oh this coming from the same person who only minutes ago wanted to tear out her neck?" Koenma asked with a raised eyebrow.

Yusuke sweat dropped and his eye twitched a bit.

"Well…I mean…that was before we found out what was really going on, before Kuwabara explained this whole thing…" Yusuke said, trying to defend himself.

Yusuke sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is give her a break at least…"

Koenma looked at him.

"I'm sorry Yusuke, but I have to do this." He said.

He looked back at the girl.

"I hereby sentence you….to help the team on the missions. You are on probation and will be on the team until you have learned what it is like to work as one of my Underworld detectives. You will start once Kuwabara's injuries are healed. You will work alongside him and the rest of my team." Koenma said with a smile.

Sarah blinked at him.


"I agree. It would keep her in check and possibly Kuwabara-kun could help her with her self esteem and her powers." Kurama said, seeing what Koenma's plan was.

"Great another human to annoy me." Hiei snorted, though he seemed to not mind the decision either.

Kuwabara turned to the girl and grinned.

"Welcome to the team." He said.

She smiled.

"Thank you. I won't disappoint you…any of you and I'll do my best."

"That's all you can give." Kuwabara said with a grin.

"Ok, now that this is over, let's drag Kuwabaka here back to the hospital to get better." Yusuke grinned, happy that everything ended up well.

"Why can't ya be more original Urameshi?" Kuwabara snorted.

Yusuke grinned.

"Hey, it's too brilliant NOT to use!" Yusuke said, gently taking his best friend by the good hand and leading him away, half supporting him.

"Now let's get you back to the hospital before Shizuru seriously kicks yer ass." Yusuke chuckled.

Kuwabara was about to push Yusuke off of him. He was going to tell his best friend he could walk by himself. However, hearing his sister's name made him feel weak.

"Shit…I'm dead…" he muttered.

"Don't worry, you can handle it." Yusuke teased.

"Yusuke's right, you did say that you were able to handle her beatings." Kurama chuckled.

"Yeah, well…that's when I'm not already in a cast!" Kuwabara groaned.

The group exited the office, leaving Koenma and Sarah behind.

"Ms. Zenobi." Koenma said, causing the girl to look at him.

"Yes Lord Koenma?" she asked.

"I was wondering…how did you beat Kuwabara up as bad as you did?"

Sarah's head lowered in shame.

"Well, you see, when I came to his door I told him I knew about Team Urameshi. After that, he had a serious look on his face and invited me in. He had me sit on the couch while he went to make us tea. I looked around and found his bat and…well…he turned around…I think he sensed me going to hit him, but it was kind of too late." Sarah said, not able to look at Koenma in the face.

"Well, if you don't make it as an Underworld detective you could always go out for the woman's baseball league." Koenma said, making Sarah laugh.

"I was just curious at how you could mess him up as bad as you did, that's all. Now you better get going before they think you're beating me up." Koenma said, giving her a smile.

Sarah nodded and hugged him, making the prince of Underworld tense up.

"Thank you…you and your team…" she said.

Koenma smiled.

"Yeah, well, I figured I needed some more help with the two morons I have." Koenma said, making Sarah laugh.

He smiled at her and watched her leave the room. He sighed and looked around.

"Well I'll need to get Jeorge to clean up this room…" he sighed.

He left the room to file more papers and get to work learning about his new Underworld detective. She not only learned the worth of the human Underworld detective named Kazuma Kuwabara, but learned about her own worth to herself.

Thank you all for reading this. Sorry about how horrible it was originally *sweat drops* However, I fixed it and I hope you all were able to enjoy it!