Severus's scream of disconcerting agony as Remus entered him for the first time made Harry also enter him.

"YES, YES, YESSSS!" screamed Severus.

1,227 words eliminated because I don't want to be banned from fanfic dot net! Sorry, guys! I don't make the rules!

Harry did not know how to feel afterwards, cuddled up in the arms of his now- lovers. They were both so old… so much older than him. He didn't know how to feel, again. What was also funny, was the way Snape moaned, "I hope I don't get preggers!"

"We used protection," Lupin assured him.

"Protection?" Harry asked. "But… we're guys. Men can't get pregnant… Can they?"

The two men's heads shot up in horror.


Sorry it wasn't longer! But my sex scene was cut out:-(

If I don't get ten reviews I'll assume you don't like it and I won't write more