Hello, all! I apologize deeply for not updating in the last lifetime. To be honest, I just sort of lost interest in writing this fanfiction for a long time. I had forgotten where I wanted it to go and just lost interest in writing any fanfiction whatsoever (my Life with Derek fanfiction is long overdue as well). However, here's an update to fill in the gap between the previous date and the big surprise! … Okay, it's not that big, but enjoy it!  I want to thank all of you who actually inspired me to write again. :D

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people, places, or things from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

Cody had gone through the entire week thinking about his scheduled date with Maddie and spent most of his time replaying certain moments of their previous date. The dinner, the hand holding, the carbide back. All of it was still engraved in his memory and he hoped it was okay to consider both the previous and planned meetings as "dates". I mean, they were alone together eating dinner and making occasional physical contact that sent chills of excitement throughout their bodies. Or at least his. On Wednesday, he was caught dazing into space at work; Cody never did that. The next day, he ran into a guy on the streets because his mind was occupid by a particular blonde. He knew it was insane to be thinking about a girl - or rather woman – so much only after seeing her twice after ten years.

By the time Friday night rolled around, he was both exhausted from work and excited about the next day. Once he got into his apartment, he took off his coat and headed towards the balcony as per usual. He passed his blinking answering machine and paused for a second, turning back around to check the new message.

Once he pressed the "play" button, a familiar voice came up and said, "Hi, sweetie! It's me, mom!"


"Hi, sweetie! It's me, mom!" the answering machine said to a sixteen-year-old Cody, "I took Zack out to practice driving. Don't worry we'll practice tomorrow. In the meantime, Maddie volunteered to babysit for the rest of the afternoon!"

"Ugh, mom!" Cody groaned out loud to himself, "I'm sixteen, I don't need a babysitter."

"Before you start complaining," the answering machine continue, "I'll just let you know that she really insisted on it. She said something about protecting you from Jaelyn. Okay, love you, bye!"

Cody groaned again and slouched down into the couch. Jaelyn was the gorgeous candy counter girl-in-training. She was a year and a half older than Cody and a year and a half younger than Maddie. Although everyone else liked Jaelyn, Maddie was not fond of her but was forced to be nice by Mr. Moesby. Anyone with eyes knew that Jaelyn had a huge crush on Cody. But why would Maddie want to "protect" him from her? It wasn't like Jaelyn was a bad person.

"Cody?" Maddie asked from the other side of the door as she knocked lightly.

Cody got up and opened the door for her and smiled, "Hey, Maddie!"

"Hey! I guess it'll just be the two of us tonight," she said and they both continued to smile.

"Yeah. My mom said something about Jaelyn and you. What was that about?" Cody asked.

Maddie shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the couch, "Jaelyn offered her time to babysit you after hearing that I used to be your babysitter."

"But she's practically my age!"

"I know!"

Cody paused, "You know that I'm old enough to take care of myself, right?"

"Of course I know that. But just because she's going to be the new candy counter girl next semester doesn't mean she's allowed to replace me," Maddie said and pouted.

Cody smiled in amusement, "Of course not. She'll never replace you. But you do know it's been a couple of years since you last babysat us."

"I know. I just wanted make sure she didn't get the position," she replied with a satisfied smile, "And she didn't."

(End Flashback)

Cody stared at the answering machine playing his mother's voice, "I forgot to tell you that they opened up a new Tipton Hotel in your area and Mr. Tipton requested that Mr. Moesby check it out and that I perform. He said Zack could come along, too. I think our tickets said we would arrive on Saturday at 7:00 PM. Can you pick us up? Call me back, sweetie. Okay, love you, bye!"

Cody smiled after the message finally ended. Apparently, his mom still had a tendency to leave extremely long messages. His smile suddenly faded when it clicked in his mind what his mother just said. She was coming to visit him after seven years and she wasn't going to be alone. His twin brother, Zack, was to go with her. It wasn't that he wasn't excited because he really was. It was just that he had finally learned to separate himself from the protection and sheltering personalities of his family. He learned how create a whole different personality separate from his twin and he also learned how to survive without hiding behind either of them. It was so sudden that they were both going to be back in his life. Not only was Maddie back in his life, but everyone else, too.

Oh shoot. Maddie.

Cody walked anxiously to his balcony for both fresh air and a look at the lights to keep himself calm. He paced back and forth and looked over the ledge. He had forgotten about Maddie, but now that he remembered, he knew what he had to do. He needed to stop any feelings for her immediately. His brother, Zack, was coming to New York and if he found out about their little "date" and the one scheduled for the next day, he wasn't sure what Zack would do. Maddie was Zack's first love and, for all Cody knew, she was his only love. Cody remembered that Zack used to get pretty obsessive when they were younger. Cody always thought it was a crush and often told him that the feelings would blow over, but that never happened. Instead, Zack's feelings just got words.


"I'm sorry, Max. I really am," Zack said into his cellphone as Cody walked into the room,"Yeah… I'll see you tomorrow. Bye."

"What was that all about?" Cody asked after Zack hung up.

"I, uh, told Max that I couldn't go to prom with her. I told her I was going stag."

"WHAT!" Cody looked at him like he was crazy, "You turned down MAX? Did it just happen to slip your mind that every guy in the senior class wants to date her?"

"If you're so hot about her, why don't you go with her?" Zack said gloomily.

"Because she didn't ask me, she asked you, duh."


"Why won't you go with her? And not even as friends…"

Zack mumbled something incoherent and all Cody caught was "promise" and "dance".

Cody rolled his eyes, "What? I can't hear you."

"Maddie promised me she would dance with me at my prom," he said clearly and got up, "Forget it. You don't understand. I mean, how would you? We're not the same person."

Zack left the room, leaving Cody confused more than ever. Especially since Zack said the last sentence with an obvious emphasis. It was then that it dawned on him that after three years since Maddie left for college, Zack never got over her and never got over that single fight between them that involved Cody at the end of the conversation.

(End Flashback)

Cody groaned and ran his hand frustratedly though his hair. He took out his cell phone and called Maddie.

"Hello?" Maddie answered her phone.

Cody smiled at the sound of her voice and replied, "Oh hey, Maddie. It's me, Cody."

"Hi, Cody! What's up?"

Cody sighed and replied, "Nothing much except for the part where we can't hang out tomorrow because my family is coming over."

"Really?" Maddie asked excitedly.

'Yeah, remember how we visited the Tipton the other day? Yeah, they're all staying there."

"Wow," Maddie said and then paused, "Oh wait, I remember London telling me that she and Todd were going to visit. I guess they can stay at the Tipton for free."

"You still talk to London?" Cody asked, not really shocked but was still somewhat surprised.

"Of course. We're still really close despite the distance of the ocean."

"That's good," was all Cody could say, "When are London and Todd coming?"

"They're going to Boston first, then they'll be here tomorrow at 7:00 PM."

"I doubt it's a coincidence that my family and London are coming on the same day," Cody said sadly.

"What's wrong? You should be happy. We can go pick them up together," Maddie said in her usual cheerful voice.


"Cody, sweetie, can you drive to the grocery store and pick up some fruit juice for my fruit juice cocktail?"

"What? Why?" he asked, sitting In the lobby with Zack. Ever since he got his license he's been doing all the driving. If only Zack didn't make that one last mistake during the behind-the-wheel test, Cody wouldn't have so many different responsibilities.

"I just found out that Mr.Moesby's brother is coming back to visit and we all know how much he loved my fruit cocktail," Carey said with a nod of her head. Mr. Moesby's brother practically hogged all of it.

"But mom, it's almost 9:30 PM. It's dark! What if someone robs me?" He made up, giving her the puppy dog look he had carried from his elementary days.

Carey pointed at him, "Don't give me that face, mister."

Just then, Maddie chimed in, "I'll go with him, Carey! I have to get fruit for my family anyway and I'll make sure no one robs him."

Cody shot Maddie a confused look and Zack suddenly yelled, "I want to go!"

Carey shook her head, "No, you need to help me cook!"

"I want to help cook!" Cody exclaimed.

"No, you have your license. You drive. Maddie'll go with you; Hurry up because he comes at 10:30 PM."

Zack groaned as Carey dragged him into the elevator.

"Do you really need five different fruit juices for your family?" Cody asked Maddie.

She smiled and shook her head, "No, but we can go pick them up together."

(End Flashback)

"Right, we can pick them up together. How about I pick you up at 6:00 PM so we can hang out before they come?" Cody proposed, knowing that he shouldn't. She agreed and he hung up, feeling hopeful and giddy when it came to Maddie.

All of his giddiness over Maddie seemed to wash almost instantly with guilt for his brother. He remembered that once Zack got off the plane, the first thing he would see of New York would be Cody and Maddie. Together. Oh joy.

Be sure to review! I'm interested to hear what you all think will happen and how you liked this chapter.  Until the next update (which will be sooner than a couple of months, I promise), have fun!

- Lina