"Bo! Where are you?" A voice called from the kitchen.
"In here!" Bo answered his voice muffled. The person who called him walked into the living room. Bo was half in and half out of a big antique china cabinet.
"Hey where's the rest of ya?"
"In the cabinet. Where'd ya think?"
"Well you know I would like to see yer other end. So why don't you just come out and tell me what your doing." Bo's sister said. Bo was rummaging through some old photo albums that his uncle had put in there a few years ago.
His hind end was sticking up in the air and Jess just couldn't resist spanking her brother's behind. She snuck up behind him and smacked him right on the bottom. Bo yelped in surprise and hit his head on the inside of the cabinet.
"Owww. What in the world?" Bo said as he got the rest of the way out of the cabinet. Jess was laying on the floor laughing her head off. Bo knew instantly that it was Jess who had done it since she was the only one in the room besides Bo.
"Alright. Ya know what happened to the last person that did that to me?" Bo said in mock anger. Jess knew what he was talking about, since she was the last one who done it.
"Ummm, maybe I best get running now." Jess said as Bo stood up.
"Uh huh." Bo nodded in agreement. Jess stood up and started to walk back slowly at first, then she took off in a dead run out of the living room, through the kitchen, and out the back door. Bo took off immediately afterwards. He chased his sister through the barn and around the house.
'You ain't gonna catch me Bo!'
'Oh yeah? Just you wait and see.' Bo thought to his sister who was running down the drive with Bo right on her tail. See Bo and Jess ain't like the other Dukes from Hazzard, or any from any were else for that fact.
They both had a talent that nobody other then the Dukes knew about. See they have these special 'powers' that they were born with. One of the things they can do is talk to each other with their minds.
Bo was about to catch up with Jess when out of nowhere a large dog comes running out of the woods next to the drive. Bo didn't see the dog until it was too late. Both the dog and Bo fell to the ground with a loud THUMP! Jess noticed that her brother wasn't running after her no more. She stopped and turned around.
The sight that met Jess' eyes was one she wouldn't soon forget. Sitting on top of her brother was a big ol' yeller dog. It was sitting on top of Bo's chest wagging its long tail and panting.
"Boy Bo, it looks like you have a new friend." Jess said as the dog started to kiss Bo.
"Yeah, but as soon as I get up yer as good as mine." Almost as if on command, the dog got off of Bo's chest and started to bare its teeth and start growling at Jess. Bo slowly sat up and looked at Jess.
'Don't move Jess.'
'Bo will you call this dumb dog off me?'
'Ok I will.' With that being said or in their case thought, Bo told the dog to sit.
"Ok dog, sit." Just as if Bo had known the dog all it's life, it obediently sat.
"Wow. I'm good at this stuff." Bo said. The dog continued to growl at Jess.
"Ok dog, you can stop growling now." Just like before the dog stopped growling on command.
"C'mon dog. Come here." Bo called. The dog got up and walked over to Bo and stood as if waiting for his next command. Jess looked at her brother then to the dog and back to Bo again still not believing that the strange dog was listening to him.
"Ya know Jess, I think we should keep it."
"Bo you know Uncle Jesse would never let us keep it."
"Well it never hurt to ask. 'Sides if I show him what this dog can do, I'm sure he'll let me keep it."
"Ok. If'n you say so." Jess said knowing she wouldn't convince her brother otherwise. "You can ask him when him, Luke, and Daisy gets back from town." Jess said as she started to walk towards the house.
About an hour or so later Jesse, Luke, and Daisy got back from town. Jess was in the house fixing dinner when Jesse and Daisy walked into the house.
"Hey there Uncle Jesse and Daisy." Jesse greeted from the stove.
"Hi Jess. Say where's Bo at?" Jesse asked.
"I'm not sure. The last I saw of him he was outside throwing a stick."
Jesse looked at Jess puzzled.
"Why in the world would he be throwing a stick for?" Jesse asked still puzzled.
Luke had walked to the barn to put away the animal feed when he noticed his youngest cousin sitting behind the barn. Luke walked behind Bo and tapped him on the shoulder. Bo jumped and fell on the ground since he wasn't expecting Luke or anyone for that fact to tap his shoulder.
"Oh my God Bo. Are you ok?" Luke said as he reached out his hand to help Bo up.
"What the hecks the big idea Luke? Man twice in one day."
"Sorry 'bout that coz'. Didn't think ya would jump like that." Luke said. It was just then that Luke noticed the big yeller dog running towards them. It ran up to Bo and dropped the stick at his feet. It sat there panting hard from running. Bo looked down at the dog and figured it was probably thirsty.
"Say where'd ya get the dog from?" Luke asked.
"Well its kinda a long story. Let's just say we met in a very painful and humiliating way." Bo said. Luke looked at Bo confused.
"Oookkaayy… Well let's get inside 'fore Uncle Jesse tans our hides for being late for dinner. We can ask him 'bout the dog 'fore dinner." Luke said. Bo nodded in agreement. They walked to the house, the big ol' yeller dog walking next to Bo.
"Looks like you got yourself a new friend." Luke said as he watched the dog follow Bo. Bo didn't say anything, he only nodded.
well there ya go! if i get enough reviews i'll update. that dog will play a big role later on incase ya'll are wonderin'. well please R & R! good and bad comments r welcome.:)
i also want to thank
vinsmouse for the title suggestion. i like it a lot so thanx!