Zany Guilty Gear: A New Beginning

Disclaimer: I do not own Sammy Studios or Arc System Works. However, the original characters that appear in this fic, including Nazareth, are mine. If I make mention of any scenes from any fics that aren't mine, I will state it in the end of the fic.



A little green-haired horned boy in pajamas walked carefully into a kitchen, seeing a robed woman, nearing her early thirties, looking very disheveled. Her weary dull-hued eyes looked at him, then turned back to the dull scenery around her.

"What are you doing out of bed, Rainer?" She lowly asked.

"Mama... I saw someone scary in my sleep..."

"Who did you see?" Her voice was unconcerned for his worry.

The boy's voice was now filled with sobbing. "It was a big, big, really scary demon. He was muscley, red, had horns and sharp teeth and tusks, and told me that I was an abber... abbera... unholy sin."

Her eyes immediately darted to him. "What?"

"He told me that it was him who did bad things to you... he told me that I was the reason why you're no longer of the elite people of the Holy Order. He said I was the reason why you weren't happy when I was born, and that I would always make you suffer..."


"Mama, I'm sorry..." The boy was standing rigid, trying to hold back the sobs. "I'm sorry for ruining your life... I'm sorry for making you unhappy... and, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being alive..."

The woman was in shock from hearing her child utter these lines, and her weary-tone seemed to disappear from existence, as she knelt to her child, and held him very close. "No... No, don't be sorry."

"But I want to be... would you be happier without me?" His tear-filled voice was still trying to break through his vigil.

"No. Although I was in a good position before you were born, it was a lonely life. Even when I was depressed about not being in a powerful position, I now realized that with you... with you I'm whole, my son."

He sniffled. "Mama..." He stifled a small giggle. "You don't make a lot of sense."

She mimicked his tone. "Aye, and neither do you, Rainer."


"Verdant Nirvana? Demons who walk among us?"


"That's the earliest childhood memory I've had, doctor." Fo Rainer, while all bandaged up from Faust's surprise 'visit', had told the bag-headed doctor. Ignoring the surroundings that were a quaint room in a small hotel, he sat up, clutching his shoulder.

"Interesting, indeed. I did not know that there were demons from the Other World in this dimension." Faust was intrigued.

"And there aren't any in yours?" He snorted in humor, ignoring his nod. "You're the lucky one then. My mother, Sheila McAbby, was a devout servant to the Holy Order before my time. Her holy strength was insurmountable. There was nary a person who could even best her skills. Granted, she gained that devout power by swearing off the devil's temptations; ya know, no alcohol, no sex, the usual thing."


"The only problems that plague the Holy Order in this dimension, as you would say, are rebel groups who disapprove of the Order's blatant corruption, and demons. In battle, Ms. McAbby was a deadly combatant, purifying and crushing demons in minor swoops. Her skills raised her to the elite ranking of the Holy Order, the 'God's Tri'." His tone soon became soured with rage. "But then... he came."

"A powerful monstrosity?" Faust asked, wanting to know more about this man.

"The Demon King of this realm himself, Baelzath. He appeared from out of the blue one day by himself, and openly challenged all of the Holy Order to battle. Half of their numbers were slain, and McAbby herself was even defeated by him. But, he wanted to humiliate the Holy Order further. Defeat wasn't enough of a shame; he added insult to injury by raping her. From that, she was doomed to carry a Hell-tainted infant."

"That's where you came from."

"Yes. Because she became defiled by demons, she lost her place from 'God's Tri'. Fallen from grace, she remained a reverend in the church of my hometown, Dublin. She was offered the chance to get everything back if she went through an abortion, but that woman, she had too much pride, and at first thought of carrying the demonic child as a punishment from God for failing to kill Baelzath. But then after that day, from what I told you, she realized that I was a blessing, since I saved her from a supposedly soulless and holy life."

"She'd rather want a happy and joyous life, with a half-demon son?" Faust stupidly pointed out.

"Bingo, bag-head." He sighed again as he gripped his bhuj and used it to help himself off the bed. "As for me, I'm affiliated with the Holy Order... for atonement."


"You see, even though my mother has moved on and accepted me as her son, I wish to atone for being a human tainted with demonic DNA, and aim to meet Baelzath myself and slay him." He headed for the door. "I am also aiming to find a young man who proudly and openly praises himself to be unique. A boy with white and black wings who goes by the name, Nazareth." He turned back to the bag-headed doctor. "I thank you for letting me tell my tale to you, kind doctor."

"Well I hope you can be a regular patient." He crazily laughed, like he usually does. "But I do hope you find him." He opened the window, pulled open his umbrella, jumped out the window, and started flying away. "SAYONARA!"

"... Crazier than me..."


"Bridget, where are we?"

The younger-dimensioned half-Gear asked her nun-dressed male companion, as the expanses of the forest surrounded them. Bridget stood up, held Dizzy's hand, and started leading her around the lush green forest.

"This all seems so familiar... like I've been here before." He mused quietly.

"Wait, where's Testament?" Dizzy had a pang of worry in her voice.

"Dizzy, we have to find out where we are first, and make sure that you're not in any danger." He looked back to her, nearing her carefully. "And I'm very sure Testament's alright. He can handle himself, Dizzy. So please don't worry."

"You're right... after all, I trust you." The half-Gear princess leaned herself on his shoulder, as he continued to lead her through the green forest. "Are you sure you know the way?"

"I'm not sure... I'm going on a hunch, but--" Something caught the bounty hunter's attention. "Wait a minute... is that?" His expression grew a wide smile. "Dizzy! I can see my house! We're in Verdant!"

Gripping her hand tighter, the two picked up their pace, as the forest around them seemed to be receding, and an open clearing was presenting them to our duo. With the back of the mansion in their sights, a low humming caught the both of them off guard. Worried like she would, Dizzy grabbed her British lover and took cover behind some greenery.

"Dizzy? What's wrong?"

"Bridget... something doesn't seem right about this place." She peered through the foliage, tempting him over to see through as well. "Are you certain this is your place?"

"Yes. I know the exact structural designs of that place. It has to be it."

"But, then who is that woman?"

Dizzy pointed to a long blue-haired woman with crimson eyes, wearing a blue sundress stopping at her shins, white sandals, and had a carbon-colored tail slithering out the back end of the dress. She was lowly humming a tune to herself as she putting up wet laundry on a clothesline.

"She looks just like me... but she doesn't have wings." She squinted as if to get a better look at her, and then gasped. "And she has small wrinkles on her cheeks."

The (O.O) expression took over Bridget's face. "You point out the wrinkles?"

"May got me up to date about cosmetics." She smiled. Her face turned to the unknown-to-them woman. "And who's that guy?"

She pointed to a blond-haired man with emerald eyes, wearing simple shorts and a shirt and black sandals. He went behind the woman, and wrapped his arms around her stomach, noting her small gasp as he kissed her neck.

"I think I have a suspicion..." Bridget became a little worried. "Let's see if they'll say something that can give us a hand on where we are."

"Still worried about him, my love?" The male kissed her neck gently again.

"Well, he is our son." She stated simply. "As a mother, I should be worried about him."

He let go of her, as he reached down to the hamper and helped with hanging some laundry. "I know you're worried about him, but Nazareth is a strong individual. He should be more than able to handle himself."

"Nazareth?" Dizzy was in surprise. "These are Nazareth's parents?"

"I know Nazareth is strong." Worry soon took over the elder woman once more. "But between the corrupt Holy Order officials who want him for God knows what, the run of the mill demon groups, and now Sol himself wanting to do away with him, how am I NOT supposed to worry?"

"Sol's here too?" Bridget was in shock.

"Nazareth has always driven back any Holy Order goons who have come for him, he has defeated his countless share of demons, and Ms. Jam and Mr. Ky said that they themselves would be able to help find Sol. Not to mention the fact that our son has made friends and allies with the Mako Pirates, so please, dear, have some faith in him." He kissed her to add reassurance. "Alright, Dizzy?"

She smiled weakly, and kissed him back. "You always did know what to do to make me feel better, Bridget."

Now with dreaded confirmation, the younger couple was in utter shock, seeing this dimension's future versions of them, happily married, and finding out that the Nazareth they were hanging out with in their time, was actually THEIR offspring.

(Author's note: To avoid confusion, let's call the older Dizzy and Bridget "Diz" and "Brid" respectfully.)

A low growl was heard from nowhere, but then escalated as Diz looked down. "Saint Tail, what's wrong?" With the appendage taking on a maw, it launched a blast of flames, incinerating the bushes where the younger half-Gear and Brit were hiding. "Who are you?" Urgency was laced in her tone.

"Wait, we're not bad people!" Bridget stepped up.

"You..." Brid was in surprise, but then pulled out a bladed yo-yo out of nowhere. "You have some nerve approaching us and attempting to deceive us with our past appearances, demons!"

"No!" Dizzy pleaded. "Please, we're not demons! We're not evil!"

"Even my old, naive personality..." Diz openly sighed, making the younger Dizzy gasp in shock. "It will not work..."

"Dizzy..." The bounty hunter looked at his half-Gear princess. She nodded back to him, as they knew what had to be done. "Let's go!

"Necro! Undine! Help me please!"

"Here it comes!"

"Saint Tail, ATTACK!"

(We'll return to them a little later!)


Chain, ghost, and laser alike were chopping down wave after wave of demonic uprisings. Lizard-like insects of all manner were breathing flames and firing off round after round of spike-like ammunition. Justice clenched her fingers, and let volley after volley of missiles take out incessant birds and bats polluting their safe haven of the air. Axl loosened up his sickles and wrung them around some large beast's neck, whose hands were bound in shackles; even its mighty strength was no match for the two sickles in its neck. Zappa felt Raoh's power surge out of his body, and he let the angry spirit take out cloth-like apparitions with his mighty Bellows Malice attack, sending them to the afterlife one by one.

"Hmph... another desolated human civilization..." Justice mused. "I'd enjoy it even more if I had been the one to bring this pain."

Axl was more surprised at the monsters they've slained than by the angry Gear's comments. "These monsters..."

"Yeah." Zappa continued. "Just like the ones in that Isene island."

"Isene?" Justice commented, but then turned her head. "Never heard of the place."

"'Course you've never heard of it, luv. The Chief did run ya into the ground at the time."

"What?" The Gear was in disbelief, and then she started laughing madly. "If I was dead, then WHY do I stand, human? He obviously DIDN'T do a good job."

"Then that must mean, that you're a Justice from a different universe!" Zappa was freaking out!

"Feh, like I'm some red-haired bimbo named Justine or anything..."

"Mr. Axl! Mr. Zappa! Ms. Justice!"

The little boy who was traveling with them finally pointed out ruined skyscrapers, ravaged streets, and flame-coated wolves traveling in a pack. The one that was covered in most scars, probably the one who survived the most attacks from others who tried to extinguish them, howled loudly, with the others growling ferociously in kind.

"To think that these zoo animals could even dream of matching wits with the Gear Messiah..." She looked to see Axl and Zappa (with his ghost dog in tow) charging head-first into the pack. "...Dumb humans... Looks like I'll have to kill them AFTER I save their worthless lives." Her tail lashed out as she charged onward, her claws and weapons in tow.


"Wh-where am I?"


The child captain of the Mako Pirates hugged his best friend tightly, glad to see him finally coming to after his scuffle with Sol. His wings patted Mai-Den on the head slowly, and then threw him off of their precious child altogether. The young boy hit the wall, almost knocking some medical equipment down.

"Undine... that was NOT appropriate." Nazareth scolded his wing.

"I-I-I'm just glad that you're okay, Nazareth-kun!"

"Aw, thanks, Mai-Den. But you know me!" Nazareth stood up, and beat his chest hard. "I might not look it, but you know I'm resilient."

"Everyone was sure worried about you. Especially Sheena." He looked out down the hall on his tiptoes, and got the quarter-Gear closer. He whispered into his ear. "I think I heard her crying in her room. Maybe you should go see her."

"Okay. Thanks for the heads-up, Mai-Den."

"Captain!" Another voice called out to the kid captain. "An unidentified vessel has come up on the radar!"

"I'll be right there immediately!" Mai-Den left the sick bay, and started running up the steps, leaving Nazareth to handle the crewgirl's worries.

"Okay, I better go see Sheena right away then." He left the sick bay, went down the flight of steps, and finally found her quarters. He saw through the small window there that Mai-Den was right; the strong, red-headed, blue-eyed, tanned Amazonian woman whom he was always worried could kick the crap out of him, was clutching a pillow, crying her eyes out. Though being mute, he couldn't hear her voice even mouth off sobs. He knocked on the door, and let himself in. "Sheena?"

She was startled by the door opening up, but then was overcome by such relief, she hugged him tightly, her true-to-life Amazonian frame towered over him like nothing. She was in her usual pirate outfit, complete with a black bandana, and black stockings past her knees. She kneeled down, and motioned her finger on him, as if she was writing something down. "You are alright, Nazareth-kun..."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you, but you know that I always collapse whenever I over-exerted my power." His wings pulsed slowly, and he embraced her with them. "But I still am sorry that I worried you so."

"You no come visit a lot these days, Nazareth-kun..."

"I'm sorry that I don't come by frequently." He looked away. "My parents know... they know that I want to join up with the Mako Pirates."

A look of hope came into her eyes. "Then join! Mai-sama, April onee-chan, Jeri, Minako, Hao, and the others will--"

He stopped her finger. "My parents want me to complete my studies, first. I do intend to complete my schooling, and when I then join up with you guys, I can have a job that can be more useful to you all."

She looked down. "You no want to stay then?"

"For now, I am only visiting. Soon enough, I will have to return to Verdant, and complete my studies."

"... If you become smart, you no stay with me. I not smart."

"Sheena, what does that have to do with anything?"

"I no wait anymore." She breathed deeply, and ran her finger hard into his clothed chest. "Nazareth-kun, I love you."

He felt the deep imprint of her index, blushing hard. "Y-You do?"

She continued dragging her digit hard across him. "But if you get smart, you think me too dumb and look down on me. You get smart means you hate me."

He was shocked. Not from the sharp pain from her nailed finger, but from what she was saying about herself. "That's not fair for you to say. So what if I do become smarter than you? That doesn't mean I'll look down on you. I'll never become physically stronger than you; I'll never become a better fighter than you."


"You saw me fight; yeah, I'm strong, but that's only because I'm currently reliant on Necro and Undine. If I didn't have them, or my yo-yo, I would be a sitting duck. I want to become stronger so I can protect myself, protect others, and protect... you..." He looked into her cobalt blue eyes. "Sheena, I really like you too."

Silence took the room, as she took her finger out of his chest. Her arms encircled his body, lifted him up, and dug him into a warm embrace that ended with her strong lips meeting his meek lips. All he could do was just close his eyes, kiss back, and enjoy this affectionate show.

(Okay, that's enough of that! Let's get to where the action shall be!)


"What kind of a ship is THAT?" Johnny wondered aloud, as the shark-painted vessel was parallel with the Mayship. "That seems VERY weird looking."

"Johnny!" May called out, as Potemkin followed. "We're getting a radio transmission from that ship!"

"Alright, put it on the main station." Johnny ordered. Suddenly the radio line was opened up. "Hello?"

"Are you a dangerous ship?" A child's voice rang out.

"Uh... no, we're not." The suave blond couldn't believe he heard a kid. "My name is Johnny, leader of the Jellyfish Pirates and captain of the Mayship. We never mean any harm."

"Mayship...? Jellyfish? Why does that sound familiar?" The kid voice wondered aloud. "Anyways! I am Mai-Den, the leader of the Mako Pirates, and I am the co-captain of the Iruka Eater!"

"What, you don't like dolphins?" May loudly pointed out, annoyed.

"Nope! Sharks all the way!"

"Johnny, I don't like this kid!" The little girl pointed out.

"Calm yourself, May." He went back to the radio. "Permission to board? I'd like to see you myself, captain Mai-Den."

"Go right ahead! I wanna see the girl who likes dolphins, and rub it in her face!" The cool Johnny heard a loud slap ring through the transmission. "OWW! Okaa-san, that hurt!"

"May, tell the others we're docking with the Iruka Eater! Potemkin... you're in for one hell of a ride."

Potemkin was not that thrilled. "Goodie."


"Ow... I fell really far down. That fucking prick. Where the hell am I?"

Sol Badguy looked around. All he recalled was getting sent flying by Nazareth's unexpected Imperial Ray. He was in a sunny field, surrounded by trees. A small patch of flowers by his feet, he looked around further, seeing an open clearing. He walked towards the clearing, thinking about a few minor things in the process.

"There's something weird about that kid, Nazareth I think his name was." His thoughts took him back to that battle, memorizing how he fought. "How he fought was very similar, almost like a combination of both that cross-dressing bounty hunter, and... Dizzy. He had the wings, he had the exact Imperial Ray too." A sudden realization hit him. "My crap! This is another universe and the runt I just fought was this universe's Dizzy! With a touch of that fag, Bridget, or something."

Ahead, he saw the familiar sights of two assassins, and one nicely dressed Slayer. The white-haired Venom was tending to the girl's leg. Did she get into a fight, he wondered. But more importantly, WHY wasn't Venom and Millia at each other's throats?

Slayer looked out and waved at him. "Hello! Sol!"

"Fuck, I didn't want to be seen." He loudly responded, and casually walked over. "What's up, old man?"

"Well, we ran afoul of an alternate dimension Holy Order guy." He shrugged, looking over at Millia and Venom. "He certainly caught US by surprise."

Millia scoffed. "Please, old man. Don't further humiliate us in front of the Immoral Flame." She seethed, as her bandaged leg started hurting again.

Sol smirked, and started laughing. "You have GOT to be kidding me. You got your ass kicked, by a Holy Order wuss? Was it that God-boy?"

"That frog? Impossible." Venom corrected him. "It was some brash Irishman with horns, named, uh, Foreigner or something."

"Fo Rainer."

"Hush your mouth, Nightwalker."

"Yeah, Foreigner's a good band, but they'll never top Queen." Sol muttered, then looked back at them. "So what brings you around this part of the neighborhood?"

"We were sucked in by a strange light, and--"

"Stop. Right. There." Sol stated. "That light that brought me here, the same one that brought you wimps here, was all caused by that winged brat!"

Slayer was most confused. "You mean that nice girl named Dizzy?"

"I wish... She'd make my life easier dead! The culprit's some punk named Nazareth. He's like the Dizzy of this universe, with wings and the what not."

Slayer nodded. "Then it becomes clear. We shall band together, confront this Nazareth, and have him return us to the world that which we belong to."

"HA! Who says I'm traveling with you weirdos? I'm finding and killing that punk myself!"

Making that his goodbye, he walks past them, heading off towards a village in the distance.

"Well, I shall return with directions. Play nice, kiddies." Slayer teased as he disappears in his cape once more.

"Just focus on getting some rest, Millia. I'll stand guard for Slayer's return." Venom said, squeezing her hand once before standing up and patrolling the surroundings.


(And now, back to the fight that's about to be in progress!)

A beam was fired off, spilling the combatants into a blank clearing. The clearing's appropriate so no damage can be done to the mansion. It WAS their house after all.

"Yo-yo Extend!" "Yo-yo Extend!"

Two yo-yos were hung in place at the same time, as Bridget and Brid were evading each other's swinging weapons. Their toy-turned-weapons clashed against the other, making sparks fly. Bridget recalled his, catching the elder off guard, knocking him on the back of his head. He growled lowly, and extended his arm out.

"Razor Blade!"

The elder's yo-yo propped open blades from its opening, forcing the younger to evade the attack, leaving him open to be caught by surprise. The elder dashed quickly and kneed him in the stomach, reeling Bridget back.


"Demon! Face me!"

Diz commanded her tail to fire volley after volley of firebombs. Dizzy jumped up into the air, dashing overhead the elder woman. Necro and Undine popped out, launching her salvo of fire and lightning daggers. The woman strafed past all these attacks, and her tail launched a beam from its mouth, with Dizzy's St. Tail taking the hit. Dizzy's eyes were shut as she channeled enough power from herself.


Diz was about to dodge the attack, but Bridget interfered and quickly maneuvered a Kick Start My Heart behind her, knocking her into the attack. The elder Brid was shocked at his wife getting pounded by rising explosions.

"No good bitch!" He yelled at Dizzy, and rushed and launched another yo-yo behind her head. "To kill you... KILLING MACHINE!"

A much larger, more bladed yo-yo erupted from the weapon, cutting the poor half-Gear for a few hits before Bridget commanded a Jaggard Roger to take the rest of the assault, destroying the poor toy. Dizzy, this time, was now genuinely angry, and kept unleashing Arctic Attacks, making the ground erupt with earth and ice. Necro kept nagging at Dizzy to let him have a turn, but she wanted to show these two herself.

"Saint Tail, lend me your strength."

Diz took the tail inside her body, feeling herself becoming powered. She flew effortlessly on the ground, and released a furious flurry of hooks and kicks at Bridget, then grabbed his neck, and tossed him into a tree, watching it snap in two.


Dome-shaped explosions cascaded the ground, following after Dizzy now. Bridget regained himself and ran right into Diz with another Kick Start My Heart, only he clonked her on the head to follow up with another assault.


He crashed one-two-eight hits on her, and crashed a giant Roger into her. This riled the elder Brid to no avail.


He in turned showed the younger his one-two-eight hits on him, only instead of a giant teddy bear after, he summoned two large barbed yo-yos, and slashed at the young bounty hunter. The yo-yo wire proceeded to wrap around his body, by the elder's actions, and knocked him into Dizzy, the both of them weakened.

"Give up, demons?" Brid threatened, with the powered Diz to his side.

Necro and Undine, however, were not so keen on giving up. Undine took over Bridget's body as Necro did to Dizzy, and the both of them stood up.

"Shall we show them?" The blue woman asked her counterpart.

His bony face was lit up with anger. "Like you need ME to answer this!"

The both of them were down-right PISSED. "THIS IS FOR HURTING OUR PRECIOUS DIZZY!"

Both of them shot fast energy balls that stunned both of their adversaries quickly. Then they unleashed wave after wave of shots, flames, skulls, daggers, and droplets, battering the couple. And as the coup de grace, both unleashed a devastating Gamma Ray, dealing enough damage to knock them both out, declaring Dizzy's guardians, the victors. They let go of the hosts, letting themselves return to Dizzy's middle back.

Bridget, with torn clothes, looks to his side, seeing his precious Dizzy, his lovely half-Gear princess, now with her blue-hair flowing and in disarray, her white sleeves mangled, her stockings ripped and torn, her wings riled, and her tail scarred with scratches. She was struggling to get herself up, as he grabbed her hand, and carried her on his back, since he wasn't as drained of strength.

"Don't worry, Dizzy. We'll be okay." He looked over to their alternate selves. "And I have a feeling they'll be alright too. Although, this means we shouldn't stay here. We should find someplace in town to rest."

"Bridget..." Her arms held onto his body as tightly as she could. "We'll find our way home, won't we?"

"Back to our friends, and back to Testament. I swear on it." Bridget promised.

"And to our home..."

"Yes. Our home, Dizzy."

With that, the bounty hunter looked back at the knocked out couple, breathed deeply, and decided to walk towards Verdant. But just as they left the scene...

"Wow." Sol was surprised, as he looked at the down and out of it couple. He growled again. "Probably that punk Nazareth did this. When I see that kid, I'm gonna beat his ASS!"


(To be continued whenever the heck I feel like it. :P)