TITLE: No Place Like...
AUTHOR: DramaLexy
SUMMARY: How far would you for the thing you want the most? A little Shweir & Ronon/Teyla shippy if you want to see it that way. Set at some random point in season 2; anything before the mid-season break is fair game for spoilers. R&R
DISCLAIMER: Oh, if only I owned this show...but I don't, so please don't sue.
"How in the hell did we let you girls talk us into this?" John asked as the people on the TV screen in front of him started kissing. Elizabeth smiled, grabbing a handful of kernels from the popcorn bowl that Teyla was holding. She was rather enjoying forcing John, Rodney, Ronon, and Zelenka to watch one of the romantic comedies that the Daedalus had brought to the city on its last visit.
"Because you know we can make your lives miserable," she told her 2IC. "You got to watch your guy movie already."
"We're going to need at least two more to make up for this," John replied. She rolled her eyes.
"In the Colonel's defense," Teyla added in, "I can now understand your attraction to…" she paused, uncertain of the term, "Sports cars?" John nodded.
"I knew you'd come around if you saw what I've been talking about for all this time."
"What's next?" Rodney asked as the closing credits began to play on the screen. "I think they stuck the newest Harry Potter movie in here…" He began riffling through their box of choices.
"I think I'm heading for bed," Elizabeth decided.
"It's not that late, is it?" Zelenka asked. Everyone checked the time and they were surprised to see how much had passed.
"Yes, it is," she told him. "Thank you all for a great evening. We should do this more often."
"Ah, found it!" Rodney exclaimed, standing up with the DVD for 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'. He then realized that everyone else had completely moved on to a new topic. "Oh, sorry. What was that?"
Elizabeth smiled. "Goodnight, all."
"See you guys in the morning," John echoed before also leaving. Elizabeth was already halfway down the hall, and heard him break into a light jog to catch up to her.
"Something I can help you with, Colonel?" she asked with a grin.
"No, I just thought I could walk back with you, at least until we get to our own hallways…So do you really think we should have more movie nights?"
"Sure. Sometimes I'm up in my office so much that I forget what the rest of the city looks like. It was nice to have a night off."
"Well, then, we'll just have to make another hole in your schedule."
"I'll work on that." They arrived at the corridor that her quarters were off of. "I guess I'll see you in the morning as well."
"Yeah. Sleep well."
"You, too."
It was still dark outside when the sound of Elizabeth's door opening pulled her from sleep. Sitting up, slightly, she could see the small figure of a child in her doorway.
"Mom?" he asked. "I had a bad dream."
Elizabeth pulled back the edge of her blanket, inviting him over. "Bad dream about what?" she asked as he got settled beside her.
"I don't know…do you miss Dad?"
"Sometimes. But I know that he's got his own life back in Washington and we have ours here."
"Do you miss home?"
"Not so much anymore. Atlantis has become another home for me, and I know it will for you, too."
The boy smiled. "I love you, Mom." That earned him a hug.
"I love you, too, Jadin."