Dilemmas of an Original Character - The chaos that follows when the canon characters of Naruto meet an original character, who seems to be the unforunate creation of one with dull or limited imagination...

Dilemmas of an Original Character

"Right... I heard of your kind. The Original Character... our superiors warned us about your kind..." Shikamaru drawled.

The girl blinked in surprise.

"She is an OC?" Naruto demanded in surprise.

"I know... she looks so normal. Shoulder length black hair... not even stupidly long hair. Brown eyes, not even that pretty" Neji narrowed his eyes as he activated his Byakugan.

Her face fell.

"What is your name?" Kiba asked.

"Um Anna," she said hesitantly.

"Heck your voice even sound normal... Does your name mean anything? Like something divine?" TenTen asked.

"I don't think so. But it is spelt the same back to front?" Anna, the OC offered.

Their faces fell.

"Are you the sole survivor of some clan, and happen to possess an amazing Advanced Bloodline Limit?" Hinata asked politely.

She shook her head.

"Are you extremely graceful and talented with ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu?" Kiba sniffed. "You don't even smell special," he added.

Again a shake of her head.

"Is your singing heavenly? And aren't you meant to make every single male Canon character fall in love with you?" Ino demanded.

Another shake of the head.

"Fine then, are the daughter of some Kage or illegitimate child? And were your parents forbidden to marry thus they ran away to get married and so on?" Sakura asked.

Anna gave a sigh and shook her head.

"Any demon sealed inside you? Are you the twin or relative to some main character?" Shino asked.

"Again no."

There was a awkward silence.

"What kind of OC are you!" they finally bellowed.

"One created by one with dull or limited imagination?" she offered meekly.

"Whatever, we are going. Maybe we can run into a more interesting OC," they decided as they walked off.

After a couple minutes Anna let out a relieved sigh.

"Finally, I thought they would never leave," she sighed, her voice changing to sound majestic.

With a graceful wave of her hand, her genjutsu fallen. "Ha! Celestial of the Starshadow Clan conquers all again because she is godlike and she talks in third-person," she declared, tossing her incredibly long and shiny black hair.

Her eyes, resembling the stars in the night sky, shone brightly. "Lucky Celestial spotted them with her Advanced Bloodline Limit, eye jutsu, that surpassed both Sharingan and Byakugan," she sighed. "And her genjutsu is so powerful that not even the Byakugan, which can see through all genjutsu, saw through hers. And lucky she can control her third-person speaking when around other characters."

"Well Celestial should better get back home to her adopted father, the Kage of Mist or else he would be worried," she decided, flouncing off.

The End

A/N: This was written when I was thirteen.

2006-01-17 - Dilemmas of an Original Character published.
2011-02-13 - Slight update to replace line breaks.
