Are you surprised?? I updated in a week!! How wonderful is that?? I hope its not too soon, if you want I can take it down and wait four months. . .
The reviews! Oh gosh! I was a-m-a-z-e-d. I've never gotten that many reviews for a chapter before. I hope you all review that much for this chapter too! : )
This didn't come out the way I wanted it too. I think it was rushed, but I tried, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. It's over a thousand words, but still one of my shortest chapters yet.
Poll Results (these were very surprising!): Finn: 7 votes. Colin: 1 vote. Tristan: 4 votes. Jonathan: 4 votes. Logan: 3 votes. Other: 2 votes for Stephanie.
I'm glad people like Jonathan, I think he's awfully adorable.
Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls, Nor do I own the rights to Snow Patrols "If You Could Be Happy" Nor, Straylight Run's "Now It's Done" (Lyrics are abridged for the purposes of this story.) I own a sexy pink cowboy hat.
Enjoy please.
Chapter Six
Crack in Your Neck
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What the hell? Why was Rory going with Jess somewhere? Hadn't she told Tristan earlier she was going to dinner with her grandparents?
Finn was greatly confused by this, but was sure there was a simple explanation for all of it. Rory wouldn't cheat, she just wasn't that type of girl. Right?
After mulling over it for a few minutes, he pulled a flask from his coat pocket and decided he'd just keep that little piece of information to himself for now.
He stepped out of the bushes, they weren't very comfortable anyway, and started the walk back to the dorm.
Tristan sighed. The regular dorm party wasn't as fun as usual, Finn not having arrived yet, and him being a bit too tired for heavy partying.
Mandy was sitting next to him, after he had pushed her off his lap. He was starting to regret not going along with Rory, however ghastly her Grandparents may be.
The door flew open and Finn pounced in, mumbling merrily and nodding his head to some tune. He wavered, and almost toppled over; it was obvious he was drunk.
Logan walked up to him, patted him on the back and handed him a drink. Tristan idly thought it might not be a good thing to encourage Finn's already out of control drinking habits.
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Dinner was going fabulously. Rory really did miss Jess when he was away, he had that down to earth quality all of her current friends (besides him and Lane) greatly lacked. They all lived in a world where if they wanted something, they got it. No difficulties. That was the main reason she and Logan just couldn't work.
At least Tristan had gained some understanding and wisdom from military school, in spite of the way he acted, he was quite intellectual, and she really liked the changes he'd undergone since she'd last known him.
While she had been thinking Jess had basked in their comfortable silence. He was still in love with her. He soft ash hair, curling in slightly at the ends, framing such a beautiful face. He loved her face. He loved how graceful and kind she was.
He didn't know how to approach it though. As far as he could tell, she was very happily dating Tristan.
Giving himself a mental head shake, he looked up to see their waiter coming towards them.
He put hand on hers and spoke quietly, trying not to startle her. "Rory foods here."
And she smiled so lovely.
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Jonathan was standing in a corner speaking heatedly with a blonde girl about some point made earlier in a philosophy class they shared. Tristan still couldn't understand Jonathan very well. Philosophy was not for him, maybe Johnny boy liked it, but that required too much thinking. Hell, that was why he had Mary.
"So Tristan, where's that little brunette, Rerdy, you were hanging with earlier, I mean, that's nothing serious. Right?" Mandy put her hand on his thigh and leaned in toward his face. He leaned back, trying to move away from her, the smell of alcohol on her breath didn't make her any more attractive either.
"Her name is RORY, and yes, I would think we're pretty serious." Tristan definitely saw the irony in the fact he was correcting someone about Rory's name.
Suddenly Finn was behind them. "Yesssh, well you can't have been too serious or that 'little brunette Rerdy' wouldn't have been kissing that dark boy. Jess?"
"What?" Tristan said quietly, disbelieving.
But then Finn passed out.
You could be happy and I won't know
And all the things that I wish I had not said Is it too late to remind you how we were
Are played in loops 'till it's madness in my head
Tristan couldn't feel anything. Rory has been kissing Jess? Wasn't she at her grandparents?
Why had she been kissing Jess then? She was dating him!
Suddenly, Tristan felt very, very angry. She must have been playing him then, gathering his trust, all the while laughing behind his back with that, that Jess. How could he not have seen it? The way Jess smirked at him when they had met those few times.
He took a deep breath, then another, and finally, his slightly drunken mind turned to Mandy.
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Rory spoke slowly, sure to get her meaning across to the man sitting on the other side of the table. "So, I really think that maybe you shouldn't come by the dorm so much anymore, or at least, for a while."
He was confused. "Why?"
Rory pursed her lips. She really didn't want to do this, but she really needed to focus on her relationship with Tristan. She couldn't handle another failed relationship. And she knew she loved Tristan. That was one of the main reasons she had agreed to have this dinner.
"I need to take care of Tristan right now, he's been having a couple of family problems, and you know Jess, I just couldn't handle if this failed too."
He understood, she could see it. He was in no way happy about it, but he understood.
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Tristan kicked back the door into her room. Moving backwards, his lips still on Mandy's, he started to take his shirt off.
His brain shut down as they stumbled towards the bed, peeling clothes off as they moved..
Every step a closer's a step that we both will regret,
Keeping a tally, but who can keep track?
Your overreacting is taking me back to a time better left alone,
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A tear tracked itself down her face as she hugged Jess goodbye.
She watched him hail a taxi, and watched him drive away.
She bit her lip.
All for Tristan.
No poll this time.
Please review and make me happy, I will give you all virtual dirty Tristan blow up dolls. they're verrry sexy I have one right in front of meee . . licks lips.
Smiles for a happy day!!