The INU King

Inuyasha-8 years old, inu hanyou, prince of the western lands, best friend-Kagome

Kagome-8 years old, inu hanyou/miko, part of the inu clan, best friend-Inuyasha

(In this story Naraku, Kaguya, and Minomaru are all in one group. I will often refer to them as The Evil Trio)
Izayio and Takimaru are brother and sister in this story. and I appolagize in advance that there is no Sesshomaru in this fic. I promise i am working on one about him now. anyway on with the story.
Chapter 1: the Begining

Dawn. Inuyasha was the son of Inutashio,(the great dog demon+ruler of the western lands) and Izayoi. Inutashio was teaching Inuyasha how to sword fight when Myoga showed up with the news that Naraku, Kaguya, and Minomaru were in the western lands. He ordered Inuyasha to return home. He reluctanly walked back home. When he got home he went ot vist his uncle Takimaru.

"Uncle Takimaru," he asked "When I become ruler of the western lands what will that make you?"

"A monkey's uncle." Inuyasha laughed and said "You're so weird."

"Why don't you go practice your sword skills, OKAY?" Takimaru inputed.

"okay." Inuyasha replied and ran off.

(W/ Inutashio)

After running the evil trio out of the western lands Inutashio went to the swords smith, and family friend, Totosi.

"I need you to make a sword for me to give Inuyasha."

"Okay, but I will need one of your fangs."

Inutashio pulled out one of his fangs and gave it to Totosi. He spents the rest of the afternoon waiting for the sword to be done. Around sundown it was finished. He placed the sword at his hip and set off to return home.

(end of chapter)
plez review! I like this story mostly becuase it's my favorite movie combinded with my favorite anime.