Chapter Four

Return to the Start of Everything

The fast gallop of the horse's feet on the ground was all that could be heard in the dark forest. Zhang Liao guided the horse on the way towards Xia Pi as Zhen Ji rested peacfully in his arms. He slowed the horse down after about three hours of constant riding since they had escaped the Wei encampment. He looked ahead to see the sun rising over the horizion and sighed as he saw the end of the forest come as they went through it. He stopped and got off the horse and led it to a small stream to drink.

He heard some stirring and looked up to see Zhen Ji rubbing her opening eyes. " Rest good," Zhang Liao asked her.

" After what happened last night, yes," she said smiling at him. Zhang Liao smiled and leaned down to the stream and splashed his face and than filled a canister he had up with water. He took a small swig and handed it to Zhen Ji who sipped alittle.

" We should reache Xia Pi by nightfall if we hurry and it would be good if we do, knowing by now Cao Pi has gone to Cao Cao and they have sent out every available person to hunt us," Zhang Liao said. Zhen Ji sighed and looked down.

" We will be hunted for the rest of our lives, but atleast I'm with you," she said looking up and smiling at Zhang Liao as she placed a hand on his. He smiled and hopped on the horse behind her and wrapped his arms around her and kicked it to get them going fast again towards the castle where Zhang Liao's journey and nightmares had begun.


Back at the Wei encampment soldiers were running around as Cao Pi directed them to get on horseback and give chase. " I want that traitor and wench brought back so I can kill them myself," Cao Pi yelled at the soldiers as he clenched his sword. Sima Yi stood off in the shadows unware by Cao Pi planning his next move. He sneered at the punk ruler and left to a tent.

Sima Yi waved his fan as he walked in to see the commanders of Pang De, Xu Huang, and Zhang He. " Master Sima Yi what is the reason you have asked for our time," Zhang He asked making Pang De and Xu Huang nod.

" Its simple, you three are some of Wei's most talented officers and I have a plan for us four, to join Zhang Liao in Xia Pi," Sima Yi said smirking. The three commanders looked at eachother and than Pang De stepped foward.

" I will lend my two halberds to Zhang Liao and let them act as his sword and shield for he and lady Zhen Ji," Pang De said nodding.

" And I shall lend them my beauty in battle and speed in tactics," Zhang He piped in. Xu Huang looked at Sima Yi and although he was a loyal soldier and general he feared for his friend Zhang Liao and lady Zhen Ji. He smirked and placed his axe in.

" And I shall use my axe to pave a safe path for them," Xu Huang said smiling. Sima Yi smirked and placed his fan in," and I shall provide the strategies key to their and our survival," he said. The four commanders than nodded and Sima Yi looked around.

" We shall leave at late tonight, round up some horses and provisions and meet outside the camp tonight, till than keep this underwraps," Sima Yi said. He than turned and left like a shadow as the other three dispersed without a word.


The horse carrying the two fugitives as they were now known as began to get tired as the sun began to sink over the horizion. Zhang Liao held Zhen Ji in his arms and looked ahead. He smiled after hours of constant galloping and riding he soon saw the top of Xia Pi castle begin to come into view. He guided the horse across a half destroyed bridge into the castle's main courtyard. He stopped the horse and looked around at the destroyed and ruined remains of the castle.

It was still littered with debris from the flood and some parts were actually still flooded. He held a whimper and looked down and smiled as Zhen Ji stirred in her sleep. He smiled and got off and tied the horse up as he grabbed Zhen Ji and carried her into the main keep of the castle bridal style. He walked around the destroyed hallways of the castle and soon found a room that used to belong to Chen Gong. It was somewhat okay but it atleast had a bed.

He walked over and laid Zhen Ji on the bed pulling the covers over her. He than gave her a quick kiss on the forhead as he left the room to investigate his new home. Liao walked down the halls and than came to the room where lord Lu Bu once resided in. He peeked in and found it a mess with long forgotten sake bottles and decors. He walked in to find Lu Bu's bed and other furniture still there but destroyed. Zhang Liao looked around the room and hung his head and exited it closing and locking it behind him never wanting to open it again.

He sighed and made his way out into the courtyard and than for some reason out of the castle. He looked around and than spotted something behind a bush halfway into a small dense forest. He walked over and moved the bushes apart and widened his eyes at the sight he found.


Zhen Ji stirred and opened her eyes. She found the absence of warmth from Zhang Liao's arms. She than found herself covered by cloth and than looked around to find herself in a small room and bed. She looked for Zhang Liao and saw only the provisions he carried in a corner. " Zhang Liao," she called for him. Ji than sighed and got out of the bed and slipped her high heeled shoes on and walked into the hallway. She gripped her flute and headed down and soon found an exit to the courtyard of the castle she was in.

She looked around at the littered castle and wondered if this was Xia Pi that they were heading too. She called for Zhang Liao again but got no answer so she walked out of the castle and looked around. The glare from the sun going down blinded her but than she saw a sparkle from blue armor. Zhen Ji turned and smiled as she spotted the silent warrior behind a bush crouching down. She laughed and ran over to him.

"Zhang Liao," she called pushing the bush back she smiled as she ran up behind him but soon stopped both in stride and smile when she spotted two tombstones infront of Zhang Liao.

"Its Lu Bu and Diao Chan, they were buried here, someone most have atleast gave them the proper burial, and they're even next to eachother like Diao Chan wanted," Zhang Liao said. Zhen Ji walked up beside him and looked down at him as his head was down and the sun was shadowing his eyes, but she did see a single tear run down his cheek.

She felt sad suddenly and fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around him and tried to comfort him. She than felt as he wrapped his arms around her and placed his head on her shoulder and than she heard something not her or anyone ever heard soft and quiet sobs, Zhang Liao was crying. Zhen Ji than felt tears run down her face and she hugged him tighter. " Just let it out Zhang Liao," she said holding onto him.

Zhang Liao did as he cried on her shoulder all the nightmares and sadness he had dug deep inside of himself.


Sima Yi looked outside as the sun had completly dived down under the earth and had brought complete darkness to the land. He than grabbed his fan and walked outside and into a secluded part of the forest where he walked out and found Xu Huang, Pang De, and Zhang He waiting on horses with them loaded down with supplies. " Now once we leave there is no going back to Cao Cao of the Wei army," Sima Yi said. The three commanders nodded and Sima Yi got onto his horse.

" Than lets go and meet our new lord," Sima Yi said. The four commanders than kicked their horses and rode off fast towards Xia Pi.


Cao Pi sat in his tent smirking as he sharpened his sword. His father promised once they returned to Xu Chang they would hunt down Zhang Liao and Zhen Ji and bring them back.He smirked and gave an evil laugh. He would take enjoyment in killing Zhang Liao and than using Zhen Ji for his pleasure and than sliting her thoart to watch her die slowly. " Liao will soon rejoin Lu Bu," Cao Pi said laughing.


Zhen Ji stood in the remains of the Xia Pi castle kitchen as she tried to prepare a decent meal. The image of Zhang Liao crying for the first time in her arms was still imprinted in her mind. She was glad he had finally come to terms with his sadness and let it out but she still worried for him and how it would effect him. " I just hope we can be together forever, get married, and even have kids," Zhen Ji said. She than giggled at the thought of her and Zhang Liao raising kids and than blushed thinking about her and Zhang Liao actually making love.

She giggled and finished preparing a small meal of meat buns and beef soup. She carried it into the small room where Zhang Liao sat resting. " Time to eat," she said smiling as she placed the food on a small table. She than brought a bowl of soup and a meat bun to Liao who nodded and smiled at her.

" Thanks," was all he said as he began eating. Zhen Ji nodded and made herself some soup and bun and ate it and smiled at how good her cooking was. They soon finished and Zhen Ji got into the bed as Zhang Liao cleaned his weapon and armor.

" Zhang Liao what will we do if Cao Cao sends his army after us," Zhen Ji asked making the warrior stop his cleaning job.

" I will defend us anyway I can, and I will make sure Cao Pi comes no where near you," he said looking back at her. Zhen Ji smiled and stood up and got on her knees behind Zhang Liao and wrapped her arms around him.

" I just don't want you to get hurt," she said resting her head on his shoulder. Zhang Liao smiled and placed a hand on her head and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

" I won't, I promise," he said turning to her. She smiled and looked up into her eyes. He placed his armor down and looked into her eyes. He placed as hand under her chin and cupped it as he got closer to her as did she. The two than met their lips and kissed eachother with fire. Zhang Liao kissed her deep and laid back with on. He was above her and kissed her more as her arms wrapped around him and his hands rubbed down her sides making her blush.

" Liao, I love you," Zhen Ji said between their break in the kiss. Zhang Liao smiled down at her.

" I love you too," he said kissing her again. She kissed him back as the passion between the two grew when the sound of horses made them stop. Zhang Liao jumped off the bed fast and grabbed his armor and weapon and left the room as Zhen Ji at the interruption before grabbing her flute and following Zhang Liao outside.

The two exited the castle to the courtyard and stopped when they spotted Sima Yi, Xu Huang, Pang De, and Zhang He. Zhang Liao placed his weapon up as he put Zhen Ji behind him. " Woah slow down there buddy, we're here to help you," Xu Huang said raising his hands up. Zhang Liao looked at them raising his eyebrow as Sima Yi dismounted his horse and walked up to him with the other three.

" Lord Liao, we come here in support of you," Sima Yi said bowing. Zhang Liao looked at Zhen Ji and than lowered his weapon and smiled as he bowed to them.

" We don't have much time, once Cao Cao returns to Xu Chang he will be sending his forces out to find and capture you," Zhang He said. Zhang Liao looked back at Zhen Ji when Sima Yi walked up fanning himself.

" My lord its time for you to take charge and tell us your plan," Sima Yi said. Zhang Liao looked at him and than the other three who nodded and than Zhen Ji who smiled and bowed. He smiled and turned towards Xia Pi and began walking with the other behind him.

" Than lets go,we have about a week to recruit a suitable army and train them to take on the Wei army," he said leading them all into the castle.

End Chapter

Please Review

What will happen next and should I do a lemon or not?