
Chapter 1:

"No way!" Sue said, shaking her head and laughing. "I paid last time."

"It's your turn!" Myles persisted, as the waitress kept staring between all of them, unsure of what to do, as they kept laughing and casting each other glances.

"I don't think so mate! If I recall, it's been a long time since you've footed the bill for our celebratory breakfast." Bobby winked at Sue, who smiled even brighter and nodded.

"Or maybe it's Jack's turn?" Myles said with a smirk.

"Oh no." Jack replied quickly. "I just paid two times ago. Bobby's right Myles. You're turn to pay!" Myles grumbled as everyone came up against him, agreeing with Jack and Bobby.

"Fine. I'll pay." His anger didn't last long, as they sat there for a while longer, drinking their coffees and laughing, sharing memories of the last few years.

"We should really get back," Dimitrius announced, taking one last sip of his coffee. "Garrett will want to debrief us." The team started to gather their things, as Myles made his way up front to pay the bill. Jack hung around, taking longer, hoping that he might have the chance to talk with Sue a bit.

He had missed her company a lot during the last two weeks. The case they had just finished had kept them so busy, that they barely had even spoken, despite having scarcely left the bullpen. Normally, they would spend most of their work time together, and Jack had definitely noticed her absence. Not only did he miss her company, he was also worried about her. Though she laughed and smiled as always, he could tell something wasn't right.

The last case had been hard on all of them, but mostly on Sue. With the combined pressure of both lip reading and the stress of finding the serial killer they were chasing, Jack knew that she hadn't had the time to take care of herself properly. He noticed the bags under her eyes, and as much as he knew that she could take care of herself, and just needed time to recuperate, he wanted to at least let her know that he cared.

"Sue!" He said, as she and Lucy made to walk away from the table. Lucy tapped her on the arm and nodded in Jack's direction. She gave him her serene smile, and walked towards him. Lucy just grinned to herself and caught up to Tara, giving her two friends some privacy. He held the door open for her as they walked out of the restaurant and into the autumn sunlight.

"How are you doing?" She asked, after a few moments of silence. Jack couldn't help but grin. Here he wanted to talk to her about how she was doing, and it was her asking him.

"I'm alright. What I wanted to ask was how you are doing?" She looked at him, slightly taken aback.

"I'm fine." She responded with a smile. He just looked at her.

"Are you sure? Call me crazy but I've noticed those bags under your eyes and how tired you seem sometimes. Maybe you should take today off, just have a break."

"Are you saying that I look bad Jack Hudson?" She teased. Jack quickly tried to recover, having not intended at all to make it sound as if he thought she looked terrible

"No, no, not at all! I think you're beautiful…" He stopped quickly realizing what he just said. "I just mean that…um…" Sue grinned as she saw Jack's cheeks redden.

"I appreciate your concern Jack, but really I'm fine. This case was hard on all of us." Levi gave a bark and they both laughed.

"I think Levi agrees," Jack announced as the happy dog wagged his tail. He looked up and stared into Sue's piercing eyes. "You haven't been sleeping well, have you?" Sue didn't answer Jack, only kept walking. He touched her arm and she stopped.

"It's not a big deal." She said finally, regaining her step again.

"Of course it is," Jack started. "Is it the case that's bothering you?" Sue didn't answer, but Jack knew what she was thinking. The man they had caught had taunted her about her deafness, and though she put on a strong front, as always, he could tell that what he had said bugged her. It didn't help that the serial killer had been killing handicapped women. "You know what he said wasn't true." He said gently.

"I know." She responded quietly. "It's just…" They stopped just outside of the Hoover building, as everyone else continued on inside. Jack looked at her with concerned eyes. "I can't help but think sometimes, when cases like these come up, that it could have been…me…" What Sue liked most about Jack was how honest she felt she could be around him, especially when it came to her deafness and the troubles and heartache it caused in her life.

"Don't think like that." He said kindly. Losing himself in her soft eyes, he instinctively grabbed for her hand. "I know it's been hard but there are so many people who know what an amazing person you are."

"Thanks Jack." She said. He let go of her hand, somewhat embarrassed, but grinned all the same.

"No problem. Are you sure you don't want today off?"

"Really, It's alright. Anyways, I know the place can't function without me." Jack laughed, as they both walked into the building together.

"Lucy, can I see you in my office?" Ted Garrett's overpowering voice boomed in the bullpen. As quick as he had entered, he was gone again.

"I wonder what that's about…" Lucy said to Sue, getting up and walking out the bullpen door.

"Ten bucks says Lucy's in trouble…" Myles announced. Sue raised her eyebrows and him and he grinned sheepishly.

"Make that twenty." Bobby joined in; Sue glared at them both, but quickly softened and said,

"Lucy's not in trouble. If I'm right – you both pay for dinner. For me... and for Lucy." She announced, smiling.

"Deal!" Bobby said quickly, going over and shaking her hand. Sue went back to her computer and kept typing the report she needed to finish. Levi sat, napping at her feet, like an overgrown rug. Everyone else was either goofing off, or trying to accomplish a bit of work.

Ten minutes later, Lucy came sauntering back into the bullpen. Bobby and Myles both looked at each other, small frowns appearing on their faces.

"So Luce, what did Garrett want?" Jack asked, knowing that it couldn't be bad due to the look of joy on Lucy's face.

"Give me a two week vacation to Arizona!" She grinned.

"What? That's not fair!" Myles said heatedly.

"It's a course on administration and router work. I get to represent the Washington D.C. FBI. Pity I'm only staying in a Five Star Hotel with room service and a spa…" Sue turned to look at Jack, who looked at her and grinned, especially after seeing the look of indignation on Myles's face.

"Well I think Lucy deserves to have a nice break. After all, she's really what holds us together." Lucy grinned at what Tara said. "When do you leave?"

"In two days." She answered, returning back to her desk. Myles sat back down in his chair and glared at his computer, as Lucy regained her seat and started typing away happily, the smile still pasted on her face. Turning to Myles, Sue said,

"Don't worry Myles. At least you'll still have us!" He looked up from his desk, and gave her a small smile, which quickly disappeared as she continued. "Oh and by the way, Lucy and I will let you know when we want that dinner." He glowered at her.

"What dinner?" Lucy asked, her eyes twinkling.

"The one Bobby and Myles want to treat us too because I'm always right." Everyone except Myles burst out laughing.