Welcome to Chapter 10 of Crossover Adventure, thanks very much Supreme Light for reviewing Chapter 9 along with the new reviewer Kineo!

Terriermon: Yeah! Thank you very much, momentai!

You do realise some people don't understand what that means right?

Terriermon: It's my favourite word.

Right, and Henry wonders how on earth he puts up with you…

Terriermon; He's my tamer, who else?

Someone who knows quite a bit and saved you from one of the Sovereigns but merging with you to form MegaGargomon so really, you owe him one.

Terriermon: Aw come on.

Now then, everyone, it's time for Chapter 10's debut! Please do the disclaimer Terriermon.

Terriermon: Why, isn't that your job?

Kind of but I currently have to make a call.

Terriermon: To who?

None of your business

Terriermon: Is it a girlfriend?

(Whacks Terriermon with a frying pan) HURRY UP WITH THE DISCLAIMER, I'M WASTING PAGE TIME HERE!

Terriermon: Ouch…Power-Of-Light does not own the following anime/games Bleach, Card Captor Sakura, Danny Phantom, DBZ, Digimon and Final Fantasy as Bleach rightfully belongs to Tite Kubo, Card Captor Sakura belongs to CLAMP, Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman, DBZ owned by Daisuke Nishio, and Final Fantasy by Tetsyua Nomura. Alexa and Watermon are owned by The-Great-Ninja-Alexa2007 as Power-Of-Light does own Daniel, Alex and the Pure Hearted D-Arc or in Tamer terms Digivice and the Pure Hearted Pendant

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Narrator: Last time on Crossover Adventure, Danny and his friends brought Daniel back to the Fenton household and unfortunately, Danny's family arrived home and mistaken the Digimon, Inuyasha, Shippo and Kiara as Aliens or Ghosts, luckily the problem was solved by Jazz Fenton and Kagome and Daniel has a strange dream only to awaken from his sleep, now, what will the group do? Find out on Crossover Adventure!

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[Play Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku

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Daniel looked at the roof of Danny's room while lying down and deep in thought, he didn't notice a faint glow of his two Pure Hearted weapons and they stopped as Daniel picked them up and put the pendant around his neck and clipped the D-Arc onto his trousers.

"Time head downstairs then" he thought to himself and headed down to the front room where everyone waited and Alex looked at him.

"Are you all right now?" He asked his best friend and Daniel nodded.

Inuyasha opened his eyes and looked at Daniel as his leant against a door. "Okay Daniel, Alex told us that Ifrit is a Summon but what is it exactly before we go into what happened while you slept." He told him and Daniel sat down on a free chair.

Shippo nodded. "Yeah, Alex said that you are a RPG person and are very knowledgeable on Ifrit."

Daniel smiled. "Alex is right, I know what Ifrit is, he is a Summon from Final Fantasy games and is the Summon of Fire who can unleash fire attacks, that cloaked man must somehow be able to summon them." He said to them and Miroku looked up.

"Them?" he asked Daniel.

Daniel continued. "Ifrit isn't the only summon, there are many different ones in which the main characters of the Final Fantasy games can acquire throughout their quest to defeat their main villain, trust me, play Final Fantasy enough and you'll get the plotline in your head even if it's your first time and the player will wonder who the villain is."

Alexa looked at him. "I remember a game like Final Fantasy but it didn't have Ifrit, it was about a boy with a weapon called the Keyblade."

Daniel looked at back at her. "You must mean Kingdom Hearts, I know, I've got all three games with Final Fantasy characters but that game doesn't connect with Ifrit, it must be a character from starting with Final Fantasy I up to XII but who could it be?" he asked everyone, it could be any villain from those numbers.

A sudden rumble was heard and Daniel and everyone sweatdropped and Daniel spoke up. "Sorry about that, I'm hungry." He said quietly

Everyone just laughed as did Daniel and Jazz Fenton could hear it and she poked her head from an open door. "I'll help set up lunch, anyone wish to help?" She asked everyone and Kagome, Sango and Alexa offered to help and went inside the kitchen.

Daniel suddenly came up with a question. "So, what's our next destination?" He asked everyone, they already done their job in getting the Pure Hearted Pendant so that left two more weapons to find.

Everyone thought to their selves, where do they have to go next?

Daniel suddenly thought up of something. "I wonder…." He took off his Pure Hearted D-Arc and pressed a button and Shippo jumped up on his shoulder to look at what he was doing. "What are you doing?" He asked Daniel.

Everyone looked at Daniel playing around with his D-Arc. "I thought if that the Tamers have the compass function on their D-Arc like how Takato found Guilmon, maybe the same can work with my Pure Hearted weapons.

Takato realized what Daniel was saying. "That can work, got anything yet? He asked his friend.

Daniel looked up. "I'm looking at it but all I done with this is swipe cards." He answered to Takato calmly and went back to playing around with his D-Arc until it started beeping.

"Got an answer." He said aloud and he turned it around to show them that on the screen, there was a red arrow pointing northeast.

Rika looked at the arrow. "Hey Danny, do you have a map?" He asked him and Danny nodded in reply and went to a cupboard and brought out one and spread it along the table and everyone looked at it.

Danny pointed at a location. "Let's see, we are here at Amityville." He pointed to a spot where they were. "And the next town in the northeast is this one, Karakura Town."

Everyone nodded and Daniel realized what it meant and suddenly, Kagome, Sango and Jazz brought in food and everyone started to eat and when they finished, the girls took the dishes back in and Daniel remembered something. "Hang on, there is one question on my mind, how did you guys get to Kagome's era?" He asked Shippo and Miroku, last Daniel remembered, only Kagome and strangely enough, Inuyasha only have the power to cross between their worlds while Sango, Miroku and Shippo remained in the Feudal Era.

Miroku nodded. "I was going to guess you were going to say that since you know us since you known Kagome fallen into the Bone Eater's Well, wait until Kagome and Sango returned and we'll explain."

Inuyasha looked up from where he sat while holding the Tetsusaiga in its sheath. "I'm going out." He said all of a sudden and stood up and went to the back garden.

Alex followed Inuyasha and Inuyasha lay on the ground. "What do you want?" He asked without turning his head.

Alex realized he got caught and sat down next to Inuyasha. "You spoke out all of a sudden as if you couldn't stand it in there." He said to him.

Inuyasha looked at Alex. "Feh, that's not it okay, besides, when was it your job to poke into other people's business!" He said calmly to him.

Alex looked back at him. "Aren't we allies?" He asked Inuyasha and he just closed his eyes. "Yeah, anything else you like to say?"

Alex wondered for a moment, he didn't watch InuYasha anime much and came up with a question. "Do you…love Kagome?" He asked out of the blue as Inuyasha was caught off guard and fell backwards onto the grass and got back up with an anime vein

"Me? Love Kagome? You are crazy, there's no way I'd love her!" he yelled at him and Alex remembered one word Inuyasha feared. "Inuyasha, sit."

Inuyasha stared at him in fear and nothing happened. "That's odd, when Kagome says it, you hit the ground dragged down by that necklace."

Inuyasha smirked. "Only Kagome can say that human, now, go away before I hurt you."

Alex shook his head. "I'm not scared, Inny!" He remembered a site saying Inuyasha was nicknamed Inny by fan girls.

Alex crossed the line and a fiery background appeared behind Inuyasha and he yelled. "INNY? THAT'S IT! IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER!" Inuyasha lunged his claws at Alex who moved out of the and Inuyasha just made claw hole sin the ground and chased after Alex but Alex always moved out of the way and making claw holes until….

"SIT BOY!" Kagome's voice was heard out and Inuyasha was brought into the grassy ground by the necklace as Kagome had the kitchen window open and Inuyasha…."You got lucky…fatty…" he managed to say until Alex grabbed Inuyasha by his kimono and looked into his eyes. "DON'T YOU EVER…CALL ME…. FATTY!"

Inuyasha smirked. "You should weigh yourself then." Before Inuyasha knew it, Alex punched him in the face and Inuyasha fell to the ground. "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU MUTT!"


Inside the front room, everyone minus Inuyasha and Alex sat down and Daniel looked at Kagome. "So, Kagome, could you tell us how you managed to bring, Sango, Miroku and Kiara into your era, last I remember, in the TV show, Only you and Inuyasha had the power to go pass the Bone Eater's Well, since your brother Souta couldn't go in the well and get Inuyasha."

Kagome nodded. "That's true, well, during when I was in the Feudal Era with Inuyasha, we came across some new form of evil and what I sensed wasn't pleasant as Naraku had these Dark Knights at his command and before we knew it, the whole of the Feudal Era was covered in a blanket of darkness. We managed to catch up to Naraku only he managed to open some portal with his new puppets and we followed him only for Naraku and the Knights to vanish without a trace but before we met up with you and battled that demon, we found a Dark Knight and defeated it until Naraku brought the demon forth as right now, my town is covered in darkness as well, Hojo, my mom, brother and grandpa are there and we had no choice but to escape and we ended up in Shinjuku."

Daniel felt sorry for Kagome and her town and the Feudal Era and thought until Shippo spoke up. "Hey Kagome, Inuyasha still hasn't come back." He said to her and Kagome stood up and went to the kitchen and saw Inuyasha and Alex fighting and she opened the window and shouted out. "SIT BOY!"

But unknown to the group, Sam and Tucker listened in on the conversation. And Tucker looked at Sam. "Hey Sam, Danny's got a new group of friends and we aren't invited to the conversation and even introduced."

Sam sighed. "I'm sure Danny has a good reason, after all, we know that those Tamers did save our world from that blob monster so it must be very dangerous." She said to him.

Tucker shook his head. "Come on Sam, we helped Danny with his ghost-catching so how can this be any different?

Sam sighed yet again. "Listen, everyone was scared of that blob as that thing swallowed buildings and we all hid until we found out that Digimon who terrorized us in past events had appeared to save us, heck, we even saw the Tamers inside their Digimon."

Tucker stopped her. "Which is impossible, flesh and data cannot merge, it only happens in make believe worlds."

Sam looked at Tucker in the eye. "Then tell me how we can see the Tamers and their Digimon?"

Tucker sweatdropped. "I'll get back to you on that."

-Meanwhile, in the garden-

"I'm telling you mutt, I'm not FAT!" Alex yelled at Inuyasha and Inuyasha was also mad. "And I'm telling you not to call me a mutt!"

Just then, Inuyasha's ears twitched at Inuyasha's look became serious. "Something's coming." He thought to himself

Alex looked at Inuyasha and let him go as Inuyasha's ears twitched and he walked inside but didn't enter the room and Sam and Tucker didn't hear his footsteps before feeling eyes upon them and looked up to see Inuyasha looking down at them and they sweatdropped.

"Well, someone seems to eavesdropping on a conversation, come with me." He said calmly and both his hands grabbed Tucker and Sam by their clothes and he carried them as Alex followed Inuyasha into the room.

-Inside the front room-

Within the room, Daniel and the others until Daniel saw Alex come in along with Inuyasha who had Sam and Tucker carried in.

Inuyasha put them down. "These two were eavesdropping." He said calmly as Sam and Tucker felt eyes on them from the group.

Danny looked at Sam and Tucker. "Why did you guys listen in?" He asked his best friends

Tucker spoke up despite being in front of other people. "Because we weren't introduced to your new friends and wasn't invited." That was the only answer he could come up with.

Danny sighed. "That was for your own good but seeing that you are here, you might as well join in since you might have listened to the entire conversation anyways." He said to Sam and Tucker as everyone introduced himself or herself.

Daniel looked at the map again. "So, Karakura Town is where we are headed to?" He asked Danny and he nodded. "Yeah, by the arrow on your device, it's seems to be pointing that way."

Daniel nodded and looked to Sam and Tucker. "I'm telling you two that the reason why you were brought into the conversation, it was to protect you." He said to them.

Sam stared back with arms crossed. "Danny told us the same thing but that didn't stop us from helping him catching ghosts so how can this be any different?" She asked him

Inuyasha was sitting on the floor and leaning up against the wall with the Tetsusaiga sheathed in his hands. "Because human, this is way different from just what you call ghosts but demons and some other kind of evil, so let me ask you if you are prepared to go and fight or stay out of this conversation and be safe."

Tucker looked at him. "Not a chance, Danny can't get all the glory and we'll help him." He had already decided, as did Sam.

Danny looked at his friends. "Well, I suppose it is okay." He said calmly

Everyone stood up and Daniel spoke up. "Let's go."

Everyone exited the house as Danny bid farewell to his family after explaining about Daniel's situation with finding the Pure Hearted Weapons and asking them to tell Sam and Tucker's parents about them travelling with him.

-Amity Park-

The group were passing through the park where the battle with Ifrit commenced and Inuyasha's ears twitched again. "Everyone, I hear something coming ever since we left that house."

Kagome looked worried. "Well, Inuyasha, where are they?" She asked him

Inuyasha was about to speak and used his nose until he looked up above Kagome as he saw something coming down and pushed Kagome out of the way and brought out the Tetsusaiga as it transformed as he looked at his opponent, it's a pitch black knight with purple eyes and brandishing a pitch black sword and suddenly, around the group emerged more of the same knights as he brought up the demon sword to block the Knight's

Inuyasha held it off. "Damn, it's these guys." He said calmly and pushed the Dark Knight away and everyone was in a circle.

Daniel remembered Kagome talking about dark Knights, these guys must be what she was talking about and brought his Pure Hearted D-Arc and took out a Digimon trading card and swiped it through the reader.

"DIGIMODIFY! OMNIMON'S OMEGA SWORD ACTIVATE!" He said as the Omega Sword of human size appeared in the ground and he put the card away in his pocket as he pulled the sword out and wielded it.

The Tamers, Takato, Rika and Henry swiped their cards. "DIGOMODIFY! SPEED ACTIAVTE!"

Alexa's turn started as she brought her blue D-Arc out and swiped a card. "DIGIMODIFY! SPEED ACTIVATE!" Watermon soon gained more speed

Renamon, Guilmon and Terriermon gained a boost in their speed and readied their battle stance as Kagome got her bow and her arrows while Miroku and Sango readied their weapons while Guardromon, MarineAngemon protected Alex, Jeri, Kazu, Kenta, Sam, Tucker, Shippo and Calumon.

Danny willed his ghost transformation and his normal clothes changed to a black suit with white hair, gloves and shoes and his eyes becoming light green.

The knights surrounded the group and then everyone fighting took on one Dark Knight each and the Knights were pushed away as the fights were separate and three more appeared from a portal and Daniel looked back to see Guardromon and MarineAngemon fighting two of them off but the free knight took this chance to strike the group.

"Get away from there now guys!" He called out to them as he tried his best to keep level with his Knight.

Everyone else was busy with their knight as the defenceless group tried ruuning away but the Dark Knight was much faster and blocked them as they ran a different direction but the Knight was always in front of them.

Alex was tired of running and stood still as the others ran and saw Alex about to be struck down and time seemed to slow down for him and everyone was calling his name.

"I'm tired of running…I don't want to be on the sidelines anymore, I want to fight and help Daniel! I want to help him on his quest!" he thought to himself and suddenly, an aura appeared around him as if protecting him and Alex's appearance changed, he had white hair and eyebrows and his eyes weren't brown but blue as he stared at the Knight.

Alex looked his hand as he could feel the power within him as if awake and stared at the Knight and with it off-guard, he punched it smack in the face as it crashed into the ground as it's comrades looked at this new warrior as did Alex's friends.

Daniel was shocked. Alex looked like a Super Saiyan with that aura and realised the Knights were distracted and he stabbed through the chest as the Knight disappeared in a wisp of black smoke as Alex taken on another Knight, helping the other as did Daniel and there was soon one left and everyone attacked, destroying it and looked at Alex.

"Wow, Alex, you look awesome!" Daniel exclaimed to his friend as Alex's form was reverted to his normal state and everyone agreed, they had a new warrior join the ranks and soon, everyone started their journey to Karakura Town where they hoped to find the 3rd Pure Hearted Weapon.

To be continued…

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Tucker: Next Time on Crossover Adventure!

Kagome: We arrive in Karakura Town and meet up with a black kimono man with orange hair.

Danny: Who are you?

Orange Haired Teen: You tell me.

Alexa: We also discover what kind of creatures inside the town.

Daniel: So, this is a Hollow huh.

Guardromon: And we fight the good fight as more Dark Knights appear!

Watermon: The Next chapter is entitled as…

The 3rd Weapon Appears! More Dark Knights!?

Daniel: You don't want to miss it!

Terriermon: And remember, R&R!

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New Preview!

Daniel: An evil force appears to block our path!

Alexa: This person…who is she?

Takato: There is no way that can happen!

InuYasha: So, the power of the moon gives her this kind of aura!

Danny: We've got to stop her before disaster strikes!

Daniel: We'll stop you Kaguru and with this one swing, I'll show you!

Crossover Adventure the Movie: The Moon's Darkness

Daniel: We'll see everyone in December 2007!

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Terriermon: A movie?

Yep, it'll appear in December, It'll start after Chapter 12 or 13.

Terriermon: So, So, what are you going to do now?

I'm going to wait in patience now as I'm typing Kingdom Hearts: Anime Worlds.

Terriermon: I hope people will review.

Me too, well everyone this is the newest chapter and a preview for the Movie has appeared this was in my mind for a while and so everyone, Review and Review please! Thank you very much!