Disclaimer: GreenMagicite does not own Sega, nor Sonic Team. Nor any of the characters. Because if he did, there would be many more KnuxRouge scenes.

D.GM: There happens to be a brief mention of Shadow the Hedgehog in this fic. That means there are spoilers for that game. And some of it is made up, understand?

GM: Sorry for it being a bit short, this is my first time writing a story in a diary-like format. It is especially difficult because Chaos isn't much of a talker. Now, enjoy.

I am Chaos.

Older than the universe itself, adept with the element water, and the most powerful being to exist; all others are merely power hungry mortals, or, as the case may be, immortals.

Black Doom. I know you, and you know me. We are, regrettably, alike. You are immortal as well. I stopped your plans for so long, until my patience finally snapped with the Echidnas. You were able to start your plans, then, were you not? All the while I was in turmoil, my Chao friends had been killed. I could not help myself.

When Dr. Robotnik released me, I took chance to avenge my fallen Chao. Monstrous beings who would harm such gentle creatures… They deserved what I did to them, after having betrayed the Doctor.

I… I am glad that I was stopped, after learning the Chao had survived. That hedgehog had pacified my anger. It was truly a miraculous thing. I owed that hedgehog, though there would have been no chance of anything stopping me if I had absorbed the full power of the emeralds. I would have been Ultimate Chaos. Nothing would have stood a chance against me, the Master Emerald would not be able to seal me.

Now, pacified, I can reflect on what has become of the world in my absence. Chaos Chao, Artificial Chaos, nonsense about 'Ultimate Lifeforms', and that mad Doctor's Metallic Hedgehog.

Chaos Chao… do they really want to be like me? Immortal? Doomed to exist for all eternity? That… is horrible. No one should be cursed with immortality. They live forever, watch their friends die… Immortality is a curse. I hope they come to their senses. One day, when they watch their Chao friends die, while they rebirth on, perhaps they will feel what I do? Sorrow, and perhaps guilt…

Artificial Chaos. That makes no sense to me. You cannot create a god. And, from what I've heard, they look NOTHING like me. Some are erect blobs of goo, and others are spheres. Their purpose, again, from what I've heard, was to destroy Black Doom's army. This news…. It pleased me. I wanted them to suffer for what they would do. And they have. Indirectly, even without knowing it, I harmed you. Black Doom, the one who would destroy my planet and the Chao who inhabit it, without being present.

Ultimate Lifeforms? That is a matter of opinion entirely. They are Ultimate War Machines, perhaps, but not ultimate lifeforms. Even I, a god, cannot claim that title. The Ultimate Lifeform will never exist. It was never meant to be.

That metal form of the hedgehog who pacified me…Will he ever be at peace with himself? Under the delusion that he is Sonic? He went as far as trying to be me, copying my DNA from that frog, Froggy. That is madness. He must be shown the true meaning of living one day, even if he is metallic. Perhaps Sonic will be able to show him that.

I am the God of Destruction. I was Guardian of the Emeralds. And… once the caretaker of the Chao, the ones who lived on the place that is now known as Angel Island…

I am Chaos.

A.GM: Leave any comments that you wish.

GM: And if you haven't noticed, Chaos is my favorite Sonic Character.