Disclaimer : I don't own the characters...The song isn't mine either !

Chapter 8 : Michiru

Lying in my bed i hear the clock tick,
and think of you
caught up in circles confusion -
is nothing new

That night Michiru couldn't sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about things that happened years ago and what had happened just a few hours ago. It seemed so unreal , even though she hadn't been awake when Haruka and herself got kipnapped by Michiru's father it still had some effect on her. Why did these things keep happening ?

The smaller girl who had been staring at the ceiling ever since she woke up on the chair closed her eyes.' I was wrong , it wasn't Haruka's fault Zen died , it was my own fault. If i hadn't come into Haruka's life then she wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place , apologizing won't help me now , maybe i should just leave , she won't mind.'

Michiru was shaken out of her thoughts when she heard someone knocking on the door.'' Come in.'' Michiru said as she watched the door open slowly revealing the blonde tomboy.

'' Hi.'' Haruka whispered with a soft smile on her face but the look in her eyes revealed her true feelings , doubt , anger , worry and...Something the smaller girl had never seen in the blonde's eyes before. Could it be love ?

'' Hi.'' Was all the smaller girl said , she was too deep in thought to think of something else to say against the blonde.

'' If you..want me to leave.'' Haruka started but Michiru shook her head.

'' No , please.'' Michiru paused for a moment and then looked up at the blonde.'' I don't want to be alone , not now at least.''

'' Actually i wanted to talk to you.'' Michiru sat up gesturing Haruka to sit next to her.The blonde shook her head as she stayed put on the place she was standing.

'' I'm afraid that if i will sit down next to you i won't be able to say it.'' Haruka smiled bitterly.

'' Say what ?'' The smaller girl was confused.' Is this possible ? Could she really be telling me what i think she wants to tell me ?'

'' Okay here goes nothing.'' Haruka strugged for a moment and then decided to just blurt it out.'' I love you Michi , i've loved you since the first time i saw you and i still love you i guess the reason i never admitted it because i was scared you...you wouldn't accept me even though you knew i was a girl...'' Haruka opened one eye to look at the smaller girl on the bed. When she saw Michiru blushing she decided to go on with her little speech.

'' You see when someone told me you were going to die , i couldn't think of anything but to find a way to stop it from happening and ...When i saw you sitting in that chair...unconscious , i feared i lost you. I guess...you mean much more than me than i would've ever dared to admit.'' Haruka took a deep breath.' So i said it ! I'm done , i really said it...oh god why isn't she saying anything , was she always this pale ? Did i kill her ?'

Flashback - warm nights -
almost left behind
suitcases of memories,
time after -

When Michiru noticed she hadn't done or said anything she just simply jumped up and walked over to the blonde tomboy. What came next was something Haruka hadn't expect. Michiru slapped her hard across her face giving her a cold glare.

Haruka lay her hand on the place where Michiru had slapped her and looked at the smaller girl with a shocked expression.'' That's for breaking my heart !'' Michiru yelled as she slapped Haruka again making the blonde almost lose balance.'' And that was for all the other things you did to me !''

The tomboy felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest. Again Michiru stepped into Haruka's direction . Fastly the blonde jumped away. She wasn't going to get hit by the smaller girl.

The aqua haired girl smirked a bit before jumping on Haruka causing them both to fall on the ground and before Haruka even knew what hit her Michiru started kissing her.' Okay what's wrong in this picture , slapped twice and kissed once ?' The blonde decided to just go with the flow and started returning the kiss.

Sometimes you picture me -
I'm walking to far ahead
you're calling to me, I can't hear
what you've said -

After awhile Michiru pulled back.'' And that was because i love you too.'' She whispered a little out of breath.

'' I'm sorry , i never meant to hurt you.''

'' I know.''

'' Ah then why did you slap me so hard , it may not look like it but ah...i have feelings too !''

'' Shut up Haruka , you know you deserved it.''

'' I did ?''

'' Mhh.''

Haruka wanted to say something in return but was cut off by Michiru's finger on her lips.'' Hush Ruka , just kiss me.'' The blonde obeyed and closed her eyes enjoying Michiru's presence and warmth.It really felt right here with Michiru with her , it felt so complete.Haruka smiled into the kiss. Maybe love wasn't such a bad thing as she had always thought it was.

Then you say - go slow -
I fall behind -
the second hand unwinds

'' You see ?'' Setsuna asked Usagi who nodded.

'' So this is a story with a happy ending ?'' The blonde asked the taller woman who stood next to her gazing at the moon.

'' Maybe.''

'' Ara , Setsuna , can't you be a little more...''

'' No.'' The green haired cut the smaller girl off.'' If i would it wouldn't be fun.''

'' Whatever , i'm not blonde enough to even start a fight with you about this.''

'' Good girl.''

Usagi just rolled her eyes and stared at the moon too. It wasn't a full moon but it was very clear.' Ah , maybe one day...I'll find my lover too , i just hope i don't have to got through such a hell as...wait...Haruka is a girl !' The small blonde looked at the green haired next to her in shock.

And as if reading her thought Setsuna started laughing.'' That took you long enough Princess.''

Usagi nearly fainted.'' Oh...my...''

If you're lost you can look - and you will find me
time after time
If you fall I will catch you - I'll be waiting
time after time

After my picture fades a darkness has
turned to gray
watching through windows -
you're wondering if I'm O.K.
secrets stolen from deep inside
the drum beats out of time -

If you're lost you can look - and you will find me
time after time
If you fall I will catch you - I'll be waiting
time after time

ThE eNd !

So i finished this story ! I know the end came a little bit unexpected and fast to0 , but to be honest with you all , i didn't like this story anymore so i put an end to it , i hope you don't mind it or else you know...i accept flames ! Anyway thanksto allthe people who reviewed this story , Ah yes sorry for the spelling errors people , but i have a lot on my mind lately , school is sucking the life out of me !

Amnesia nymph ,