Stag and Flower

Chapter 1: Diagon Alley

"Padfoot, you won't be able to walk around Diagon Alley if you keep eating all that food. You must've gained fifty pounds in the two months that you've been here," James Potter said to Sirius Black. James had thick messy black hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. He was very tall and had a strong build from years of Quidditch.

"I know. This food is to die for. Whatever your houselves are getting paid, it isn't enough," Sirius replied. He also had black hair but his was a little longer than James'. He had dark brown eyes and a smile that made all the girls swoon.

"I'll remember that, I'm sure," James said sarcastically. "Now can we please go? I have a thousand things to do before I see Lily in Floran Fortsecue's."

"How do you know she'll be there?"

"Because she's there every year at 2:30. And if I know my Lily, she won't miss a date," James said confidently.

"She isn't your Lily and it isn't a date."

"Anyway," James glared at Sirius before continuing, "aren't you supposed to be meeting some girl at 1:00?"

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Me and, uh, Tina or is it Lisa or maybe it's Susan. Oh well, we've been going out for a week now and I have to end it before it gets too serious. Alright then I'm ready," he said licking the last few crumbs off his plate. "So how will we be traveling this fine morning? Apparition? Floo powder? Taxi?"


"Right-o." And with two pops they left the Potter manor and arrived in Diagon Alley. They met Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Remus was the more reasonable of the Marauders. He had sandy brown hair with flecks of gray and his eyes were a faded blue. He was a werewolf and, after more than ten dozen monthly transformations, he looked a lot older than seventeen. Peter is probably the last person you would expect to be a member of the famous Marauders. While his three friends were exceptionally talented and brave, he was an average wizard. He was short, a little overweight, and envied his fellow Marauders greatly.

The four friends set off to buy their school supplies, as they were to be leaving for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in one week. Two hours later, Sirius left his friends to break some poor girl's heart. James, Remus and Peter continued their shopping until 2:30 when James left to casually "bump into" Lily Evans, the girl he's loved since first year. He confidently walked into the ice cream parlor and saw Lily sitting with her parents drinking a chocolate malt.

"Dear God, here we go!" Lily thought as she noticed James walk in the door.

"Well if it isn't my favorite family: The Evans! Mr. Evans, how long's it been now? Two years?" James said offering his hand out to Lily's father.

"I believe so," he said, shaking James' hand. "How Lily loves the owl you got her for Christmas that year." Lily shot her father a livid look, but he just shrugged it off.

"And Mrs. Evans, you look even more beautiful than I remember. Time does nothing but wonders for you." James gently lifted her hand from where it sat on the table and kissed the top of it.

"Thank you, James," Mrs. Evans turned a deep shade of red.

"This is getting ridiculous," Lily thought, rolling her eyes at her mother. She quietly got out of her seat and slipped out of the parlor.

James didn't notice Lily leave so he continued talking with her parents.

"So James, how are your parents?" Mr. Evans asked.

"Well actually, have you heard of the Death Eaters?" James asked cautiously.

"Yes we've read about them in the Daily Prophet Lily's been receiving. Followers of that evil Lord Voldemort, right?"

"Right. Well, a group of them attacked my parents. Sirius Black and I found their bodies when we got home from Hogwarts at the beginning of the summer," James said, bravely.

"Oh, James. We're so sorry. Lily's told us that you and Sirius were like brothers. How have you been taking it?" Mrs. Evans sounded genuinely concerned.

"It was hard at first. Like you said, Sirius and I are brothers and we both lost our parents that day. But it's been about two months and it's gotten easier."

"Why do you suppose the Death Eaters chose your parents?" Mr. Evans asked.

"My parents were considered blood traitors and what with Sirius moving in with us last summer. Everyone in his family are big supporters of Voldemort."

"Why that must be terrible for Sirius. Well, if you need anything you just send me a letter, okay?" Mrs. Evans asked.

"Of course, thank you. Well, I suppose Lily slipped away," James said turning to her empty seat, finally noticing she had gone. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find her and have a word with her. It was lovely seeing you again."

"Goodbye, oh and James? Give Lily time. She will come around," Mr. Evans finished.

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," James replied coyly, as he turned to leave, a huge smile played across his face.

Lily was walking down the sidewalk of Diagon Alley, when she noticed James walk up beside her. She turned to him as she snapped, "Oh God, Potter please go fly a kite or something. I don't want to put up with you at the moment."

"Ah, the crown jewels of the Evans family," James said, ignoring her comment. "Well you certainly have, um, matured over the summer," James finished, eying Lily. She'd grown about five inches taller and gone at least two sizes up in the chest area. Lily had become a woman.

Today, she wore faded blue jeans that sat comfortably low on her hips. They were tight in the seat and thighs and came down long and baggy covering most of her green slip-ons. Her green V-neck shirt showed just enough cleavage to drive James wild but look classy at the same time. Her auburn hair came about halfway down her back and a light layer of black eye liner surrounded her almond-shaped emerald eyes.

"For Christ's sake, Potter, put your eyes back in your head," Lily snapped noticing the way James stared at her.

"Sorry, Evans, it's just, you look…wow," James finally blurted out.

"Thank you," she replied.

"Have a good vacation?"

"Fine. My sister got engaged to a slime ball of a man. How was yours?"

"Pretty good. Of course, it would have been better if you-"


"Did you make head girl?"

"Yes, I did," Lily answered nonchalantly.

"Do you know who made head boy?"

"Not yet. I thought it would be Remus. Have you talked to him?"

"Yes but Remus didn't make Head Boy," James replied, smiling.

"What? Remus didn't? Oh, well, I have no idea then," Lily said, looking a little worried.

"Well, you are in for a big surprise."

"You know? Tell me, please," Lily begged.

"You'll just have to wait a week and see." And with that James walked

away leaving a confused Lily staring after him.

When James caught up with the other three marauders, Sirius asked him how it went.

"Swimmingly," James replied happily. "How about you?"

"Her name was Lisa, I called her Susan. She left to find her best friend, named Susan, I might add. She thought I was leaving her for her friend."

"Congratulations, Sirius, you've officially broken up six friendships. I suggest you stay away from all girls for a while," Remus said, sarcastically.

"You know I can't do that."

"Well find a girl that you can stick with."

"Now that I can do."