Well, I started on the next chappie! Um...I know I didn't really...wait till I got reviews for the prolouge...but...i just felt like making the next chappie and posting it, just becuz...flames welcome! luv ya!


Chapter 1: Awake and Healing

'Damn my head hurts!' were Sesshoumaru's first thoughts waking up. 'Where am I?' He looked around his surroundings, everything still blurry from sleepiness. As his sight cleared, he saw a young girl laying next to a tree beside him, sleeping. Suddenly, the girl awoke and they just stared into eachothers eyes for several moments. Recognition flashed in Sesshoumaru's memory. 'It's that girl! That wench that accompanies Inuyasha...' As he started to sit up, the girl hurried to him, pushing him back down into the strange bedding.

"You must lay down and rest! Any movement could cause your wounds to reopen!" she practically yelled.

"Who are you to give me orders?" Sesshoumaru replied, staring openly at her, as she started to calm down. She sat quietly, as Sesshoumaru studied her. Then he asked, "What is your name?" She just sat there silently for a few moments, as he started to get impatient. Before he had the chance to demand an answer, she replied.

"Kagome. Higurashi Kagome."

"Why have you brought me here," he asked, trying to remember the events of when he was last awake.

"I found you lying in the woods," she replied, still quiet and shy sounding. Then all of his memories came back. 'That bastard!' Sesshoumaru thought, as he began to become angry and guilty all at the same time. 'Naraku will pay for taking what is mine!' Sesshoumaru glanced over at the girl, staring at him with fear in her eyes.

"You are a priestess, correct?" Sesshoumaru asked, calming himself enough to speak placidly.

"Um...yes, I am." she replied, looking dumbfounded.

"Heal my wounds. I must leave immediately." he demanded, starting to pull off the bandages.

"What! Are you crazy! I've never had to heal wounds that large!" Kagome cried, looking nervous.

"I must go to battle, and take back what has been stolen from me."

"Well..." Kagome contemplated, " I can try, but don't blame me if you get some part of your body burned!" She turned to Sesshoumaru, placing her hands on his chest. 'Wow, he has soft skin...dammit girl! Concentrate!' She pushed her powers from her hand to his body, healing him.

Sesshoumaru stood up, looked down on the girl, and drew his claw along her collarbone. "I will repay you for your services." he said, disappearing in a flash of white light.

Well...thats the 1st chappie thingamabob..heehee reviews r good for making better stoooooooorrrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeesssss! heeheehee!

Just press the blue buuuuuuuuttttttttoooooonnn! heehee