
"Glorious! It is the Valentines' Day of which everyone shows their affection towards other." Starfire shouted as she got up from bed. At that moment, Robin was getting up.

"Oh no, Valentines' Day. Everyone is going to be expecting me to make my move." Robin said out loud.

The week before….

"Hey Robin" called Beastboy and Cyborg deviously "Next week is Valentines Day, and you know what you are finally going to do?" Beastboy asked

"What?" The boy questioned

"Man, it's so obvious. You are finally going to ask Starfire on a date," Cyborg replied.

"What? Why? I can't!" Robin shouted as he backed away from the other boys. His hands were waving in front of him and his face blushing bright red.

"Yes you are Robin," said a monotone voice from behind him. He turned around and looked at Raven.

"You agree with them?" he asked

"Well yeah, are you forgetting that I was in your mind, I saw some things and felt your feelings. I know that you love Starfire" she replied.

"L…Love. What do you mean love? I don't love her, I just…just like her a lot, and that's all guys!" said the boy wonder as he backed into the wall

"You are going to finally do what your heart wants you to do, and that is final!" They all shouted united. Robin looked down, and finally said,

"Okay, I will. I promise."

"Good, and I am going to make sure you do," said Raven.

End flashback

How am I going to do this?

He thought to himself. He had been getting dress while thinking of the flashback. He walked out the room and saw Starfire down the hall.

Oh no! I gotta hide!

So he ran the other way, and went to the kitchen.

How do I do this? I want to but, I can't ask her myself. It's just tough for a guy like me to do. Hmm, and I'm supposed to be the leader.

Then, an idea popped in his head.

He started to cook pancakes as Starfire walked into the room. She walked over to the counter and sat down.

"Good morning Robin" she said.

"Hey Star, hold on a sec. I'm making breakfast." He replied. He put the batter on the stove and started to flip them until they were cooked. Then he put them on a plate and got the whipped cream and put it on the top of the pancakes.

"Hey ya'll, happy Valentines' Day!" Called out Cyborg as he, Raven and Beastboy walked into the room. They all surrounded Starfire as Robin was about to give her the pancakes. He sat the whipped cream in front of Starfire, and then put the plate of pancakes in front of her. The others looked at Robin as he finished making the pancakes for himself and the other. Suddenly, they all heard a squeak. Everybody, except Robin, turned to Starfire as she stared at her meal in delight. She floated off her chair, and went over to Robin. The next thing they all knew, Starfire was giving Robin a hug and then a kiss and saying,

"I love you too Robin and I shall accept your date!"

The rest of the titans looked over at her plate of pancakes and noticed a message written in whipped cream. It read,

Starfire, I love you, and I would be honored if you would go on a date with me.