When darkness falls a shadow awakens in the night searching for the one thing he admires the most.

It was a dark and cold night at a downtown bar. The place was practically empty that night. As a black hedgehog was drinking beer he kept staring at a man flirting with a young woman.

The man seemed to have been up to something. The man seemed like he was going to kill her any minute now.

The hedgehog could tell because of the look in his eyes. He saw them going through the back door. He decided to follow slowly behind them. When he got to the back of the alley he saw the man gripping around her arm, trying to hurt her. Since his fur was pitch black he could blend in with the darkness very well. He decided to walk in on their business. He approached the man and woman slowly.

The man noticed he was coming towards them. He took out a handgun from his pants pocket and pointed it at the scared woman's head, "Don't move or this bitch is dead."

The woman begged him to help her, "Please help me", she said in a broken voice.

The hedgehog stared into his eyes menacingly, "I could care less what you do to her."

If the hedgehog didn't come to help her then why was he there? The woman was confused at the hedgehog and afraid of the man.

The man pulled back the hammer of the gun keeping a steady grip on the gun, "If you're not going to do anything then mind your own business you stupid hedgehog."

The hedgehog began to walk towards the man slowly.

The man took the gun away from the woman's head and pointed it at the hedgehog, "Stay back!"

The hedgehog ignored him and continued to walk up to him.

"You asked for it!" The man shot at the hedgehog in his chest. Blood rose from the wound, but it didn't seem to have stopped him.

The man was now afraid of the hedgehog and began shooting at him with all the bullets he had.

The bullets kept hitting him, but he wouldn't die.

The man kept shooting, "Why won't this fucker die damn it!" Soon the weapon ran empty on ammo and that's when the hedgehog caught up with him. The man tried to run away, but the hedgehog grabbed him by the neck and snapped it. The man fell to wet ground dead.

The woman slowly walked up to him, "That was amazing. You saved me, thank you."

The hedgehog turned to face her, "I didn't help you. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't because of my uncontrollable thirst."

"What do you mean?"

Shadow walked up to her holding her close. He lured his mouth near her neck with fangs coming from it.

The woman didn't realize it, until she felt something sharp going into her neck. She tried to pull away, but the hedgehog had her in his grip tight. He wouldn't let go. She tried to scream, but her voice was dimming down as she was dying.

When she was dead the hedgehog let her body drop to the ground along with the man's.

The hedgehog had her blood around his mouth. He killed her for no motive at all it seemed. He then laid his eyes on the dead man next to the woman he killed, but before he could take his blood he saw flashing red and blue lights reflecting on the wall. The bartender must have called the police because of the gunshots he heard outside of the bar. "Shit", the hedgehog muttered under his breath. He quickly disappeared from the scene.

Later on the streets a gust of wind blew, chilling the black hedgehog.

Papers flew all over the sidewalk. One piece landed on the hedgehog's leg. He stopped walking and picked it up to look at it. He read the headlines and it dealt with someone making maps. He looked at the picture above and saw a female white bat. "Rouge the Bat. Maybe I can get her to make me a map of the west, so I can find my master." He shoved the paper down his coat pocket, "I must find this Rouge and force her to make me that map." The hedgehog continued to walk down the sidewalk.