Of Roses, Loss, and the Truest of Loves
A/N Welcome to me new ficcy thingy! It's an AU and may have been done before…hopefully you'll like this and leave me reviews…I love reviews. This will probably be a bit angst-y.
Oh, another thing: Starfire has no siblings in this story. Her family is from Tamaran, but she was born on Earth. Robin is not a superhero, nor is Bruce Wayne or any of Richard and Kori's friends.
And just in case you don't know…
Kori Anders is Star, Richard Grayson is Robin, Rachel Roth is Raven, Gar Logan is Beast Boy, Karen Beecher is Bumblebee, and Victor Stone is Cyborg.
Without further ado, me new fic!
"Who's having dinner here tonight?" asked a thirteen year old Richard.
"The Anders', Master Richard," replied Alfred.
"And why does Bruce want me to be there? Normally I eat before he does when he has company," Richard pointed out, rolling his sapphire eyes.
"Master Bruce says to inform you that the Anders have a daughter your own age, and he thinks it will be good for you to take an interest in a young lady, Master Richard," Alfred explained patiently.
"I don't want to meet another snobby rich girl. Wasn't Kitten Moth bad enough?" Richard grumbled.
"I agree, sir, but as you know, Master Bruce will have his way in the end," Alfred said.
Richard swung himself off the stool he sat on in Wayne Manor's gigantic cavern of a kitchen and marched himself upstairs to the third floor, where his bedroom was located. Still fuming about Bruce's insistence that he dine with the Anders and their undoubtedly stuck-up daughter, he undressed and went into his bathroom.
Stepping under the hot jet of water in the shower, he forced himself to relax a bit. He could always escape back to his bedroom by saying he had homework…that'd work, it always did.
Feeling a tiny bit happier, he got out, toweled himself off, and dressed for dinner.
An hour later, the doorbell rang.
"Master Richard, do you think you could attend to that? I have almost finished the roast beef, but if I leave it unattended it will burn," Alfred said rather absently, as he was busy peering into the oven by way a rather feeble light.
"Sure, Al," Richard complied. He shoved a hand in the packet of his khakis as he made his way through the colossal manor. Bracing himself for the undeniably snotty Anders, Richard Grayson opened the front door.
He was greeted by a very good-looking family. Mr. Anders was tall with short black hair and brilliant green eyes. Mrs. Anders was a redhead, and just as tall as her husband. The daughter looked like a smaller version of her mother, but with her father's kind emerald eyes.
"You must be Richard," Mr. Anders said, extending his hand. "Bruce speaks highly of you."
"Er, thanks," Richard said, taking Mr. Anders's hand. "Come in."
"Was that the doorbell I heard?" asked Bruce, descending the massive marble staircase. "Ah, Mr. Anders."
Bruce strode towards the front entrance, extending his own hand to Mr. Anders. The daughter smiled shyly at Richard, who returned it. Maybe she wouldn't be so bad after all.
"Dick, this is Mr. Anders, Mrs. Anders, and their daughter Kori, correct?"
She spoke for the first time. "Yes, Mr. Wayne, my name is Kori."
"Richard, will you show her to the dining room?" Bruce asked, giving a rather pointed look as though daring Richard to refuse.
"Sure, Bruce. C'mon, Kori, was it?" He offered her his arm, which she accepted.
"He seems nice," Mrs. Anders said quietly. "Very well mannered."
"Dick is a good kid," Bruce agreed. "Quiet, respectful, but generally well liked."
"Margaret has been encouraging Kori to find a boyfriend for months," Mr. Anders muttered to Bruce.
Bruce chuckled feebly. "Well, if I had a daughter, I'd be happy to see her with a boy like Dick."
Mr. Anders looked as though he hoped Kori wouldn't think this too.
The teens were quiet at dinner, a bit shy around each other. As Alfred served coffee to the adults, Richard whispered in her ear. Kori, smiling a dazzlingly white smile, followed him upstairs and into his room.
"Sorry, it's just hard to talk around Bruce," he apologized when she looked at him quizzically.
"I understand. I feel uncomfortable talking to my peers in front of my parents as well," Kori reassured him.
"Cool. I'd really like to just talk, if that's OK."
"Yes, that would be glorious," Kori concurred quickly, then turning red. "I did not mean to say t-" she began, but he cut her off by putting a hand on her shoulder.
"I think it's cute," he whispered, feeling self conscious as he turned a shade of scarlet that rivaled hers. "Why don't you tell me about yourself?"
"I am thirteen, I go to private school, and I have read many books because I have few friends."
"What school do you go to? I go to private school, too. East Gotham Academy."
"That is where I go," Kori said, clearly excited.
"Well, maybe we could have lunch together. I can't let you eat alone, unless you have friends-"
"I have two very good friends, Karen Rachel. May they join us as well?"
"Of course. I'll make sure my friends Vic and Gar are there, too."
"I shall meet you in the front hall by the water fountain. Is that agreeable?"
"It's perfect," Richard said happily.
Kori was reluctant to leave, and hugged Richard tightly while they were still in the privacy of his bedroom.
"I shall see you tomorrow, yes?" she asked softly.
"Yep. It was nice meeting you," he answered, hugging her back.
They descended to the ground floor to see Mr. Anders and Bruce shake hands yet again.
"Nice meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Anders!" Richard called. "Bye, Kori."
Loved it? Hated it? Review!
And I know Star's Mom's name wasn't Maragret, I just thought they'd take Earth names when they got here.