A/N This is a short pointless one shot butI hope you like it. Dedicated to my freind (and beta) stephers! You get a basket of cookies! cookies for all.
The fight!
Heero would never admit his mistake. Never! He was a selfish bastard as far as Duo was concerned. After being together for two years, you think the perfect soldier would have figured out not to do something like that. He may not be a relationship guru but everyone knows not to do 'that'!
Duo was so angry, there was nothing that could make him more angry at this moment. He was so angry that after he found out what Heero did, he kicked him out of the house, locked the doors, and threw out all his clothing. Duo then made sure the house was tighter then fort Knox to make sure that there was no way Heero could get in without Duo being able to get off two shots first.
Duo felt confident in his house now that it was Heero proof, so confident that he turned up the TV's volume and went into the kitchen to make some comfort food. Maybe if he had something sugary and sweet his sorrows would just melt away…If only for the moment.
> > >
Heero just couldn't understand why Duo was so angry at him. Sure he broke the rules and had a little taste behind his back, but still that was no reason to get all prissy. It wasn't that big a deal. But then again, maybe to Duo it was, Heero thought. Well, obviously since he was now staying a Wufei's for the night.
Heero figured it was time to swallow his pride and make an apology. Even if Duo didn't accept it, he still had to try. At least he could say he tried.
> > >
-Ding Dong-
"Coming!" Duo yelled, after pulling a baking sheet filled with chocolate ship cookies out of the oven. Duo opened the door and was faced with… Heero.
"Duo open this door now!" Heero yelled from the other side of the door, banging furiously several times.
After sliding the padlock in place, Duo leaned against the door "NO! Go away you bastard! I said I don't want to see your face ever again!"
"I came to apologize! Duo let me in!"
" You're 'apology' will not be accepted! Go away! Go back to Wufei's, I'm sure you can have all you want there!"
"I want in!"
"Too bad you greedy bastard!"
Oh great, Heero's using the pleading voice. Well, Heero can kiss my ass 'cause I don't care! "NO!"
"LAHAHAHAHAHA!" Duo used the Childish-But-Oh-So-Effective-Block-Out-with-Loud-Babble technique. Heero was sunk, Duo had won, and he was off to eat one of his delicious cookies. The trip to the kitchen was uneventful, but once Duo entered the kitchen the mud flew again.
"Heero… how did you get in!" Duo stuttered, half amazed, half shocked.
"I went through the back door you baka."
Curses, Duo inwardly groaned, forgot to lock that door.
"Well, what do you want?"
"Duo I'm sorry, alright! I promise, cross my heart and hope to die that I will never do that again. I need you love. Please don't be angry, we can move past this." Heero said, doing a flawless job pleading and begging for forgiveness. And as much as it pained Duo to admit it, he did miss his Japanese lover.
"Alright! Okay! But only on one condition! Don't you even think about doing that ever again, you got it?" Duo gave a glare that rivalled Heero's infamous one.
"Promise!" Heero yelled as he grabbed Duo around the waist, bringing their lips together.
"I say we take this upstairs" Duo whispered huskily in Heero's ear.
Duo grabbed Heero's hand and started leading him to the stairs, but before Heero was out of the kitchen, he managed to grab a hold of one cookie and immediately began to devour it.
"Oh Heero, I missed you so mu---" Duo's sentence he turned around and saw Heero eating one of his cookies.
"You bastard! YOU PROMISED!"
"I can't help it! They're so good! I can't just stop at one!"
"I gave you one and then you took another! Those are mine!"
"I'm sorry!"
"AHHHH!" Duo screamed, picking up a nearby cookie sheet and began to beat Heero. "You promised you wouldn't-- and then you went ahead and did it again!" He continued to beet away at his boyfriend, showing no signs of remorse.
"Ow DUO ow I'M ow SORRY!"
A/N This maybe a oneshot but i would still like some reviews!