Disclaimer: Nope, JK's still alive… meaning, we haven't inherited the rights to any of the Harry Potter stories or characters yet. The day will come… pats peter-pan-equals-love on the head fear not, my genius friend, our day shall come.

A/N: Hey there lovelies, Napolean here! Bet you're ready to kill us… well, that'll have to wait til you finish the chapter… unless, of course, you don't want to read it! Which I doubt. Highly. Hell, I want to read it… peter-pan-equals-love wants to read it. I think. EEP!













Ginny-and-draco-fan: Aww, I love you. :

Asia: Oh you little pornaholic, you! Haha.

Warnings: Napolean and peter-pan-equals-love are completely and utterly in no way, shape, or form responsible of any allergic reactions, exploding appendixes and or hear attacks that this story may induce. Please proceed with caution.

Kiss Me, Kill Me

Chapter Seven

I Just Wanna

"You know, honey-bunny…" Ron whispered sensually, kissing his way up his lover's collar bone and neck to his ear, at which point, he bit it playfully.

Harry let out a groan and rolled over on top of him, gazing down into his deep blue eyes briefly, before abruptly kissing him on the tip of his nose. "What, love?"

Blushing, Ron looked away, biting his lip shyly. "There's supposed to be a big Slytherin party tonight that we're missing out on."

He grinned lazily, allowing his hair to droop down into his bright green eyes. "Oh?" Ron nodded, causing him to grin more widely, "Well then, we'll just have to make a party of our own right here, won't we?"

The red-haired boy's eyes widened, and he glanced back up at his lover just in time to feel the hardening rod growing against his inner thigh. "Oh my-" he was cut off by the sweet soft lips of the boy he'd fallen for years before.


"Luna, you cow! There's no party here!" Ginny growled angrily, glaring dangerously at the pale girl cursing furiously at the statue of Salazar Slytherin that blocked the entrance to their Common Room. No drum beats from obnoxiously loud music or sounds of teenagers crashing about drunkenly could be heard from their end of the entrance. Sighing, she slouched against the wall, "He probably stood us up."

Luna abandoned her attempts at cursing the statue into letting them into the Common Room and frowned sadly at her friend, "Do you really think he would?"

"Hell no, I wouldn't!" Blaise shouted, jumping out from behind the statue and whirling her around to face him. Smiling devilishly down at her for only a moment, he planted his lips firmly onto hers.

She almost responded, but only just for a second before she shoved him away and slapped him hard against the face.

"Harsh, Luna." Ginny laughed and shoved her friend in the shoulder, "You're not supposed to hit the boys you like anymore. It's very muggle third form of you!"

She blushed furiously and muttered a brief apology, biting her lip. "Habit?"

Nursing his sore cheek, Blaise nodded, walking back towards the statue, beckoning the girls to follow him inside. "Uhm… drinks are with the ugly one by the fireplace." he hollered loudly over the blaring music, nodding in the direction of Greg Goyle. "And anything else ya'll might want is with the other ugly one by the chess table." This time, he nodded at Marcus Flint who was gnashing his teeth while playing an intense-looking match against Vincent Crabbe.


Ginny sat in a not-so-comfy big green chair in the corner of the Slytherin's Common Room, nursing a strong iced concoction gingerly pressing it up to her lips for a sip every so often. Oh yea, this is the life… she thought to herself, feeling very out-of-place and rebellious for being at an underground Slytherin party.

I've got a lovely bunch of coconu- oh God, not again! "Weasley?! What the bloody hell are you doing here?" If she passes out again this time, I swear I'm leaving her here… to get mugged and raped by some sleazy sixth year that can't get any on his own. Oh yea, Draco… you'd never sink that low… being the Slytherin Sex God and all.. Oh shit. I'm rambling again. Draco quickly coughed his way out of his own thoughts and glared down at her expectantly. "Well?"

She flashed him a sweet smile and giggled out a hiccup. "Aw, and Blaise said you wanted me here." she pouted lamely, blinking up at him as seductively as she could possibly muster.


"Woah, woah, woah, young lady!" Napolean snapped, yanking Ginny out of her chair, "What the hell is with the forwardness?!"

Ginny hiccupped and laughed at the author, giving her a silly grin, "Maybe if you hadn't spiked the punch, Poleooo." she giggled, stumbling back into the chair she'd occupied moments before.

"B-b-but I like Draco!" the author wined, stamping her foot angrily.

"BOOOOO!" peter-pan ordered, chucking her entire bag of microwave popcorn at Napolean. "ON WITH THE STORY, WOMAN!"

"Pshh, fiiiyen!"


He frowned, shaking his head to keep himself from lapsing into another long-winded mind-debate. "So.. Is this what you expected, then? Out of a Slytherin party?" Oh yea, Draco. Great way to start a conversation… you suck. Great. Now I'm insulting myself. What the hell happened to Slytherin Sex God? It's official, I'm going mad. Oo! Look, she's talking! Wait. I'm missing it! Nooooo! "What?" Greeeat. Now you're looking interested, way to blow your bad-boy rep.

"Well, you're all a lot calm-" she was cut off by the sight of a very nude Thomas Knott running by the statue and up the stairs to what she assumed were the boys' dorms. "That's more like it!" she cheered, raising her glass up for a giddy toast.

Draco laughed at her clearly-drunken cheering and clinked glasses with her, "That's nothing, compared to what you'd see if you actually went up there."

Her eyes widened, "Really?" He nodded, grinning. "And what would I see if I went up there, hmmm?" she slurred, as she tried to give him yet another seductive grin.

He hopped up from his spot next to her and offered her his hand, which she took almost immediately. "Words could not explain." he said in what was only a sheer attempt at his usual charm. "So I'm guessing you're just going to have to find out!"


"What's that?" Luna questioned, eyeing the strangely-shaped huge purple glass object in the middle of a circle of big green floor pillows. It was large and round like a bowl at the very bottom but narrowed towards the middle, where six thin hoses came out of the 'thing'. It thinned more after the hoses and widened at the very top in the shape of a smaller bowl.

Blaise laughed at her ignorance and shook his head, plopping down onto one of the pillows and patting the one next to him. "This lovely lady is Medusa." he said with a grin, handing her one of the many hoses.

She frowned, sitting next to him and taking the hose and eyeing it suspiciously. "Okay…" Glancing over at him, "What am I supposed to do?"

"Do what I do." he chuckled with a grin, bringing the hose up to his mouth and sucking lightly on the tip.

Luna mirrored his actions, pressing the tip of the hose to her lips and sucking a strange, sticky gas into her lungs, too thick to be just oxygen.

Her lungs were ready to burst by the time Blaise finally removed his hose from his mouth, signaling for her to remove her own. "Hold it in," he said in a strained voice, trying not to let too much air out while he spoke.

For a few more seconds, she was able to hold her breath until he let out a small puff of smoke. She could practically feel her throat burning, as she coughed and sputtered to get the smoke out of her lungs. Her mouth was dry and tasted like dirt and musk, "Drink." she choked at Blaise, going into yet another abrupt coughing fit.

He couldn't help but laugh, handing her his drink and patting her harshly on the back a few times. In thick dark letters under where her hose protruded from 'Medusa', a name appeared. "Yeaaa! Your first time, and you're already 'Lady Iron Lungs'."

Luna scowled up at him, slurping down the entire drink, trying to sooth her throat - it felt like someone had taken a piece of metal and scrapped the crap out of her lungs. She handed him the empty cup and glared moodily at him, "What the hell was that?!"

"That, my dear. Was the muggle drug popularly referred to as hash."


Something about the way she looked that evening had her standing in front of her full-bodied mirror, gazing at her worn flesh. Minerva traced the tight-knit wrinkles of her lips and neck. Tears formed in her eyes, and she sniffled to hold them back from falling.

"How can you still want me?" she whispered into the air, frowning and biting her lip.

Stepping away from the mirror, Minerva curled up in her favorite chair by the fireplace, allowing her eyelids to droop and herself to fall into a light snooze.

"Minnie, you look beautiful." he swore, grinning down at her, as she checked herself overin the mirror for what had to be the hundredth time.

She frowned, meeting his eyes through the mirror, "Do you mean it? Won't they notice?" she questioned, eyeing her slightly rounded middle suspiciously. "Professor Dumbledore knows we're together, Tom - if he finds out, you'll surely get the-"

He cut her off by embracing her from behind, wrapping his arms around her and allowing his hands to rest protectively on her stomach, "No one will know." he promised, kissing her on her neck just below her ear. "I'm not going anywhere."


A/N: Whatcha think, dears? peter-pan-equals-love says it's too short, but I disagree. Hokay, I admit - it's a bit short. QUIT LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!


I hope you liked it : and school's doing better, so I should be able to keep up with updates a LOT easier from here on out.
