Prologue: His Emotions Swell

The beginning of a new story, one loosely based on the fan-poem I wrote in my adolescence. It may or may not be rewritten and included into this piece come later chapters but for now just enjoy this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own characters from any of the Final Fantasy games they are the property of Square Enix.

Silver threads glistening within the morning glow capturing the awe of the young man who stood still at the top of the cobble stone steps. Many years had long since past the adventures in Ivalice that the five of them had share so long ago they were verging on graduation and their lives had only seemed to grow more and more complicated with each passing day. He was no different. The golden haired young man with the long ponytail that rested midriff bound into place by a simple blue ribbon that she had said looked cute the very same that drew all manner of insults from his immature peers. Aside from the only two people that really mattered to him. She had finished climbing the stairs her long threads of silver and white cascading down her slender delicate looking frame that was grabbed in a fine pink dress that was adorn and trimmed with white lace. He was silent for only a moment as his azure eyes ran along her body as if to breathe in her radiance until his eyes met her green pools that looked at him softly with a quizzical gaze.

"Marche, how long do you intend to stand there staring at me?" She teased gently as she nudged her elbow into his side only to step past him with a provocative sway of her hips. A soft blush rose onto his face before dusted off the white buttoned long sleeve shirt he wore that was tucked neatly into the black slacks he wore with a simple brown leather belt fastening them firmly in place. She smiled at him as she turned to face him.

"You look like a proper gentleman as usual Marche." His mirthful smile followed as he gave a shallow bow.

"And you the proper Lady, Miss Malheur." Ritz gave sharp snort as she began a fit of laughter in response to Marche's words and gestures.

"Thanks I needed that to be honest I was a little nervous about dressing up like this I mean I don't think it suits me and who knows what that Lyle-ass is going to comment about." Her words drifting along his ears like a soft violin playing gently on a snowy winter's night. It was apparent to him it always had been and it ate him up from the inside: He was in love with Ritz. Fear of rejection, fear of ruining what they had and finally the fear of losing her held his tongue down like the cold steel of prison shackles. I sensation he'd never forget from Ivalice. The week of self-subjugate imprisonment to get pardon though even then he thought of Ritz but not quite as strongly as he does now, not quite so fondly or strongly no then he had suffered from fear of being hated. The simple reason at the time he was destroying their dream world. But alas he was digressing within his own thoughts so much so that he had blanked out and upon realizing it he felt her cold hand pressed up against his forehead. Soft like silk would be perhaps how he would describe the sensation. Her words hit his ears again as his hue reddened.

"You feeling okay, Marche? You're blanking out on me." Her voice was softer and her concern and worry was very apparent in her expression as her soft pale facial features sank. Gently he grabbed her hand with his own and pulled it away. He smiled.

"Do not worry I was only lost in thought. It is that 'Day's' anniversary today and all." Which was partially true to some extent but he hoped she wouldn't catch on he after all was a horrible liar.

"Alright if you say so but one word of advice drooling is a dead give away." She giggled as she skipped ahead of him as he frantically felt his chin for any trance of saliva. None. He groaned softly under his breath. Why did she tease him like that all the time? He could never tell if she knew or if she was just trying to mess with him due to her being oddly oblivious at instances in which he had tried to make his feelings clearer. Yet she did not notice any of his subtleties. He sighed heavily then gave a soft growl. Her hands grasp gingerly onto his left arm and she tugged. A soft hue of blush slightly visible on her face but that could be the effects of her makeup.

"Come on Marche, let's go if we stay like this too long we'll be late for school!" As she hugged onto his arm pulling him forward while walking backwards. Spring was beginning to emerge and the snow had begun to melt. Just like the day they had finally come home and who knows maybe this day would bring other miracles too? He chuckled softly as Ritz continued to pull him along.