Alia Command Mission Story!

Disclaimer: I don't own this idea, this idea was given to me by one of my fans who is named Kidswingshot. I just own the text XD! Anyways, if you like this story thank Kidswingshot:)

He always goes off like that. Always. He never cares to tell me where, or what, or even when! And then I worry. The CEOs never tell me squat. I just have to navigate, that's all. Sure they tell me the meare details, but I never know what's going to happen to him... why is it like this? Why must I always sit behind a desk? Manually sorting the data sheets on her desk, the woman sighed deeply. All I ever wanted was to be with him, and perhaps to protect HIM for once! He does enough around here for us all... She had stunning blue vibrant eyes, equipped with long wavy blonde hair that curled around her neck as she typed furiously at the buttons on her computer's keyboard, and a soft delicate curved smile. Many envied her good looks, and her raw talents, but she was the quiet type, and never boasted about anything.

Running a few fingers through her unrully locks, she turned her head slightly to the right as she heard footsteps entering her work office.

"Hello, may I help you?" She inquisitively asked as the black figure stopped right behind her work chair.

"Hmmm, actually, at the moment no, but thank you. I'd like to commend you on your work ethics. The R&D laboratories have been going very steady since you took up the front." The male replied enthusiastically. "I swear, Alia, the hunters would be up 'maverick' hill if it weren't for your presence here."

A smile touching her lips, the female returned to her sorting. Amiacly she stated her opinion to her darkly clad general. "Why thank you Signas, that is very sweet of you."

If she had been facing him, she would have seen him smile slightly as he walked out of the room.

Moments later he stuck his head over the door frame. "What would you say to a few helpers?"

Quizically, she stopped her current actions, and turned her swivel chair fully backwards. "What do you mean by that?"

"Come, and I will introduce you."


Alia was taken to the main waiting lounge. Behind Signas bulky large black armour she could see two sillouettes waiting by the front. Each held a suitcase, from what she could see. Comically, one was tall, and the other was quite short, but they both looked quite serious. But the female already knew why. She had been a newbie once here too, and she remembered how nervous she had been, wondering if the Hunters would accept her application. As the two reploids were allowed access to come through the doors, Alia placed herself besides Signas. This is going to be exciting.

She waited for them to introduce themselves. The taller one bowed her head slightly in respect to Signas, her long wavy purple hair dipping with the movement.

"Hello, my name is Layer, my friend here is Palette. We are the new recruits. We hope that we will be of good use to the Hunters."

"Yeah! We know a lot about the newest technologies, and we are especially good in the scientific departments!" The shorter blond piped up.

Cracking a warm smile, Signas laughed. "Well then, we'll just have to put you in the Reasearch and Development labs. Your superior is this fascinating young lovely lady over here," as he motioned to Alia, she slightly went red with affectionate embarrassement, "She's our best, so she'll show you the ropes."

As the recruits shook hands with the navigator, Signas made his exit. "Sorry ladies, but I have a few things to take care of..." Casting a glance backwards, he saw Alia smiling radiantly. Out of the room, into the hallway he smiled cunningly.

Now she won't be lonely anymore.


Rain dropped menacingly on the abandonned building tops. Dark rain clouds blocked out the charcoal entourage of the night, while the dampness seemed almost like a bog. The eerie silence was broken with a maniacle laugh.

"He's over there!" Shouting to the rest of his team, commander Megaman X pointed feverously to the top right of a building. Shooting a quick slew of light blue plasma shots, he ducked as a rapid cannon projectile sped over his head.

"Damn he's annoying." Zero comented, unamused.

"Well, I'll blast that clown down with my own cannon!" Shadow, the newest fighting recruit laughed.

Giving him a bit of a weird look, Zero stepped aside, letting the younger reploid pass. Their eyes met momentairily for a second; a clash of fire and brimstone.

Huffing cockily, the gold reploid took aim at the corner block of the roof of the building.Charging his shot, he prepared for the usual recoil, as X covered him with rapid fire shots.

A few seconds later, the corner top blew up, and an orangy-red and yellow reploid went flying.

"DAMN YOU ALL!" He cried hoarsely as he sped through the night's dark air.

"Heh heh," chuckling Zero did a thumbs-up sign, "Mission accomplished."

"Why won't Jester just give up? We always beat him!" Shadow complained, bored by the fact that his quarry never learned from his mistakes.

"Just be glad that he's an easy opponent. Unlike the ones Zero and I had to face in the past." X comented aggravatedly. "I just wish he would go away."

As soon as the words had left his mouth, an neatly wrapped little yellow gift box, with orange ribbons, landed at their feet.

As the trio ran to duck for cover, the present exploded where they had been.

Still on the floor, bent over, X cursed. "THAT's why I wish he would just go away!"

A sadistic laugh filled the night's grey clouds.

Getting up onto his feet, Zero scanned the area. "He's gone.."

Sighing, groggily, the other two got up.

Opening the comunication line to Hunter's HQ, X stated to Signas that they had completed their mission.

"X, I've had reports in your area of a group of rebels. The folk here are worried about uprisings, so I'd be thankful if you checked it out."

It had been a while that the big wigs of the Hunter HQ had decided that the Hunters should break camp and protect another part of the world. They had decided on the man-made continent of islands, Giga city. The entire region had been nicknamed the Giga region because of the prosperity of this urban dwelling.

Many of the residents had given reports of various sightings of a bunch of reploids that were causing some trouble. Most said that they were planning a rebellion of some sort, others said that they were a miniature mafia.

There had also been reports of a 'joker' who had started causing a lot of problems, his name was Jester. He had orangish-red chest armour which had a zig-zag pattern on the right side, seperating the orange from a vibrant yellow. His helmet was quite odd, one with tassels of different shapes, exactly like one of a medieval jester's in a King's court. It had imprints of stars, circles, and stripes. Bells jingled from each of the three ends every time he would do an action or walk. His eyes were a continual laughing darkish purple. Ones that could mock you without even saying a word. (Oh Fire, It's Jackle from NiGHTS into dreams 0o; (twiches))

And to back all that up, he sported a huge shoulder cannon on top of his left side.

Sure he never did anything outrageously cruel, or dispicable; but he was annoying, and hindered the Maverick Hunters in that area a lot.

The rain continued in it's speedy downpour as X, Zero and Shadow raced to their new objective.

Shadow had joined the Maverick Hunters a few months ago. He had needed some money, and the new openings for foot soldiers had been a very tempting offer. Coming out as one of the strongest in his rookie class, because of the gigantesque cannon hooked onto his shoulder, he was chosen to help along with the famous Hunters for the time being, at least until the HQ could find some else who was more expirienced.

Axl's decision to part had delt quite a big blow to the company. He had wanted to find out more about his special abilities, especially about an odd chip which he found in the middle of his hard drive; it was the source of his transforming powers. He had shown it to Alia, who had taken a lot of interest into the subject. She had tried to help him, but no one could find the answer. Nicknaming it the 'Chameleon chip', both had decided to split their searches, which would maybe bring more of a fruitful resolution. Axl might have been a new recruit as well, but he seemed to be more experienced, since he had been a part of the syndicate called 'Red Alert', who had been causing trouble for the Hunters a while back. Until Axl would come back, Shadow was their best bet.. Even though his red eyes betrayed him somehow...

It didn't take long for the trio to find the ruins. Standing above them, like a looming artifact from an ancient myth, the buildings were almost decayed and covered with vegetation. Chips of rocks from the ruins layed around the sides, showing that the structures were not too stable, and would probably not last should an earthquake shake through the ground.

"Time to go in, I'd say.." Zero pushed a few vines away, preparing to enter the pathway.


"Awsome! I never knew you had so much stuff to tinker with!" Squealed Palette. She had never seen so many robot parts, and circuit boards in one spot. Wild with excitement, the young technician allowed her curiousity to flow as she browsed through each labelled box. "Could you just imagine how many things you could make?"

Smilling, with a rather pleased look on her face, Layer contented herself by leaning against a wall as Alia showed to two how to go about their jobs; which was basically the same thing Alia had done since her enrollement into the Hunters.

"So, do you think we will be of some help to you?" Layer inquired as Alia placed a hand on her desktop computer.

Turning to the purple haired woman, she replied. "Yeah, why not? This place gets too lonely, here, all by myself. I'm sure that you two will become very accostumed to life here at the Hunters." Adding a joking, "All this work is too much for one woman." She flipped on her laptop.


Both looked up to the blonde.

"Have a question for both of you."

Unsure, Layer responded, "Yes? What is it? What's the matter?"

Flicking a piece of her bang out of her eyes, Alia sighed. "No, no, nothing's the matter, I'm just curious... Have either of you ever liked a man before?"

Blinking, rather confused by the question, Layer let out a sound that sounded like a mix between a 'hmpth', and 'Kuuu'.

Palette picked up a few wires, looking at them intensly, she responded.

"Sure. Yeah, I have. Mike and I had been very close, but he was always away, so we decided to break it off. We couldn't keep up a relationship like that." Putting the wires back in their respected place, she peered at Alia.

Blushing momentarily, Alia took a step back. "Umm, well, it's because.. Well, I like this guy that works for the Hunters, but he's always gone, trying to keep peace in the world. But- but I'm not ready to break it off because of the fact that we don't see each other very often! In fact, he doesn't even know that I like him! I-I can't just leave it..." Pulling the swivel chair under her, she sat down rather abruptly, and let out a sigh, which almost gave way to faint sobs. But the tears were cut off when she felt an arm snake around her shoulders.

"It's alright. We'll do everything in our power to help you win him over."

Rubbing the wetness away from the bottom of her eyes, Alia looked up to Layer, who was on her right side. "T-thank you..." She replied sheepily.

"Yeah! He'll never know what hit him!" Palette exclaimed as she jumped over to give Alia a warm, friendly hug. (I'm not into yuri, so don't even suggest it! Not unless you want me extremely angry at you!)

"Hnnnn..." Looking at the stacks of boxes, Alia asked another question. "Would you guys help me in solving a mystery? One of my good friends has a very strange chip in his hard drive. It allows him to take the form of any foe he sucks DNA from. He wanted to know where it came from, and what more it can do, but since he doesn't remembered his past, we have no lead."

Chuckling like a little girl, Palette guessed straight away at what her new friend was suggesting. "So you want us to make another chip? Something similar that we can study in the R&D lab, and possibly find a lead to another place that would make similar objects?"


"Consider it done." Came the duel voices of the new navigator recruits.


Giga city was known for it's grand market and many dealerships. Many stores lead to many other complexes, which in turn lead to many streets and alleys.

The sky was still in it's darkish grey hue from the previous rain storm. Not a lot of reploids or people were out shopping, making the streets look almost like a ghost town.

Only a lone huge alley held much signs of life.

"So, you see why I'd make such a great asset to your group. Not only can I get any information the hunters have gathered, but I can also hack their calls." Presenting a little blue and white ball with his fingers clutched around it, Jester chuckled a sly laugh.

"Interesting." Was the only word that his audience replied with. Jester was with a shady reploid, who despite his large appearance, sheithed many fatal weapons under a rugged cloak.

To prove his point for a potential partnership, Jester tapped the little orb twice. It jittered for a moment, then, as if coming awake, two black glittery button eyes appeared along with two more miniature orbs on top of it's head like ears. It looked up at the stranger and blinked a few times. Then shaking itself like a puppy, it became more oval-like in features.

"This is my pal Beebop. Equipped with a level 5 A.I. and microphone recording system he can practically get anywhere."

With it's master's last words, the mini-bot began to hover lightly over Jester's palm.

The other reploid peered at the unsightly object for a while. Still not as impressed as he had hoped, the cloaked reploid huffed and began to turn away, but before leaving he opened his mouth.

"You have until monday to prove yourself." Without any more wasted words, the reploid jumped up into the cloudy night sky and took off.

Jester stuck out his lower lip in a pensive expression, staring at Beebop, as the little machine looked back at him, still blinking.

The staring contest was over abruptly as Jester ripped out a laugh.

"That gives us two days old buddy, old pal!"

"What about- what about -talking -talking?" The orb inquired.

"Psssh!" Waving his wrist in an airy manner, the joker bot sneered, purple eyes sparkling with deceit. "I didn't tell him you could talk or change form 'cause I like to keep an ace up my sleeve. Whenever he's around just act like a level 5 A.I., even though you're really a level 11."

"Ok -ok!" It replied with much enthusiasm.

Elsewhere the ambiance was less vibrant.

"I don't... Like him." An elegantly sadistic female reploid stated as she watched from the shadows with her companions, from the building tops. The contrast between light and dark camouflaging them considerably. "He's already trying to resist us," The same reploid sneered with viper-like conceit. "He should b-"

"That is enough Ferham." The harpy robot fell silent at the underlying command. The reploid in the cloak looked towards her.

"He is merely a tool, and is expendable."

"Yup! Who says that accidents don't happen?" A texas accented voice replied to the conversation. "Just like Master Epsillon said! He's expendable!"

Chuckling sinisterly the female bird reploid glanced at the round obeiss robot that had just spoken. She momentairily had to stop from staring at his enormous belly to utter some words. 'Really, must he let himself go like that?'

"Don't count on being the one to do it Botos; the sands have killed many of the curious." She added, smiling like a plotting falcon.

The other reploid 'Hmpthed' as he turned to look at the reploid next to him, who in turn gazed up back at Botos.

"I believe that this matter does not affect our goal. As for our rendez-vous, our spy has already sent out the signal. We should get to our assigned area, instead of adding to this idiotic banter."

A moment of silence passed from them.

"Scarface has proven to be very wise, we shall leave now!" Bellowed the undisputed leader of the renagades, a reploid named Epsillon.

As each flew off of the rooftops, Ferham stayed back for a few seconds. Crossing her arms over her chest in a pensive manner she stared down at Jester, how was still talking to his mini-bot. Blowing air from her nose in a snobbish manner she stated calmly to the air, "They'll wish they've never heard of, or seen the Rebellion.."


"X! Check out these ruins!" Running his left hand over a few broken and decayed control panel, Zero beckoned for his partner to come over and inspect the views.

X tip-toed to where Zero was. Peering over his friend's shoulder he smirked.

Tilting his head slightly to see Megaman's face, Zero silently looked at him.

Smiling at his companion, X stated, "Makes me think of the days when Dr. Cain had found me."

A content 'Hmm' left Zero's throat as a small curve curled his lips.

The past in retrospect was probably a lot easier to talk about for X than for Zero. Neither went into detail about it; it was just something that was comunicated through the years of being together. A silent knowing of what the other was feeling.

X patted Zero's shoulder a couple of times. The Crimson hunter gave a sly glance towards X and smiled, saying, "I think we should check upstairs. Who knows what 'Vile' secrets those thugs are hiding here."

As Zero laughed, X could have strangled him for that pun. Putting aside the ugly thought of the purple maverick, he nodded.

"Yeah ok. We should check the complexe as a unit of three, since any large force residing here could be cumbersome."

"That's true X but-" Before Shadow could state his opinions about the matter, a canon blast shot over their heads and impacted a pillar that was by the entrance. The shock caused it's form to topple over and crash length-ways across the room. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that neither of the maverick hunters had a chance to counter attack the movement.

"Zero! Shadow! Are you ok?" X called out as the dust settled down. Coughing, he desperatly looked around for any signs of his partners. Finally a voice answered his plea.

"Hey X! We're ok!" Zero shouted back.

"Only a few scratches..." Shadow, sounding more than annoyed added. "Why does this always happen when I polish my armor, why?"

Sighing in relief, X muttered under his breath. At least if their mouths were working that meant that they were alive enough to operate them.

There was a grunt. "We should just meet up at top, no point wasting our energy on that big old thing."

"Ok, see you up there! And it's finders keepers for any goodies!" Sounding like a six year old kid, Zero giggled as he hoofed up the stairs on his side. X could here Shadow's clanking armor follow suit.

Sighing, X shifted his gaze around. "Guess I'm really alone now." He entered through the door on his right. Watching like a hawk for any threats that might show a tell-tale sign of popping up.

After quite a few flights of stairs, X found a strange little room. It held five capsules that were busted and destroyed. Wires were sparking, and broken tiles on the floor told a mysterious story of the events that has happened in this room.

He stared at the damage. It seemed as though something had gone wrong. "Weird..." Still keeping his eyes on the machines, he inspected their files.

:Subjects: Epsilon, Botos, Scar, Ferham

Deciding it was maybe best to leave the area, X exited the room, heading upstairs once again.

To his surprise he saw Zero walking towards him from the opposite direction, in turn, Zero looked just as shocked.

"Hmmm, seems we cross paths again Blue Bomber." Z laughed.

Shaking his head, X replied. "Where's Shadow?" Pointing to the empty spot behind Zero, he waited patiently for Zero to notice.

Glancing behind him, the Crimson Hunter's soul responce was "Oh."

"You didn't realise he was gone?" X was flabergasted. He was expecting Zero to say that he and Shadow had split up or something of the sorts.

"I could have sworn he was right behind me..." Confused Zero scratched at his ponytail.

Both didn't have time to continue their conversation as the wall in front of them collasped. Bursting through a giant hippopotamus droid stared greedily at them, waving it's gigantic missile like a dog toy.

"Seems we have company, X." Smugly Zero wiped his thumb across his face and grabbed at his beam saber's hilt. Whoever the welcoming party was, they were going down.


Uzu: Oh-boy. This has to be the most stuborn, writer's block inducing, story that I have ever written. But it's up Xx; after a very very very long time. I cannot stress how sorry I am about this Kidswingshot.

Any comments, or additions are all very welcome. And by the way fellow poetry lovers, this is the story that ties in with the last updated poem. o Just so you know. I never thought writing a command mission fic would be so hard. Must be because I didn't find the game very interesting. The only level I liked was the one where you meet Spider and Jango.

Anyways, it's a excellent plot; it's just that I might not have been the best writer to give it too. I'm very lacking in the grammar department. / Anyways, please enjoy, and if you have any inputs, don't worry I don't bite XD.

Props to Kidswingshot! Everybody applaud!

Crowd of mavericks: (applaud)

Sigma: Why are we doing this? (still clapping)

Jango: Because we're being paid. (still clapping)

Uzu: XD Next chapters will be a LOT better.