I don't own any of the characters in the story or much of anything in real life. So if anyone wants to sue me for using the characters, feel free. You'll end up with about 40 cents and a stale cheese puff that's been in the couch for over a year.
Chapter 1
The shadowy figure sat alone on the rooftop. Eyes closed, legs crossed she tried to escape from the chaos inside. Since the other Titans had made the tower their home as well, it had been near impossible to find a solitary moment of peace.
But this place was different. Aside from Robin and occasionally Starfire, no one ventured up here. It was her peaceful retreat where she could clear her mind and be alone...
"Hey there!"
Raven jumped up and spun around to see who had interrupted her meditation. In the gleaming blue eyes that greeted her, she could see the reflection of hers - and an undeniable spark of red.
"Woh!" He raised his hands in defeat yet the smile never left his face. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."
"Then perhaps you should try NOT sneaking up on people like that."
He nervously scratched the back of his head. "Heh... yeah. I'll make a note of that." His cheeks flushed and the usually chatty Kid Flash was at a loss for words.
Raven raised a eyebrow but remained silent. She dismissed the flush of his face as a reflection of the crimson rays the setting sun cast over the tower. Turning around, she watched as the remaining light fled from the sky. Yet she could still feel his presence behind her. He hadn't moved an inch. "Did you want something?" Her monotone voice rang out.
Wally's mouth opened as if to speak but no words came out. Her head turned slightly as if to hear a whisper. "Uh... I just wanted to... uh..." he stammered in an attempt to will himself to speak. "Nothing."
Before Raven could turn her head, he was gone. "That was strange." Raven said to herself. A loud crash shook the building causing her to sigh. "Or not. This place is turning into a zoo."
Wally quickly retreated down the stairs on the way back to his room - navigating the twists and turns with amazing accuracy. Unfortunately, in his haste, he missed the opening door and the Tamaranian carrying an armful of dishes.
"I'm so sorry, Star," Wally said. "Let me clean that up for you." Star looked up to see Wally already with a dustpan and broom. Beastboy stuck his head around the doorway to see what all the commotion was.
"SWEET! I'm out of dish duty!" He pumped his fists in the air as he walked away singing, "Go Beast Boy! It's your birthday. Go Beast Boy!"
Starfire giggled as Wally swept up the remaining glass. "He is happy about camping, is he not?" In the years she had been on the planet, mastery of the language still eluded her. He did not answer - seemingly memorized by the sparking shards at his feet. "Wally?" she questioned waving a hand in front of his face. No response. "Wally? ... Waaaly?" she stuck her face in front of his.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, dipping her. "Yeeeees, my dear." His previously glazed eyes again gleamed. Star laughed. "Your head is not right." Straightening herself up, she smiled.
It took a minute for Kid Flash to realize what she meant. "What? I'm not crazy!" false hurt tinged his voice. Taking the dustpan out of his hand, Star returned to the kitchen area.
"Just not sure what to do." he whispered to himself.
"About what?"
Raven smirked followed by an exaggerated innocent look. "About what?"
"What are you unsure about?"
"Huh?" He paused. "Oh. ...OH! Nothing."
She rolled her eyes and pushed past him. "Okay." As the door opened, two bodies tumbled into the hallway. Raven glared.
"We were just..." Beastboy stammered. "Eavesdropp..." Starfire blurted out before he could cover her mouth. "GOING!" the green boy yelled over his shoulder as he practically dragged the Tamaranian down the hall.
"That was... weird." Raven shook her head as she continued into the room.
"So what are we watching?" A voice rang from the couch. Kid Flash shot a smile at the confused pale girl.
"Tea. Just tea." Before she knew it, the kettle was on the stove and a cup already in front of her.
"Until that boils, what do you say you join me for this thrilling show on..." The screen lit up with potentially the worst possible show in Wally's opinion.
Watch as the European Naked Red Rat stalks his mate. As he performs the mating dance - his tail fully erect - the female's attention...
"WAAAAVEEEEN!" Timmy's voice rang through out the tower and broke the awkward moment. "MY BLANKIE!"
"I have to go." Raven's levitated and rushed down the hall.
"You're trying too hard, man." Cyborg said as he came through the side entrance and flopped on the couch. "Just tell her how you feel and go from there."
"She's not like other girls."
"No man, she's not." Cy laughed. "And you're not completely normal yourself." He pushed Wally off the couch, "Her tea's done and she should be back in her room by now."
"No problem. Just remember..." Cyborg's face was deadpan. "If you hurt her, I'll have BB turn into a skunk and... well you just take it from there."
The grin on Kid Flash's face didn't falter. "I wouldn't dream of it." In the blink of an eye, the once empty cup was filled with steaming water and halfway to it's destination.
Cyborg flipped on the television. With the treetops hindering movement, the marsupials must maneuver into daring positions. He tilted his head as he tried to figure out what this show was about. His eyes widened and he mumbled, "he better not be dreaming of that either. Eehh..."
Raven slowly shut the door as to not wake the children sleeping inside and began walking toward her room. Lifting her head she saw someone pacing outside her door, talking to himself, and occasionally pausing to lift his fist as if to knock.
"Mind if I come through?" She said as she tapped him on the shoulder. Wally took two steps backward allowing her to pass.
The doors slid open and her voice again broke the silence, "You can come in if you like." Raven rarely permitted anyone in her room and was a bit confused at her blurting out the invitation.
Wally set the cup down on the nearby table, wondered over to the book shelf and picked up a random book. After flipping through the pages he placed it back on the shelf. "Can you really do all that stuff?"
"What stuff?"
"In that book - The Grimoir of Thadica." He reached for another book.
"You don't want that one!" Raven uncharacteristically shouted as his fingers touched the white cover. Running over to him she pushed the book back into it's original position. She had not forgotten the trouble that book once caused when the dragon was released. ...When she released it. When she released it because she thought someone cared about her in that way.
When she thought someone could love her like that.
"It doesn't have a good ending." She was visibly embarrassed by her outburst and prayed he didn't further question it. Walking over to her bed, she sat down and fiddled with the mirror on her bed stand.
Wally debated whether or not to follow her to her bed and decided the nearby chair was the safer decision. "So what was it you wanted?" Raven questioned. He felt as if her eyes were penetrating his very being. "You." he blurted at the site of her slender frame resting against the headboard. Realizing he had just used his outside voice he quickly covered by saying, "...forgot your tea." He got out of the chair, grabbed the mug and brought it to her.
"Thanks." Her purple tinged eyes sparkled in the dim light. Her fingers brushed against his as the mug came into her possession.
He inhaled sharply at her touch. That moment solidified in his mind what he was feeling but the usually brave Titan could not catch up with his own heart. "It's late. I should be going."
"Have a good night."
Before the mug reached the bed stand, he was gone from the room.