Chapter 3 Happily Ever After?

Robin is in control of Kitten, Killer Moth is about to take over Jump City, and the Titans new friend has a dark side. Poor clueless Titans, what is going to happen?

Starfire woke up as if she had a bad dream about Robin. Question were running through her mind. Does Robin really think of her as a friend? Were they meant to be? What about Instinct? All these and more rushed through her head. She was worried he heart is playing with her emotions. She turned to Silky who was still sleeping. She remembered the time she got to keep Silky. Robin said no at first, but then he said yes. Which made her wonder, if he grown accustom to silky, will he do the same for love. Starfire is so confused how to feel. She pulled out her scrapbook, looking at the pictures in it. The dance at the prom, the balcony on Tamaran, the Ferris wheel, Robin and her stranded on the strange alien planet, their first meeting on earth. She remembered the fun her and Robin had. She knew, right then what she had to do.

Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy woke up seeing Instinct making breakfast. "Hey guys, you hungry? I made eggs, and don't worry Beast Boy. I made tofu for you." "Sweet." Beast Boy grinned. They sat down and ate. Instinct in his mind are already contemplating their demise in his head. And he knows with Robin out of the way, the rest will fall like dominoes. Starfire enters with a song in her heart. "Good morning, My Friends. Isn't this a glorious morning?" "Someone is in a good mood." said Cyborg. "Yes, my friends, I am the one in a good mood, because I am in love." Perfect Instinct though with a grin on his face. "Where is Robin?" asked Starfire. "Yeah," said Cyborg. "He is usually the first one up making breakfast." "He went to the gym to train." said Instinct. "That's strange," said Beast Boy, "He usually train in his training room. Why did he go to the gym?" "He said something about not disturbing anyone." Replied Instinct. They just continued eating like it's a normal day.

Meanwhile, Robin wakes up in a room filled with cages full of moths. He is strapped to a chair and his gadgets are taken away from him. A door opens and two figures moves toward the boy wonder. "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacy." Kitten said. "Kitten, what a surprise," he said unethustically, "you never learn do you?" "I know this, your girlfriend won't save you, because she is in love with a hero you can never be." "You and your dad are crazy to think I will let you get away with this, I will eventually escape and save the day." "Not this time," kitten pulls out a remote, "these moths are flesh-eaters. Programmed by my dad to eat any Titan. If you don't co-operate with us then, these guys will eat you to the bone, and I hate to lose you Robby-Poo. Now let me feed you breakfast, OR ELSE!" Robin had no choice but to obey. Killer Moth grabs Robin's Communicator and calls Instinct. "Instinct here." "Proceed with phase 2 of the plan." "Yes sir." "Oh, daddy, I'm finally glad, you got me Robin, he is just the sweetest boy." "Anything for my Kitten. Now for phase 2. The Teen Titans will be distracted from the cities cries for help by going to a concert to see a loud rock band in a sound-proof hall. By the time they respond, it will be too late. I will rule the city. Bwaa hahahahahahahaha!"

Instinct approached the four Titans with a smirk on his face. "Comrades, I just scored tickets to one of the biggest shows in Jump City, and I want all of you to have them. I got four tickets, one for each of you. This is my way of saying thanks for being friends with me." "Dude," said Beast Boy, "This is awesome, let's go." "No thanks," said Raven in her usual tone. "Come on Rae," BB said. "you don't want to stay inside and read all day." "Yes, I do. Beside, who is going to watch the city while we are away." "Don't worry Raven, I, instinct will make it my sworn duty to watch the city with my two eyes to bring justice and safety. Have fun. Consider it your day off." "Cool, lets go." Beast Boy and Cyborg drags Raven with them. Instinct turns and sees Starfire still sitting on the couch watching T.V. "Star, aren't you going with your friends?" "No, I am waiting for Robin to get back from the gym." "He will be gone for a while. He said he is training to take on Slade." "I will wait as long as it takes." "Star, remember our talk on the roof last night?" "Yes, but I know deep down, he loves me. He has been there through the good and bad times. You help me realized how much I love him. Now I will wait until he comes through those doors and tell him how much I love him." "I can give him the message just go with your friends." "No, it will be more special if I told him myself." I let him know, Star, now go!" His voice was growing. "No." "Star," he said getting angrier, "your friends would like you to go." "Do not, raise you voice at me." Instinct walk to Starfire and pull her off the couch. "Go Now!" "Instinct, what are you doing?" "STARFIRE, IF YOU KNOW WHAT GOOD FOR YOU, YOU WILL LEAVE, NOW." "Friend you are hurting my arm, stop it." Instinct pushes Starfire to the ground. She has a fear in her eyes. She is all alone with Instinct.

Killer Moth prepares his assault on the city while the Titans are away. Kitten is pampering Robin with much un-needed attention. "Face-it Robby-Poo, you can't escape. Soon my dad will control the city, then the world, will be ours for the taking." "Now, my minions of terror and fear, flatten this city!" The moths fly off and begins their rampage. At the tower, Starfire struggles with Instinct. She looks out the window to see the moth heading toward the city. "Instinct we got to save the city." "WE,…don't need to do anything, your not leaving this tower, alive." Starfire realizes Instincts true side. "You are no friend, you work for the Killer Moth." "Yes, yes, your right." "And where is Robin?" "With Kitten and Killer Moth of course, but you won't be able to save him, unless you get threw me." Starfire gets up and tries to fly through the window, but Instinct, grabs her by the foot. She tries shooting Starbolts but they don't hurt him. Then she notice his hair is vulnerable, so she shoot her eye beams and fried his hair. Yelling, Instinct tends to his burned hair, but lets go of Starfire. She flew off to save Robin.

Killer Moth believes he is triumphed in his victory, he proceeds with phase 3 of his plan. "Now that the Titans are distracted, my babies will finish them off." He opens the cage door to release the flesh-eating moths. "Now, go find the Titans and devour them." The moth flew to their mission. Kitten is still with Robin who is getting sick with all the attention he is getting from Kitten. "I'll be back Robby-Poo." "I can barely wait for you to return." said Robin sarcastically. As Kitten left, Starfire snuck behind Robin. "Robin?" "Star, is that you?" He couldn't see strap to the chair. "Yes." "Star, thank goodness, get me out." With a couple of Starbolts, Robin was free. He grab his gear. "Robin, I must tell you something." "Not now, we got to stop those moths." Starfire grabbed Robin and turned him around. "No I have to tell you now. Robin, ever since I came to Earth, you have shown me nothing but care and concern. For it you were my friend, but I feel something more than a friendship. Robin, I…" BANG! An explosion close to where they were standing. "Get away, from my man." Kitten had a rocket launcher aimed at Starfire. "I'll get her, Starfire." He threw a freezing disc and froze Kitten. Killer Moth turned and he was hit by a freezing disc. "got them both," Robin said, "Now Star, what were you going to tell me." "Robin, I…" "Love Me?" Starfire pause for a moment, then just nodded. "I know, because I love you." Starfire and Robin came closer and closer together and shared their first kiss. When they finished, Robin just said "Wow!" Starfire gave a small giggle. "Now, lets save our friends." "Right!" NOT SO FAST TITANS!" a voice surprised them. It was Instinct.

"Your friends are as good as moth food." Both Starfire and Robin were prepared to fight. "Star," Robin said, "I want you to try and stop the moths from reaching the others, I'll fight Instinct." "But Robin…" "Do you love me?" "Yes." "Then trust me." Starfire nodded and flew off to rescue her friends.

Robin and Instinct were staring each other down as they prepared for battle. Starfire was prepared for the moths arrival. Instinct made the first kick, Robin countered. Starfire was hitting every moth with her Starbolts. Instinct and Robin fought there hardest. Each one seemed equally skilled, but no matter what, Instinct never tired. "There's got to be something I can do, but what?" Instinct was approaching Robin. Robin got his bird-a-rangs and tossed them at him. Instinct knocked all but one back at Robin. "Face it, I am the better man." The last bird-a-rang flew right into Instincts shoulder and ripped it, revealing, machine parts. "He a robot." He knew how to beat him. He tossed an electro-disc but Instinct dodged it. "You missed!" "OR DID I?" The disc blew up sending electricity through-out Instinct's body. Instinct took too much electricity, overloaded, and exploded. Robin stood over the machine. "Your beaten, Instinct, I won." Robin found the controls to the moths and deactivated it. Starfire who was soon surrounded by moths felt the weight off the world off her shoulders as the moths changed to normal. Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg came out of the concert seeing the remains of a great battle. "Whoa," said BB. "What's buggin' this town?" "Beast Boy," Raven and Cyborg groaned.

The cops put Killer Moth, Kitten, and the pieces of Instinct into their truck and drove off. "So Instinct was a robot created by Killer Moth?" asked BB. "I'm not sure too advanced for Killer Moths technology." "Man, he was cool when he didn't try to kill us." said Cyborg. Raven turned to Starfire, "Hey, Starfire, Aren't you upset?" "No, for my true love is, and always will be Robin, my hero." "I love you too, Star." Beast Boy got up and said, "Okay, no more lovey-dovey, for now. Let's get pizza." "Okay but no vegetarian," said Cyborg. "Dude, you need your greens." "Guys," interrupted Robin, "Let's get our usual." "Alright." they both answered. It seems like it's going to be a bright future for the Teen Titans.



Down the road, the police truck is turned over and is on fire. A shadowy figure emerges and views Jump City with one thing on his mind. Revenge. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"