Prologue to the sequel for Humans And Sayians Meet The Sailor Senshi:
Written by: The White Tyger

[email protected]

WARNING: This sequel contains characters Copyrighted by many artists that I can't list here. So I'll skip it and say, 'All copyrighted materials in said document are reserved for their respected owners.' As usual, I am not making any money off of this sequel. Etc. Etc. now get on with it!

After the great battle, The White Tyger (DJ) was dead, The 2nd Goku did not survive, and the first Goku was successfully sent back to the Dragon Ball reality. The Sailor Moon reality went back to normal, no one remembering the horrible incidents. Okibino was blinked out of existence as soon as DJ was killed, still not knowing exactly who her mother was.

Dragon Ball Z:
Goku had landed after Trunks defeated Friezer. Cell had come along and the whole story behind Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT had taken place.

Sailor Moon:
The Senshi had battled with Chaos and won Sailor Galaxia back. Things were wrapping up in their world as well, but the world did not go into an eternal sleep, as was prophesied by King Endymion from the future.

Real World:
The sky was beautiful that day in America. The School was bustling with activity. One person in particular was running as fast as he could, trying desperately to get to his class. A friend joined the marathon to get to class.

"Hey, DJ you are just like Usagi always running for class and late as usual." Sarah happened to comment. DJ's face faulted.

"Yesterday, you were telling me how bad you hated the Japanese version of Sailor Moon and how wonderful the English version is. Now you are saying I am as bad as Usagi? Make up your mind!" DJ fussed as they both were running as fast as possible to their classes. DJ turned a corner and happened to bump into someone while running and knocked both his books and the other person's books from their hands. Sarah had turned the corner in time to watch the whole thing happen.

"Oh Geez, I'm really sorry about that." DJ said to the lady. She smiled at him and helped pick up his books after she gathered her books. Sarah was giggling in the background at the clumsy DJ as he was frantically trying to gather his books up. The lady helped him up to his feet.

"Uhh… thank you, Ma'am." DJ said smiling. He then happened to get a good glimpse of whom he was talking to. The lady was tall, with dark-green hair reaching down to her waist. She had a mild tan, a lovely sleeveless dress on, and a white hat on top of her head.
She remained standing, looking at DJ.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you like that, but I have to get going now." DJ said as he turned and ran for the entrance to the building with Sarah following behind him. The woman remained in the same place, while watching DJ run to his class. Then she pulled out what looked like a watch and spoke Japanese into it saying, "I found him." Then closed the communicator and walked to the class she was teaching, which happened to be the same class DJ was in.

In the class, DJ and Sarah were just sitting down and getting their books out preparing for the lecture. But the teacher was not there yet, so DJ and Sarah decided to talk a little bit.

"That was weird. She looked a lot like Sailor Pluto." Sarah remarked. DJ looked at her.

"That's impossible. You watch too much Sailor Moon, you know that? You should get into some other anime besides just Sailor Moon. Real Anime, not this English crap that you watch on Cartoon Network." DJ commented. Sarah folded her arms.

"So you think I should watch something stupid, like Dragon Ball Z or something, huh?" she replied with a huff. DJ flushed a little.

"Stupid? I bet 10 to 1 that Goku in his full power form at the end of the series of DBGT could whoop Eternal Sailor Moon's Bishoujo ass!" DJ snapped back. Sarah was getting a little irritated now.

"You men and your passion for power, you think you always can 'whoop' girls' ass. Well, I'd just like to see the great Goku against Eternal Sailor Moon. She would teach that power hungry guy a thing or two about 'Love and Justice'!" Sarah said.

"I'm sure she could, she isn't even close to being the most powerful Anime character." A voice behind them both said. DJ grunted as Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Butt out, Steve." Sarah said.

"Eternal Sailor Moon is no where near power compared to Goku at the end of the DBGT series." He commented. "Besides, what does it matter anyways? You act like they are going to have some kind of contest sometime soon. What's the fuss over who is more powerful or not?" Steve finished off.

"I'm just tired of DJ always going on as if Goku was the best fighter ever existed in real life or Anime!" Sarah said with a huff.

"Don't get me wrong, I like Sailor Moon and the Senshi, but I still think if worse comes to worse, Goku would survive, and Sailor Moon would not." DJ said leaning back.

"Both of you are wrong. I happen to study up on more anime than you think. The Gods from 'X' would tear Goku into pieces." Steve smiled. DJ turned to him and looked hard at Steve.

"Since when are you for other Anime besides Dragon Ball series'?" DJ asked jokingly.

"Since I had enough sense not to just listen to you to bicker all damn day as to who is the better Anime fighter." Steve snapped back.

"You sound a lot like Vegeta." Sarah pointed out. Now it was Steve and DJ's turn to stare at Sarah.

"I do watch Dragon Ball after all." Sarah said with a tongue stuck out. The front door to the classroom opened as the class began to get quiet. In walked the same lady that DJ happened to bump into earlier that day.

"Hey, hey look it's your girlfriend!" Sarah said poking DJ with her elbow. DJ's right eyebrow raised up a little as he got a good look at her.

"Yeah you're right. What a coincidence." DJ said, as he looked at Sarah and Steve at the same time they were both looking at him a little wide eyed.

"De Jevu." Sarah stated as Steve sank back to his seat, shaking his head.

"Impossible," was all Steve was able to say.

"This is the new teacher that came from Japan. She is said to know a lot about history, more than anyone else on earth," another person said behind them.

"Of course, she is Sailor Pluto." Sarah said jokingly. DJ looked dead at Sarah before the teacher spoke up.

"Time to settle down now class. I'll be your substitute for this week. My name is Setsuna Meio." The teacher said softly, but loud enough for the class to hear her. DJ gasped very loudly.

"What is it?" Sarah asked softly as Steve lowered his head near to their conversation.

"This has got to be some kind of joke. That's the name of Sailor Pluto when she is not in her Senshi form." DJ spoke softly.

"I thought Sailor Pluto was the guardian of time. She can't have any other form." Sarah protested.

"She had to be born right? She is human, I assure you and she does have a name like any other human." DJ said. Steve was closely listening in on the conversation.

"So, when is her birthday then smarty?" Sarah said with an I-have-you-now grin.

"October 29" came a voice from in front of them. There stood the substitute teacher looking dead at them both with a light smile.

"Maybe we should work instead of talking, ne?" the teacher said to them both. Steve slumped back in his chair. Setsuna turned and walked back to the front of the classroom.

After school let out Steve, Sarah and DJ found each other in front of the school.

"Are you being serious when you say that Setsuna has the same name as Sailor Pluto?" Sarah asked. DJ thought for a moment. What was going on? Who is the new substitute and why is her name Setsuna? Why did all this seem familiar with him? DJ was determined to find out what was going on. Suddenly Steve cut in on the conversation.

"She can't be the same person, you idiots. Sailor Pluto is a character in a made up story. You two are morons." Steve said and turned around to walk off, but was stopped suddenly by Setsuna, who was standing in his way.

"True that they are characters, but they are actual legends from a long time ago." She started.

"Let me guess, from the 'Silver Millennium'?" Steve jokingly said as he made his way around Setsuna and walked to catch his bus. Setsuna watched him get on the bus and leave before turning back to DJ and Sarah. DJ just smirked.

"Yeah, I bet there really is a Sailor Moon, and I'm a Sayian from 'Dragon Ball'." DJ as he ran to catch his bus leaving Sarah behind with the substitute.

"See you tomorrow Sarah." DJ said as the bus left the parking lot. Now only Sarah and the substitute were left standing there. Sarah began to fiddle with her fingers, trying to figure out what to ask Setsuna.

"So, how long have you been in America?" she started out.

"For a good while now." Setsuna said as she looked at Sarah who looked very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" the tall green-haired woman asked. Sarah looked up to her and cracked a smile.

"You just remind me of someone, that's all." Sarah asked. Setsuna smiled.

"Is that a good thing?" she asked.

"Yes. I always wanted to know what she looked like in real life. You resemble her a lot." Sarah said. Setsuna's smile grew.

"Who is this person you are referring to?" Setsuna asked. Sarah blushed slightly.

"A cartoon character." She said. Setsuna chuckled.

"Aren't you a little old for cartoons?" she asked. Sarah looked down.

"Not really. I have two other friends that watch them with me, and others that say they watch them also." She responded.

"So whom do I look like?" Setsuna asked.

"Sailor Pluto from 'Sailor Moon'." Sarah responded. Setsuna tried to keep her grin from growing any wider.

"You think I look like a cartoon character?" she said jokingly.

"Well, not many people dye their hair green." Sarah commented. Setsuna touched her hair. She began to protest, but quickly decided against it.

Suddenly, something began to beep. It was Setsuna's watch that she used before. Sarah heard the strange beeping.

"What's that beeping?" she asked.

"Only my watch letting me know what time it is." Setsuna replied. Then the watch began to speak Japanese translating to, "Setsuna-san, did you find them yet?" Sarah wasn't much on Japanese, but she knew that it came from the watch. Setsuna then winced.

"If you will excuse me now." She quickly said and began to walk off. Setsuna sighed and pulled out the watch. She began to speak in her native language.

"Yes, I found them, still separated, but it seems they are joined in friendship." She replied in Japanese.

"I don't care what they do, so long as they stay separate physically." The voice said back.

"It doesn't look like that will be a problem." Setsuna responded.

"Good, we must keep an eye out for them, make sure they do not find out anything about us or what is happening." The voice said back.

"I understand, your majesty." Setsuna said back and bowed her head as the communicator shut off. She stuck it back into her purse and walked to her rental car, got in, and drove to where she was staying.