A/N: Hello Everyone! This is my 2nd fanfic. My first one is "Only Time Will Tell" and it is totally different than this story. To give a little background on this story, it is a mixture of ALW and Leroux. The characters' personalities are those of Leroux, but they look the way ALW has them. Erik is not a nice person and makes Christine keep her promise to him to be with him forever. If you haven't read the original novel, then you will think Erik is quite out of character, but trust me he isn't! I hope you enjoy the story and don't forget to review when finished reading each chapter!

Chapter 1-The Promise

Christine watched as Raoul left Erik's house. She wanted to run after him and leave Erik, but Erik held her tight around her waist. The tears in Christine's eyes wouldn't stop flowing for she wanted nothing more than to be leaving with Raoul. Before Raoul left completely, he turned around and looked at Erik with a cold, impassive stare.

"You think that the rest of your days will be spent with Christine, you can count on the fact that you will be seeing me again, and you don't have much longer to live with my Christine!"

"I don't think so Monsieur, this is the last time you will see Christine or me!" Erik boomed while Raoul quickened his pace leaving the little house on the lake. Erik kept his strong grasp on Christine who was struggling to be free.

"My dear, I am sure that your little friend has already left the cellar, but let's make sure." Erik said with a sarcastic smirk pulling Christine toward the door where they could look out amongst the lake. Erik looked around and saw no one, the boat was gone meaning that Raoul had taken it and was away from the house. Erik looked down at Christine and began dragging her back into the house. He shut the door and released her. Christine who had been struggling against him stumbled when he let go of her and nearly fell at his feet. She began to sob.

"Stop crying. Christine, look around and get used to this and me, for this is your life. You really should stop crying for this is it for you and you are making me angry!" Erik shouted. This is only caused Christine to cry even harder.

"I hate you! I really hate you!" Christine screamed at him pounding her tiny fists into his strong chest. Erik watched as Christine threw her little tantrum.

"You want to act like a child? Then you shall be treated like one!" Erik yelled grabbing her and dragging her to the Louis-Philippe room. He opened the door and threw her in. Christine fell onto the floor and looked up at him.

"You are to remain in here until you can act sane enough to love your husband." With that, Erik slammed the door shut and locked it. Christine laid her entire body onto the floor and screamed. She hated Erik, she didn't want to be his prisoner and she felt she had done nothing to deserve this life. She began to stop screaming and her cries turned into little sobs. Better thoughts entered her mind; Raoul was coming back for her! She didn't know how long it would take for him to return to her, but he promised that he would come back for her. She sat up and wiped the tears from her face. She stood up and walked over to the bed. She laid down on it and began thinking about what she would do until Raoul returned to her. She must no longer cry in front of Erik, for he would lock her up into her room again and yell at her. She didn't understand him. How was she supposed to love him when he was nothing but mean to her? Tears began to spill out her eyes once more and she began to grow tired. Without bothering to take off her dress, she extinguished the gas lamp on the nightstand and climbed under the blankets crying herself to sleep.

Erik sat in the main room of his house staring into a blazing fire. He was drinking dark red wine and thinking about Christine. He decided that he would move her in the next week somewhere from here so the Vicomte would not be able to find her.

He couldn't bear to listen to her screams and sobs for the Vicomte anymore, so he sat in the farthest corner of the house, away from her room. He couldn't hear a single sound anymore except the sound of the crackling wood in the fireplace and he decided he would go check on Christine. He stopped at her door and pressed his ear against it, he heard nothing. He quickly pulled keys out of his pocket, found the right one and unlocked the door. He stepped into the dark room and whispered,

"Christine?" He heard no answer but didn't worry for he knew there was no possible way for her to escape. He made his way over to the bed and saw Christine sleeping. He hesitantly placed his hand on her face and felt the moisture beneath her eyes.

"One day, I will make you happy." He whispered caressing her cheek. He got up and looked back at her once more before he closed the door to her room. He walked back through the main room and into the kitchen where he put his wine glass in the sink. He then turned toward his room to go to sleep in his coffin.

Christine woke up in darkness wondering where she was until she reminded herself that the nightmare of the night before was reality. She decided that she would make the best of her situation until the dream came true of Raoul returning to rescue her. She got out of bed staring down at her dress. She felt uncomfortable and stiff from sleeping a whole night in all of her undergarments and dress. She made her way to the bathroom and bathed herself. Feeling greatly refreshed, she put on new undergarments and a new dress, provided by Erik. She tied her wet, brown hair back and slowly made her way out of the room. Erik stood in the kitchen preparing a plate of breakfast for Christine. He turned around to see her standing in the doorway. He thought she looked so beautiful standing in the doorway of his kitchen in a dress that he bought for her with her hair tied up with a few strands that managed to escape. He turned back to the food he was preparing and said,

"You need to eat, so I have prepared some breakfast for you. I thought that while you eat, we can discuss our future plans." He finished preparing her plate and sat it down on the table. Christine hungrily walked over to the table, sat down in front of the plate and began eating. Erik poured her a cup of tea and brought it over to the table. Christine had been curious to what future plans he had in mind ever since he mentioned talking about them.

"What are you thinking?" Erik asked reading her mind.

"I was just wondering what it was you wanted to discuss." Christine replied quietly.

"Well, I want to know when you want to be officially married. I also want to tell you that we are to leave this place tomorrow, forever." Erik said. Christine panicked at his words. Forever? How would Raoul ever find her and rescue her from this hellish life she was to live? Christine lowered her head and continued eating in order to fight back her tears, but Erik already noticed her behavior.

"I know you don't want to be with me, but I gave you a choice and you consented to be my bride. That decision was totally yours. I told you before that your fear will turn to love and you'll learn to love Erik, the man who loves you and will love you forever!" Christine continued to sit in silence instead of running away. After two minutes of silence, Christine finally found the courage to ask,

"When are we to move?"

"Tomorrow morning." Erik replied. Christine jumped up from the table sobbing and ran into her room. Erik hated hearing her cry and jumped at the sound of her slamming door.

Christine flung herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillows. She punched the bed and cried loud enough not to hear Erik enter the room. He walked to the bed and sat at the edge waiting for her to finish. She felt him sit on the bed and quickly calmed herself down to quiet sobs.

"Christine, I love you. You know that, I would do anything in this world for you. I am taking you away from here so you can make the change of leaving your lover behind easily instead of filling your head with thoughts that he is coming back for you. He is not coming back; I can assure you of that. But making you move away from here will help your transition a lot." Christine's faced showed panic.

"You killed him, didn't you?" She screamed.

"No, I didn't kill him, I haven't touched him. It's just that there is no way for him to get back here to rescue you." Christine began to cry again. Erik pulled her closer to him and into an embrace. She cried into his chest.

"I hate you, I really do!" She cried.

"You will love me in time." He said holding her tighter.

"I don't think I ever will." She cried into his chest. She continued to cry and then pushed him away. Erik rose from the bed and walked toward the door,

"You have until tonight to get everything packed that you want to take with you." He walked out the door, closed it and locked it. Christine heard the key locking the door and sat staring at the chest of drawers and the closet. She sat thinking about what was to happen with her unfortunate future. She figured she was destined to live out a horrible life with a monstrous man and figured she had one last ounce of hope, to secretly write Raoul when she arrived at her new house and send for him. That was the best she could do. She felt a little better and began pulling out clothes that she wanted to take with her.

Christine spent the entire day and evening in her room not coming out at all even when Erik asked her if she wanted to eat. Erik figured that it was her loss and continued packing up a few of his belongings. There was not much that he wanted to take, just the clothes, his music, his masks and the things he kept that were his mother's old belongings. At 11, Erik went to Christine's door and unlocked it. He looked into the well lit room and noticed that the bathroom door was closed. She was in there, he decided not to disturb her and cause anymore friction than what was already there. He looked at her bed and saw a suitcase open with dresses overflowing in it. Erik smiled to himself. Christine had packed and was ready to leave. His mind was overjoyed, they would finally be leaving this wretched place and move somewhere else where no one knew them and they could start a new life together. Erik quietly left the room and locked the door behind him to ensure that Christine would try not to escape tonight.