"Such a know-it-all," Pirika muttered under her breath, as yet again the teacher praised Tao Ren. He just smirked arrogantly, while his fan girls seated behind him ooh-ed and aah-ed in unison. She was sick of him, sick of all the jealous fan girls who hated anyone who even dared breathe around their idol, and therefore 'contaminating him', and sick of the stupid biased teachers. Besides, SHE was a more deserving student than he. "Pirika! Answer this question!" yelled the math torturer, also known as a teacher. She stood up, stared at the sum on the blackboard, and sheepishly grinned. Uh- ok, maybe not.

"I HATE HIM," she complained to her brother HoroHoro. "I mean, there are limits, you know. Too much boasting could kill him one day. He is SUCH AN IDIOT." HoroHoro shrugged. He didn't like the Chinese Shaman much either, but he was too hungry to care. "What's for lunch?" he asked lazily, as a loud grumble from his stomach confirmed his starved state. "You greedy pig, onii-chan, I'm talking to you! Whatever, we're not eating lunch today," she huffed threateningly. HoroHoro almost fell from his chair. "Noooooooooooooo!" he shrieked, pouncing on poor Pirika. "WE…MUST…EAT! We… must…eat…" he repeated faintly, as Pirika's face turned the same colour as her hair, and he loosened his grip on her. "Gomen nasai, " he apologized. She choked. "Never mind. I'll try and make some ramen for us both… but you've got to promise me you'll listen to whatever I say about that stupid Tao Ren."

After two minutes HoroHoro had completed his meal, but still had to listen to Pirika rant about the "Almighty Tao". He sighed. " The way you're going on and on about him, I'd almost think you like him," he pointed out. Pirika coughed. "Excuse me? That pathetic loser?" She almost screamed. HoroHoro winced. "I take that back," he mumbled. " Yes, you should. What do those girls see in him anyway… he's so … argh…" she grumbled, listing all his bad points. Or those she made up anyway.

The next morning, Pirika hated her math teacher even more. "I have come up with a fantastic way of helping the poorer students," announced the teacher, looking at Pirika. She rolled her eyes. " We shall assign one peer tutor to each weak pupil. I will now read the list of the pairs out. Tao Ren, you shall be tutoring… ah, Pirika." Wails of envy filled the class, as all the fan girls proceeded to stare me down. Tao Ren just shrugged. There was nothing he could do about it. However, nobody knew that Pirika was secretly cursing her math teacher in her mind.

Upon hearing this latest update on "That Infuriating Tao Ren", HoroHoro began to laugh uncontrollably. "Serves you right for not passing math," he smirked. Pirika placed her hands on her hips. "Right. By the way, there's no dinner tonight." HoroHoro instantly ceased all laughter. "WHAT?" "You heard me. I'm not in the mood to make ramen." She said hotly. "No! I take back what I said… " Moaned HoroHoro. She cocked her head sideways. "Well, maybe if you listen to me speak without interrupting," she murmured, and a deal was made.

It became a routine- each day, Pirika would come back home complaining about Tao Ren whilst HoroHoro pretended to listen, and then Pirika would threaten not to cook and he would plead her. Soon the tutoring had to start- and Pirika was counting down the days with dread. " We have to start soon," she moaned. "What's worse, he has to come over…"