I don't own the characters... Even if I have no proof, I own the original idea of making Tenten a maid so please stop stealing this idea...

United Tale

Chapter 9: Bastard!

"Tenten… Don't fear, don't claim guilt to things you didn't do, don't fail to protect others with your talents, and don't regret yesterday's deeds… "


After the first day they met, Hinata felt herself attached to Naruto. They exchanged doves (which delivers messages through the window), and met together for several other dances. She couldn't tell whether she was attracted to his easy-going characteristic, his handsome smile, or just because he was Naruto. She forced herself to learn how to make the "Eastern-noodle" to appease him.

One night, the couple won a second place for couple dancing—the judges took off points because Hinata wore a robe instead of a dress. Hinata felt bad for it, she knew Naruto was anticipated a first place when he invited her to dance tonight.

"Hinata, do you want to take the price home?" He waved the silver coated reward in front of her, his smile as bright as always. "Although I wouldn't mind bring it back to where I live, I'm sure you wish to take it as a memoir…"

Hinata hugged him from behind, "You are angry, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You are angry that we didn't win the first place…" Hinata felt her face saddened, curse it, I might cry again. "If only I had a dress that I could take out from my place without getting the guards noticing…"

"You have to escape from your mansion? Don't you get excuse?"

"I…" Hinata knew Naruto would treat her differently if she told him she entitled the name "heiress". He probably would stop teasing her, and possibly stay away altogether. He is going to act like the other guard. She tossed herself between exposing her true identity or lying to him, it was a dilemma. "Well, all Hyuugas have a restricted schedule, depending on their position from the heiress. Such that, a heiress would have the strictest set of rules. Since I am one of the younger daughters, I have less restricted rules to follow. Although I did told my father that I would be in town, I didn't necessary mention I would be meeting a boy…"

Hinata tailed off, wry that Naruto would not trust her. She kept her eyes down, afraid any part of her facial expression would betray her.

"Is that so? Okay."

Then he cancelled all the dates for the next few months. This shocked Hinata when she received a note from Naruto's dove that indicated he would be busy with outside meetings. Although part of her believed Naruto distrusted her tale, she hung on and waited for him.

One summer morning, a dove—his dove dropped a message that direct her to meet in front of the East gate by dawn.

Hinata's face was soaked with joy as she threw on her robe and dash outside before dawn. Naruto was waiting for her with his usual orange zipper jacket and bright smile. They walked through the forest silent, enjoyed each other's comfortable company. To be exact, Naruto walked comfortably next to her while she tried and failed to start a casual conversation.

"Hinata, do you want to dance tonight? I believe the summer festival is opening tonight."

Before her mouth slipped an immediate agreement, Hinata realized she didn't dress for the occasion. Sadly, she replied, "I would love to… but I don't have a proper dress…"

"You see the flowers over there?"

"Uh?" Hinata was bewildered by Naruto's suddenly change of subject, but she looked at where his finger directed. There a bed of violet flowers laid peacefully, closely guarded by two tall oak trees and abundance amount of yellow buttercups.

"Here, pull this." Naruto handed Hinata a handle made with leather. Hinata hesitated at first—would this be some sort of trap he wish to revenge upon me?—but obeyed afterward. A door emerged behind the violet flowers secretly. Gently, Naruto lead her into the little cottage. Inside the cottage was a simple one room design with some mauve curtains and several chairs.

"Do you like it? It's yours now. I named it violet mansion, although it's definitely not as grand and opulent as where you are living now."

"But sir… why?"

"I don't know. First instinct, I guess." Naruto scratched the back of his messy lock, "I thought you might need it… for private thoughts and whatnot. But the real price is behind the curtains, why don't you take a look?"

Hinata stepped behind the curtains, a beige laced dress with purple prints on top revealed in front of her. She was in a lost of words.

"You said you lack a dress, so I asked my friend Sakura to get one for you since I don't know too much about dresses. And I stored it here so you could change before you meet me." Naruto grinned while his gentle eyes brushed up against her redden face, "Shall we dance?"

This time she cried, and hugged him while swirled in happiness.

Time flew by, soon her father mention she had to look for a guy to settle down. Hinata's first thought was Naruto, but then she realized she doesn't know anything about his occupation.

"…The basic rule of marriage you must follow is only marry those who are as worthy as you, unless he is a prince of this land. You mustn't love or ask to love a lower rank human-being, as this blindness of love would only hurt you in the end."

"Naruto..." She listened to his heart beat as she cuddle in his board chest, "What isyour permanent occupation?"

One night in the early fall, the couple spread themselves onto nature's green mattress. Fire flies dangled around them as the blue night sky showed off its marvelous collection of stars. Naruto looked at her oddly, "Why do you ask?"

"Because… I want to know more about you?" She selected her words wisely, praying to herself that Naruto wouldn't know her true intentions. She remembered she swore to herself that she would never love another creature who doesn't serve the same position, or in other words, a commoner.

But what would matter? She didn't know. At this moment, she only wished Naruto does origin from an upper class. "…you must only marry those who are as worthy as you…"

"I guess I can say I work for the prince…" He sat up, eyes scratched to the furthest sky in the village, "In a way, I am his body guard."

He works for the prince? "Would you consider your position grand… as grand as the heiress of our family?"

"It depends on how to define it, but if you ask me, I would say I am more of a commoner to your heiress."

She felt her heart died that night.

If only…I was more common when I was born to this world…
If only…somebody else would take the title heiress for me…
Then I would spoil myself in your embrace…Naruto…


This very moment, Tenten missed her old friends, especially Ino. Although she didn't mind having private time with heiress Hinata and escaping from serving bastard Neji, it didn't mean she would enjoy hearing a personal love life from her.

She recalled why Ino was the perfect buffer for her and Sakura. While Sakura is a definite good hunter by skills, she has troubled love life for dating one of the most arrogant and stubborn guy. During one of those "girl talks" with Ino, Tenten could safely excuse herself to vomit in the bathroom, romance-talk intolerable. The truth is, she carries no interest in romance, period. There is a reason why she chose to become a hunter, instead of get marry early and have a dozen babies.

In addition, Hinata heiress's story was abstract. After a whole while of listening, she concluded that: The Hyuuga have a weird set of rules for marriage; heiress fell in love with guy one, he refused her love; heiress wanted to suicide herself but fell in love with guy two, who apparently loves her back; heiress found out that guy two's position, and figured she shouldn't love him; therefore, Tenten should solve all this chaos right now.

Excuse me? What am I to the Hyuuga, a magic puppet?

"What do you think, Miss Tenten?" Hinata asked with a warm yet sad smile.

Shit. Here comes the option part. Why, Ino or Sakura, why aren't you people here when I need you? "Um, I think…"

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything… I just don't know whether I should continue to love him anymore… quite pathetic, right? I mean…"

"Why don't you become a knight?"

"For a heiress to get lost in thoughts for something unimportant…"

"…because that's who I am, and I'm proud of it…"

Sparks of past striked Tenten, as her mind drifted off once again.


A tanned figure dashed through the forest with admirable speed. His left arm held a long wooded spar. He climbed behind the target and whispered, "I am thankful, but sorry."

The trees stopped rattling.

Dok. Dok. Dok.

A young girl swung powerfully at the practice target with her sharpened needles. So far, her had perfect aim as all the needles lined up in the centered red dot. Hee, just one more to go, and I will break my record!

A swift figure blocked her needle from flying to the perfect aim, and the young girl immediately knew who did it.

"Dad! I almost have a perfect target practice!" She frowned with distaste, tabbing her feet on the ground.

"Why, why, such un-lady-like behavior, didn't I warn you about the magic word? Hm?" The tall man asked, but he handed back the needle to her anyway.

"Thank you, dad." She smiled widely and made her last swing, which landed perfectly on the target.

"You've been practicing hard, eh Tenten?" The man sat Tenten on his lap, "Would you like to see how your needles would work better with a handful of motify?"

A wine bottle flew across the peachy sky, and landed directly on the his head.

"Mr. hunter-of-village… Didn't I tell you not to show Tenten anymore weapons? What if she harmed herself? You idiot!" Tenten's mother screeched at him, unsatisfied. While she continued to yell at him, he turned to Tenten and gave her a childish smile.

Tenten grinned back and headed to her dad's workshop.

It was unclear to why Tenten took interest at weapons. But ever since she was small, she would sneaked into her dad's weapon workshop and watch him devise or refine the weapons. His collection went over a hundred, and Tenten always found herself fantasized at each and everyone as she took close attention at different sharpness, the apparent differences and the proper way to operate them. Her dad never ceased her from going into his workshop, and sometimes even explained to her how each works. By the time she reached five, Tenten was training with her dad everyday with everything from bare hands to metal weapons that her mom screeched on. Tenten not only took the training as something she entertained upon, but also as a hobby to refine her weapons.

A summer night arrived, a knight knocked on Tenten family's door, hoped to speak to her father. Few mintues later, the peaceful talk turned into a dreadful beg, as the knight pleaded, "But sir, you would be such benefit to the nation! Furthermore your family would bene…"

He just closed the door.

"Dad, who was that?"

"Him? He is a knight from the king." Her dad picked her up and settled her on his lap. "He came to ask me to join the knights and be their commander."

"Oh. Why don't you become a knight, then?" She looked up innocently at him.

"Tenten… There is so many things that I could've done with myself, that includes joining the knights.

"However, there is a fine line that separates a duty from a passion. I like hunting, the challenge faced upon a quarrelsome animal, the fear every day it brought upon, was awarding to me.

"I am a hunter because the village needs me, because I enjoy being one, because that's who I am, and I'm proud of it…

"Tenten, in your life, you will also experience many different events, like the way you shoot your targets, there are many that you knew you aim at, however, there is one golden rule you must follow…Don't fear, don't claim guilt to things you didn't do, don't fail to protect others with your talents, and don't regret yesterday's deeds…"

"Be who you wish to be, and aim for the best out of what you targeted, as this will lead to true happiness…"

Tenten let his words sunk into her mind. "Dad, I know what I want to do when I grew up."

"Really? Spill then."

"I'd like to study about weapons and master all the different attacks. I'd like to devise my own weapons as well. I'd like to serve others with my skills. I'd like to stand strong when I fell into my own trap… I want to become a hunter, because it's what I enjoy."

She could feel her dad's chuckle behind her, eyes looked so soft like snow falls, melted into her heart.


"Hinata heiress… do you love Naruto, with your heart? Is it something that you cherish, with him?"

"Yes, Miss Tenten, but I…"

"Then what else matters?" Tenten's eyes sweeped onto Hinata's puzzled face. "My father once told me that I should only do what I wanted to do in life, thus, if you love Naruto so much (that you couldn't stop bothering me about it) you should continue to love him and think about the consequences later…"

The two ladies sat in silence for a while, then finally Hinata broke the awkward atmosphere between them, "Is that so…"

"Sorry if that didn't help." Tenten immediately interrupted, feared that the heiress would torture her for her big-mouth. "I just… um, speak from my…um…"

"No no, it's okay!" Hinata smiled warmly, "I'm glad I could talk to you like this, Miss Tenten, being a heiress, there isn't really anyone I could express as freely as this! Please don't apologize! Actually I should be apologizing…"

"Paradon?" She apologize to me? For what?

"Uh, never mind, it's really nothing…"

"Oh, okay then, heiress." Tenten bowed, however, she took note of Hinata's face changed when she still addressed her as "heiress".

"Let's head back to the mansion already, I don't want to make my father worry." And with this, they walked along the same path that took them here, silently. While Tenten walked, her ultra-sensitive hearing alerted her to stay behind.

"Heiress, I know it's rude for me to not escort you back to the mansion, but could I stay behind for a while, I haven't been this close to the woods for weeks, and being a hunter…"

"Oh, I understand." Hinata nodded, but pulled Tenten forward and bowed, "The note… I'm sorry!


"The threaten note that was sent to Neji, I didn't think he would have suspect that you did it! I just thought that if I wrote a note, then the guards would give all their attention to Neji instead of me, and give me a better chance to escape to see Naruto… I didn't…!"

So it was her, huh? "It's okay, heiress, the problem was solved anyway. One additional thing… I know how you hated to get label as 'heiress', however, I could not grant your wish to call you by your common name due to our position differences… however, I suppose I could call you madam, a less formal address, would that be fine…?"

Hinata's eyes sparkled in stars, "thank you so much, Miss Tenten, I don't know how to express my…"

"It's the least a maid could do." Tenten bowed.

"Ah, I better head back to the mansion now, hope you'll be assign to serve me in the future!"

After Hinata was far enough for that Tenten could no longer discern, she demanded from the forest, "Show yourself, up in the tree."

"Tsk, how long have you figure out I was here?"

"And how long have you been eavesdropping on girls, Neji sir?"

Neji hopped from his tree branch to the ground, where Tenten was standing, "I was too far to hear anything, and I've only been here a little while, after I was dismissed from the lecturing lunch I had with master Hiashi."

"Say, Neji sir… why do you addressed lord Hiashi by such honorable title? I thought…" Maybe it's time for me to thank him for saving me, even if he didn't help…

"It's none of your business." Neji quickly snapped, predicted where Tenten might lead this conversation to. Heck, the last time I told Sakura, it was bad enough.

"What if I DO care? Neji-SIR? What if I WANT to care?" Tenten fired back, that humble bastard, all I want to do is to ask him one question and THANK him,I wonder how many swords had shoveled to his ass?

He held no emotions. Good, I will continue to bitch at him until his face show some sort of color, "What if I really WISH to know the reason you act so DAMN crappy around me, or any other maids? What the hack, I was going to thank you for saving me, bastard! And what you do, snapped at me? I just try to see things through your point of view, to see how I could understand you better! You stupid mor…"

"Maybe because my parents are dead and it's all his fault! Okay? Happy now?" Neji snapped back, but faced away from her. "My parents are killed due to his stupid command, and that's why I called him as 'master'. I don't recognize him as anything but a fearsome man who should be over-turn someday."

"That's it? All your attitude resulted because your parents were killed only? Joke!" Tenten stomped furiously, but added quietly, "at least they didn't get their arms ripped off because of some sick people's entertainment…"

Neji stared at her, trying to understand what she implied, but Tenten didn't let him complete his thoughts.

"I was eight then, my father took me to a trip to hunt and understand geographic structure of land nearby. While we were traveling, we stumbled upon a rather poor village, and a gang of robbers were torturing an old lady for her only necklace that her husband gave her.

"My father hid me in the bushes and quickly went to help that old lady, it was unfortunate by the time he got there, she was dead. In addition, my father didn't know that this was only a small part of the gang. Soon before my eyes, there were well-over 20 people against my father.

"He didn't stood a chance. After a few moments of battling, they begun to cut and rip his legs out, chopping him up for fun. After the robbers entertained themselves enough, they left my father defendless on the ground.

"I never forgot how he suffered from pain as I ripped piece of clothing, hoping to bandage him. He told me to stop, get the map from his back pocket and run away. He explained to me that he sparkle some explosive powder onto one of those men, and how they will faced their fate sooner or later.

I recalled… I recalled that I asked him why did he save the old lady as I cried, she was so old and fragile, I said she wasn't worth wasting his life on.

He smiled, and told me that he was not saving the old lady, but her necklace. He handed me the necklace and ask me to string it upon her neck. I asked him why once again.

'Tenten, the old lady's necklace, whether we knew her or not, was probably very important to her… why should we watch her die with the most precious item stolen? Although I may seem like a fool now, there is something you should always remember…'"

Tenten suddenly stopped herself and looked at Neji, who looked directly back to her. There was something in his eyes that told her he was curious, offended, and even sorry for what he said. "Oh, what the hell bastard, you don't care, plus, only my father died, so my tragic is less significant, right? Ah, I better head back to the mansion now, why waste time on you when you don't care and I have much more important things to do such as ironing your bed sheets?"

"Wait…What did your father said?" Neji asked, but quickly covered his mouth, crud, I am showing too much interest in this girl. Withdraw while I still have time!

"Oh, so you did care, didn't you?" Tenten grinned wickedly, but told him anyway. " He told me he saved the lady, or her necklace, or whichever came first, 'because he doesn't need a reason to protect others.'"

Tenten walked back to the mansion afterwards, whiel Neji stood stolid on the same ground. He remembered that quote quite well, ah yes, it was from his first aggressive maid, Sakura. But something else also bothered him.

"Speaking of whom, you should really meet the brunette girl, she is tough and determine. She would probably change you."

"Tenten…?" He looked towards where Tenten left, but she was long out of sight.

Chapter 9 out after 2 months of complains and review stuffed to my mail box. I don't know whether I should be grateful or bothered. I just hope my stupid grammar wouldn't be the first thing you people complain (grumble).

Took me four hours. I was rushing to get the idea out before I forgot. Now I am's dying and shall be hospitalize for this trouble.

And good news for non-NaruHina fans, their flashback ended in this chapter, officially. From now on there should be less flash back. Hoo, don't I love flash backs…

Review, complains, questions, predictions, all are welcome.