Hey! This is the first of many rewritten chapters of this story. I started this a few years ago and since then my writing style has changed, so I've been wanting to get back on here and post new and better chapters. So, please enjoy!

Anyway…here we go with my first kag/inutaisho. This is also based on shadowed death's challenge.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone from Inuyasha but I sooooo want Inutaishio and Sesshoumaru! pouts it's not FAIRRRRRRRR!

The sun was warm on her cheekbones, the sigh of a summer breeze tickled her skin and lifted her dark bangs from her forehead. A small groan flittered past her lips and, soft and quick as butterfly wings, Kagome's lashes fluttered and lifted. Eyes the same blue as the sky slowly came into focus and, as they did, widened in shock and horror. The sun was starting to creep downward, setting the sky ablaze with hues of red, purple, yellow, and blue, but the beauty was lost to Kagome. If the sun was setting that meant that she was really, really late! She should've left hours ago! She must've fallen asleep under the goshinboku! Jumping up with a start Kagome tossed her big yellow bag over her shoulders and made a mad dash for the well. Inuyasha was going to absolutely kill her! Her expressive eyes were wide with worry as she thought of the tongue lashing she would be getting from the brash hanyou.

'He's definitely not known for his patience, that's for sure!' She thought glumly.

Picking up her pace, Kagome desperately threw the well house doors open and soared over the lip of the structure, hoping and praying that maybe he just…wouldn't….notice? She snorted at the thought just as quickly as it slipped through her mind.

"Pfft…yeah, right! Like that would even be possible. He's waiting on ramen, he's probably holding the whole village hostage by now.'

As the magic of the well gently engulfed her Kagome lowered her eyes, her thoughts taking a much more serious path, turning her blue eyes a stormy grey. She knew ramen wasn't the reason Inuyasha was chomping at the bit. Within the last few weeks they'd come closer than ever to finding Naraku. The last of the shards had been collected and both their group and Naraku knew it. The final battle was all too close. They could feel it in the air that never seemed to stir anymore…it was the still before the storm. The clouds were moving in, the darkness encroaching, and all too soon the first bolt of lightning would erupt and everything would begin. It was amazing and terrifying all at once.

'It'll finally be over…'

The thought left Kagome feeling oddly hollow.

A gasp flew past her lips as the atmosphere of the well took a sudden and drastic change. The air around her felt heavy as lead, it slipped through her lips and seemed to coat her tongue, her throat, and left her lungs encased in iron. Her heart turned sluggish and awkward, each beat taking longer and longer until it felt like it wasn't beating at all. She couldn't breathe, couldn't move, could only look around herself in shock and terror. What she saw was terrifically and horribly beautiful. The space around her was completely black, but throughout the space cracks like lightning lit up the darkness. Some were long, sharp bolts of silver, others danced like fireflies through the black. Then suddenly wisps of red and gold began to spatter the darkness, they were like tendrils of smoke drifting through the space…slowly…languidly…beautifully. A humming filled her ears, it was soft and sweet, reminding her of her mother's lullabies when she'd been just a baby cradled in her arms. It was just as comforting, just as rich, and left a haunting emptiness in the pit of her stomach.

It was like saying goodbye.

And with a crash as loud as thunder the darkness and strangeness ended, spit her out at the bottom of the well, and sunlight poured over her, all warmth and lightness and relief. As Kagome lifted her eyes, now full of tears and anxiety, dread began to creep into them as well.

The well shaft looked almost new? There were no marks or holes left by her shoes, the rope ladder she'd recently left hanging over the lip was gone. There was no shouting half demon looking down at her from above, no fox kit, or taijiya, or monk.

This was all wrong.

Shaking her head in denial Kagome hastily made her way up the shaft, pulling herself over the lip and taking in the clearing. The wrongness hit her again as she looked around. All she wanted to do was go home and try again. She knew the well wouldn't do this to her again. With a determined nod Kagome vaulted back down into the darkness.

When the only thing that met her was the harsh, unforgiving ground Kagome became numb. Shaking her head in disbelief she painfully dragged herself up the vines on the side of the well and tried again.

And again.

And again.

Hot, salty tears left glistening trails on Kagome's cheeks as she lay crumpled in the bottom of the well. Her heart beat slowly and painfully as reality began to weave its way into her sore body and weary mind. The well wasn't going to work. She was stuck here. As wheels slowly began turning again an idea formed in her mind in the shape of a cold hearted, icy daiyoukai. He was so much older than Inuyasha, surely he would be alive now...wouldn't he? As questions began to flood her mind one stood out predominately above the others.

'Where am I, or rather, what time am I in now?' Kagome thought, her mind running wild with unanswered questions.

The only thing she could think to do was search for Sesshoumaru. Yes, he had been an enemy in the feudal era, but that shouldn't be true now, she was even farther back in time. He probably didn't even know she existed. Shrugging off the feelings of uncertainty and dread, Kagome set her jaw and nodded her head in certainty. She was heading to the west. Standing and brushing herself off, Kagome made her way back up the side of the well one last time. Gripping the straps of her backpack Kagome took a deep breath and set off into an uncertain future. All the while the well sat silent and mockingly inactive in the hushed clearing.

Well, there's the prologue rewritten. I hope you liked it! I'll be working on the other chapters slowly but surely =]. Thank you for reading! Until next time, Ja!
