Have you been wondering what Phoebe's column was about? Wonder no more! Here ya go.
CHAPTER TWENTY-SIXSpecial note from Phoebe: Last night, I lost my beloved sister Piper to ovarian cancer. The previous night, I spent the time reading her your letters while she told me what her advice would've been. So today in her honor, I'm going to let my big sister take my place. This if for you, Piper! I'll always miss you; always love you!
And looking through my various virtual photo albums, I find my favorite picture of Piper and add it to the piece, knowing that Elise will use it in place of my own and will also substitute "Ask Piper" for "Ask Phoebe".
I take the letters out of my briefcase, type each of them out, then add Piper's advice, wondering what Paige will think when she sees the column. I wasn't certain if I'd remember all of Piper's advice, since I only decided to do this while talking with Elise, but I can hear my sister's voice in my head, so all I have to do is take dictation. And when I finish and send it on its way to Elise, Piper's voice tells me how much she appreciates this, how much she loves me, and then it's gone, and once more I find myself crying, just missing her so very, very much.
When I finally sniffle back my tears, I know I somehow have to get away, like I did when I called Elise, but even though I know they wouldn't mind, I don't really want to bother Paige or Leo or the boys. I also don't really want to bother any of my other friends. I know they'll just want to hear all about it and I really don't want to cry any more tonight.
Then an idea hits me. Getting up, I walk over to my closet and start rooting through it. I look and I look and I look until I finally find what I was looking for: the present Piper gave me the first Christmas after Dad died, when we became adult orphans, something she also gave to Paige. Sitting in my favorite chair, the afghan Piper crocheted for me wrapped around my legs, I open the book cover to see my sister's handwriting:
Dear Phoebe,
You know how much I have always wanted a normal life, yet once I finally read a book that doesn't involve cooking instructions, what is it about? Magic, that's what. It's like I can't get away from it. But as I have followed the story, I gained a greater appreciation for all we have been given, something the hero of this story never had, and that's my family. So, as we miss Dad this holiday season, I thought this might help you to also remember the wonderful gifts our family has given us. I know one of my best gifts was when Mom and Dad gave me a younger sister! Blessed be,
Love ya, Phoebs!
I snuffle a bit from that, then I turn to the first chapter and begin to read:
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense…