Hello again! Well this is my 4th story! It's called Hitting the Books. I hope you like it, the inspiration came from my English and Social Studies teacher. I thought they made such a cute couple! But anyway the summary is below the disclaimer, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or anything else famous.

Summary: Danny and Sam are 23, they haven't met but Danny still knows Tuck and he still has his ghost powers( I wouldn't take that away from him). They end up teaching at the same school and Sam is still unsure of whether or not she likes him. Plus he's supposed to propose to his girlfriend, can they get together, or is it just another fairy tale ending.

Hitting the books

The principle at Callisto Middle School yawned quietly and rubbed her temples. The clock next to her read 4:00pm. She'd been in her office since 7 that morning, interviewing teachers. The loss of 21 teachers meant they needed replacements. She had seen 18 teachers so far 2 per hour, only4 more to go. Her nameplate shined in the office. Principle Enito sat behind her desk waiting for the next teacher to come.

The "Team" system they used proved to be a blessing in disguise. It kept everything orderlya series of 4 homerooms was a team, the 4 teachers each taught a certain subject. 4 teams per grade meant 400 kids. Kids were identified by their teams, it made schedules and field trips easier, and the kids liked it too, now it was helping tremendously.

She had chosen a set of teachers for every grade except for one eighth grade team that needed a social studies andan English teacher. She also needed a replacement Italian teacher, one that could actually speak Italian.

The door opened slightly and a graceful figure walked in. She sat down and smiled nervously.

"Hi I'm Samantha Manson, I'm here to apply as an eighth grade English teacher." She said while getting her resume out of a petite black briefcase. After handing it to the principle she traced her fingers on her black skirt. The principle smiled and read it over.

"I was hoping you'd come Ms. Manson. Though you are only 23 you are very well recommended by many students and many elite teachers. " She said looking at Sam and fingering the resume. Sam smiled and blushed. She fingered her grey turtleneck, it was unusually cold for August and playing with a loose string helped take an edge off her nervousness.

"The kids were great and I learned a lot from them, probably more than they did from me." She said.

The principle smiled and looked at Sam before folding her hands.

"Very true words Ms. Manson. You just finished your training and you already know what your doing." She said.

"Thank you." Sam replied.

"Well this is a pretty standard interview. You already know the hours and what you have to do but the little details will be finished up later on. You can be expecting a call from us." She said and winked at Sam.

Sam smiled and sighed, she was going to get a job! And on her first interview! She left the office much happier than she came in.

Danny Fenton rolled over in bed, he groaned, sunlight hitting his sleepy baby blue eyes. He put a hand to his forehead and looked at his clock. The irritating red lights told him it was 4:30pm. He yawned, he had been up until 6 am earlier trying to get groceries, get his resume put together and pick up stuff for Tucker. That wouldn't take that long but the party at one of his college friends' house was too tempting so of course he went. That caused him to wake up 15 minutes before his interview at Callisto Middle School.

In the middle of yawning he realized that he had to be at the school in 15 minutes.

"Aaaah, crap, I need to get ready." He yelled and starting running around.

He threw on some clothes, stuffed his resume in a briefcase which he slung over his shoulders, brushed his teeth and left. He nearly ran into a couple of people on his way to the bus stop, lucky him, his car was in the shop. He crashed into at least 4 people leaving shouts of "Hey buddy watch it!", "Hey jerk look where your going!" and "Well young people get ruder by the minute!" behind him. "Sorry" was all he could shout back into the crowd of people he nearly ran over.

He got onto the bus and took a seat, sighing, at least he had at least caught a bus. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes and taking in the musty metallic scent of the bus' interior. The air above the bus must have smelt better than this, probably a clear thin smell. He would normally have flown, but he was already on the bus when he realized this, and he didn't feel like wasting the money he'd paid for the fair. The bus slowed to a stop on the next stop. Danny cracked an eye open and saw the 4 people he ran into come on the bus.

He groaned and put a hand up to his forehead. Maybe it was an omen, or a sign, but whatever it was gave him the impression it was going to be a bad day.

"Thank you Ms. Williams we greatly appreciate someone of your stature in the foreign language studies to come to our school." The principle said.

"My pleasure, I love working with kids." She replied. Her soft brown eyes smiled as she quietly left the room.

"Ok, that takes care of one English teacher and a foreign language teacher. I need a social studies." The principle said as she shuffled the mass of papers on her desk around. "Up next we should have ...Mr. Fenton, oh no." She said as she looked at the paper.

10 minutes after he was supposed to be there Danny walked in.

"Welcome Mr. Fenton." She said faking a smile.

"Sorry I'm late, I got held up." He said his nerves shaking.

"Yes well let's hope you don't make a habit of being late." She said. It was obvious that she didn't like him. She looked at the 23 year old in front of her. Tall, broad, handsome, not to mention unorganized and probably irresponsible. His jet black hair made his blue eyes stand out and his smile could have killed.

"So you are applying for what again?" She asked.

"Social Studies teacher." He said. He thought about that for a second. 9 years ago he had scratched teacher off his "what I want to be when I grow up list". He smiled at the thought of it. His grades hadn't been good enough for his astronaut dreams, and during college he realized he liked working and helping kids. His liking for history had surprised even him, he didn't know it was intersting until a couple of years ago.

The principle took notice. "Mr. Fenton is this amusing to you?" She asked perturbed.

He looked up from his thoughts "No. I was just thinking." He said. She folded her hands and stared straight at him.

"Look Mr. FentonI have heard numerous stories about your……unorthodox teaching methods. We've had teachers saying they've left you in charge and you were joking around with the kids. You were noisy and acted like a student instead of a teacher. We don't tolerate that here." She told him.

"Yes, I know. But the kids learned and we had fun, it may have been noisy but at least stuck to the curriculum." He defended.

"Yes well, we want our students to get full teaching not some interrupted by noise." She said a little sterner.

"But if they can have fun, then why can't they?" He countered.

"Because learning comes first." She said. A knock came at the door, startling both of them.

"If you excuse me I have another teacher to see." She said. Danny looked at her got up and left. As he walked away from the office he strut became a slow walk.

"Fenton! What do you get yourself into? You could have had that, the only thing you had to do is comply!" He thought as he mentally kicked himself. Deep inside he knew he could never comply with rules set by his superiors, it was in his moral being to be a rebel. A couple of female 7th grade teachers looked at him as he passed by.

"I hope he starts working here!" He heard one of them whisper. He smiled a little bit and decided there was another school out there for him.

Later that Night

The principle locked up her office and left the room. She had chosen all of the teachers and by the eighth of September she would have her school ready, teachers and all. The list of teachers rattled around in her bag, the names carefully written down. Danny Fenton was not one of them.

Ok I know what your thinking, if he's not picked how can there be a story? Well I promise you they will end up teaching. So please stick around for the next chapter and review! The next chapter will be out maximum of 2 days after this one appears. No Flames please.