The Future

By Darks00

Chapter 1: Prolouge


Did you ever what the future holds for the 6teen gang? Who would they marry? Would they stay single? Well, this is there future. TEN years, into the future.

Jude is married to Jen, but, then, why is Jen icnoring poor Jude? Just is desperate to find out what Jens hiding...

Caitlin and Jonsey are dating...but Jonsey is having troubles proposing to Caitlin...and poor Caitlin thinks Jonseys about to dump her! Jonsey better make a move quick, or be dumped!

Nikki and Wyatt are dating, and have one kid. Then, why are NIkki and Wyatt keep on fighting? is this going to lead to a nasty divorce?

6 Adults. 3 Stories. All chaoes is lost!


Darkness' Kid